Wine Staging 2.16 sounds like a pretty fantastic release overall, with more work done on D3D11, D3D8 and D3D9.
Reminder: Wine Staging is the testing area for patches to eventually make their way into development builds of Wine and then into stable Wine releases.
Here's their highlights:
- Extended deferred rendering context support in d3d11.
- Added 64 bit syscall thunks in fake ntdll.dll.
- Support for indexed vertex blending in d3d8/d3d9.
- Smaller bug fixes and improvements.
They went on to talk about adding more deferred rendering context functions and fixing rendering issues in games. It seems games like Crysis 3, Witcher 3 and Prey (2017) have seen fixes, possibly more games too, they're just the ones mentioned which are likely being tested against.
There's also a fix to support the 64bit version of World of Warcraft. On top of that, they back-ported a fix for font rendering in Steam, Uplay and other software when in Windows 7 mode. They also bring in all the changes from the Wine 2.16 development release.
Amazing stuff, I look forward to seeing the usual videos from the community on how it's going, since I don't own The Witcher 3 I cannot test the fixes myself.
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so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
And even when D3D9 would be perfect, there are also some issues with Mesa. I have to run wine with a Mesa override to OpenGL3 to avoid textures being only red in some games.
By the way, does someone know if nine patches will be integrated into staging? It works incredibly well with Mesa/RadeonSI both performence and correctness wise.
In this wine staging version sims 1 works however character rendering error still presentThis is actually important info for me! The Sims is a real childhood classic of mine. Pity that the infamous rendering error is still there :)
Last edited by hardpenguin on 7 Sep 2017 at 5:39 pm UTC
Darksiders remastered and just cause 2 demo stil crash at launch (steam).
Last edited by legluondunet on 7 Sep 2017 at 9:40 pm UTC
so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
DirectX 9 isn't a moving target though. But of course it's understandable that one can only do so much with limited resources. We should be grateful for what we have
Last edited by Duckeenie on 8 Sep 2017 at 12:16 am UTC
i know, but i hoped that at least some old tech like D3D9 was complete. (without bugs, performance issues are aceptable since you can always run on a stronger hardware to solve the issue)so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
DirectX 9 isn't a moving target though. But of course it's understandable that one can only do so much with limited resources. We should be grateful for what we have
wait, DirectX9 being a moving target i can understand, but MS keeps developing Dx9 after start developing Dx10, 11, 12?
Virtually all DX9 games I've played run very well. So even if there are some things to wrap up, there is not much left on that front.
Wine API implementation progress is [75%]( I consider that well over a critical point and fully expect Wine to catch up with Windows.
TLDR all hail to Wine coders, I think it will be capable to support all Windows games reliably to certain extent. Not all bugs will be solved, but I don't think that's goal here.
so, the D3D9/DirectX9 still dont run flawlessly ? dammit that is sad =\Wine will likely never get finished. Windows is a moving target for them.
Even when an implementation might be classed as complete, there will likely still be work that can be done to improve it.
DirectX 9 isn't a moving target though. But of course it's understandable that one can only do so much with limited resources. We should be grateful for what we have
wait, DirectX9 being a moving target i can understand, but MS keeps developing Dx9 after start developing Dx10, 11, 12?
Directx 9 isn't a moving target. The wine team can only do so much... okay Mr.?
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