Suffering from a lack of funds and games? The good news is that there's a lot of games on sale. The bad news? You're going to be even more skint.
First up, the Humble Store still has a big sale on for another ~3 hours, be quick! Buying there helps charity too, you even get to choose what charity. So you could give 5% of your purchase to the Free Software Foundation, there's many to pick from.
So goodies from Humble Store include:
- Rocket League with 40% off
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided with 75% off (seriously good deal!)
- Overlord with 80% off
- Overlord II with 80% off
See everything on sale for Linux on the Humble Store here.
Also, GOG now has a big sale on too and theirs lasts until the 25th of September. Here's some good picks from GOG:
- Firewatch with 55% off
- Kerbal Space Program with 40% off
- Prison Architect with 80% off (also on sale on Humble, but for me it's cheaper on GOG)
- The Last Federation Collection with 85% off (another also on Humble, but cheaper for me again on GOG)
See everything GOG have that supports Linux that's on sale here.
There's also still the Humble Very Positive 2 Bundle, which has great titles like RIVE and Shadow of Mordor.
Bundle Stars also still have some cracking good deals on too, like the Best of Indie Legends 2 Bundle with 7 Linux titles. Titles include SpeedRunners, Door Kickers and more. You can see everything Bundle Stars stocks that's on sale and has Linux support here.
Have you pick up any super awesome deals lately? Tell everyone what they're missing out on in the comments and help your fellow Linux gamers!
My skinthood is so pronounced these days, that I can't go any further. As a recommendation, however, check this out:
[Dustforce DX on GOG at 90% off](
Dustforce is an absolute masterpiece, and they're giving it away at $0.99 on GOG right now.
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Yeah it could be great. But instead you can't have this one until you have a Steam account linked to your Humble account. Need a Steam account + Humble account to have a DRM-Free game, ironic isn't it ? That's a shame.
It's quite bad... My future purchases will be GOG/ only i think. :><:
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Yeah it could be great. But instead you can't have this one until you have a Steam account linked to your Humble account. Need a Steam account + Humble account to have a DRM-Free game, ironic isn't it ? That's a shame.
It's quite bad... My future purchases will be GOG/ only i think. :><:
Yeah. The last free game giveaway was also like that, Psychonauts. I had to give away the key and then once the person activated it, I was able to get the DRM-FREE version of the game on HB.
I'm still sticking with HB, though but GOG and get first swing.
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Can anybody see a DRM-Free download of the Whistleblower DLC for Linux? I can only see a windows one.
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Can anybody see a DRM-Free download of the Whistleblower DLC for Linux? I can only see a windows one.
Shouldn't matter, you just put in the key and Steam will assume you have the DLC for either platform, it isn't like the DLCs are usually anything more than assets anyhow.
Weird, when I looked at it just a short time ago, it showed them separately, now they are listed as 'Deluxe Edition'. I can give away my key if anyone wants it, I already have both.
I did grab Project Highrise and the DLC. Thanks to everyone who replied in the previous thread. Project Highrise is cheap in the current sale, but does not official support linux. I did have the restarting bug, but renaming and using the 32-bit binary instead of the 64 bit one worked like a charm and I have not had any other problems.
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Yeah it could be great. But instead you can't have this one until you have a Steam account linked to your Humble account. Need a Steam account + Humble account to have a DRM-Free game, ironic isn't it ? That's a shame.
It's quite bad... My future purchases will be GOG/ only i think. :><:
Yeah. The last free game giveaway was also like that, Psychonauts. I had to give away the key and then once the person activated it, I was able to get the DRM-FREE version of the game on HB.
I'm still sticking with HB, though but GOG and get first swing.
In case of Outlast the download buttons are available without having redeemed the keys (you still need to link a Steam account though). I haven't tried the DRM free download though (it could of course be that the buttons don't work or throw an error if you haven't redeemed your keys, but the buttons are there :) ).
I recommend this platformer.
Outlast + DLC for free on HumbleStore for next two days (steam key + drm free)
Can anybody see a DRM-Free download of the Whistleblower DLC for Linux? I can only see a windows one.
Nope. I've owned Outlast + Whistleblower on Humble for a long time, and there's never been a Linux version of the Whistleblower. It's frustrating for sure. GOG has a Linux version of Whistleblower, so I'm not sure what the problem is for Humble. I emailed Humble, they said check with the developer. I emailed the developer and never got a response.
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