Wine Staging 2.17 is another exciting release, which includes more Direct3D11 features which fixes issues with The Witcher 3, Overwatch and more.
As a reminder, Wine Staging is the testing area for future Wine development released, which will eventually be made into stable Wine releases.
Their release highlights:
- Support for interpolation modifiers in pixel shaders.
- Support for generating mipmap levels based on shader resource views.
- Various smaller improvements and bug fixes.
I've seen many reports of newer titles working reasonably well, but they did suffer issues in previous releases. The Direct3D11 features included in Wine Staging 2.17 will fix rendering glitches in: The Witcher 3, Overwatch, Prey (2017) and likely many other titles. They're things a number of newer titles use, so this is a big step.
Also, they improved 64bit exception handling and it also features improved XML output for msxml.
Fantastic to see Wine development progress forwards so quickly now. Well done to the Wine team!
The missing textures from Witcher 3 are still missing. :(For me, sirens in witcher 3 turn into weird glitchy blobs in the sky. Weird, but progress from completely invisible.
2.17 still has the issue with the "black curtain texture (a solid black texture that separates the room into two)" inside the tower in the opening scene where Yennifer is brushing her hair. But other than that I haven't seen missing textures like I used to experience riding through White Orchard towards the inn. I will play some more when I get a chance, but I have a good feeling that the game, as it stands now, deserves something between a silver and gold rating.
Oh, I just remembered a glitch -- the entrance to the crypt with the first rune stone in the game has missing textures so you can see inside the cellar without entering.
So, I am very pumped about the progress wine staging has been making towards getting Witcher 3 into a playable shape.
I read that Prey is working.
That's about the demo. The full game is denuvo infected, so won't work.
Assasins Creed III Singleplayer: works good but when stay in boston fps fall and if csmt is used appear flickering and impact fps performance
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Baja Edge of Control HD: works however car textures dont appear correctly and screens for tracks dont have visible if csmt dont stay enabled but if csmt is used impact fps performance
deBlob 1: in game see all white, csmt dont change anything in test)
DiRT 3 Complete Edition DX11: works ok, no more vanished textures
Final Fantasy X Remastered: works good and now without minimal graphic issues in test, csmt are required for solve graphic issues
Final Fantasy X-2 Remastered: works good and now without minimal graphic issues in test, csmt are required for solve graphic issues
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Murderer Soul Suspect: works ok but have texture problem in various places
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Sleeping Dogs: works but apprently have problem related with lights
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 23 Sep 2017 at 8:07 am UTC
Comically I'm sitting here thinking about how I appreciate the work the WINE devs do...which means soon for seemingly no reason after WINE has been a thing for so long MSFT will sue the project citing it as a way to circumvent needing a Windows license because it's become too functional as a Windows "clone."There are several problems with that scenario.
First of all, winning that lawsuit. Wine isn't a Windows clone. It's not an operating system, in fact it can't do anything by itself that Windows can. It wouldn't be a straightforward case to win especially with good lawyers on the side of Wine. Not to mention the whole anticompetitive baggage MS already has, at least in Europe.
Next, the entirety of Wine is under GPL. That means that even if MS bully the main developers into stopping, anyone in the entire world can pick up the work and continue. Even if they manage to make Wine super illegal in America they would have to continue suing in every imaginable jurisdiction of the world AND winning. (see also: from what i understand ffmpeg is technically already illegal in a lot of contexts)
Finally, the attention this case would bring could be the most fatal mistake of all. MS can't afford to lose the "who cares about Linux lol" cultural status quo. If they themselves show that they care about Linux, let alone are this threatened by it, it would make a lot of people's heads turn and actually reconsider the situation. There is no more damning evidence of viability of Linux vs Windows than MS themselves testifying to that fact by moving into the offensive.
Add to that the fact that MS winning that original lawsuit would set some really terrible precedent on matters of interoperability so everyone who is not a complete idiot asshole would stand with Wine on this, some proactively. So bonus bad PR and dissent and having to face the entire open source community and its sympathizers at once. Oh yeah speaking of which, their entire credibility of embracing open source will die on that hill there and then.
Speaking of which, for what it's worth, if they wanted to go down this road they definitely wouldn't have open sourced .net and made it available for Linux (at least indirectly through open sourcing, I don't remember if they put any effort into compatibility themselves).
So, all in all, while unpleasant and threatening for us, it would also be really stupid and reckless for MS themselves. But hey, wouldn't be the first time they do something that lays the foundation for their own undoing. Still I don't think this is something one should lose sleep over.
Last edited by qptain Nemo on 22 Sep 2017 at 9:21 pm UTC
I read that Prey is working.
That's about the demo. The full game is denuvo infected, so won't work.
Nothing stopping a person buying it legit
Then downloading the cracked copy with DENUVO removed
and playing the whole thing single player offline
I read that Prey is working.
That's about the demo. The full game is denuvo infected, so won't work.
Nothing stopping a person buying it legit
Then downloading the cracked copy with DENUVO removed
and playing the whole thing single player offline
Oddly enough, I believe that's still illegal in the USA. You should be fine in Europe, though, as long as you get the cracked copy in a way that doesn't help spread it (ie. no torrents).
Also, I personally would stay away from giving money for a lesser product. If I can buy the game and play it with full functionality in Wine, then that makes sense (still not something I'm entirely comfortable with), but paying for something one will be forced to play offline doesn't (disclaimer: I have no idea if there's an online component in Prey, I'm speaking more generally - also I don't mean to say that one should just get it illegally, I mean I would stay away from the game completely until it was properly working).
if they wanted to go down this road they definitely wouldn't have open sourced .net and made it available for Linux (at least indirectly through open sourcing, I don't remember if they put any effort into compatibility themselves).
They did; they also bought Xamarin, the company behind Mono.
Comically I'm sitting here thinking about how I appreciate the work the WINE devs do...which means soon for seemingly no reason after WINE has been a thing for so long MSFT will sue the project citing it as a way to circumvent needing a Windows license because it's become too functional as a Windows "clone."
Microsoft can stop us form using their libraries: if I recall correctly, in every EULA of their redistributable is stated that you can't use it outside Windows. That's why the WINE devs are reimplementing a lot of DLLs.
I read that Prey is working.
That's about the demo. The full game is denuvo infected, so won't work.
Denuvo should not be a problem; i have NierAutomata running. This was Denuvo-protected too.
With this wine in Hitman:Absolution I get smooth 30FPS with low/default settings.
Denuvo should not be a problem; i have NierAutomata running. This was Denuvo-protected too.
Maybe they silently removed it due to it being hacked. I don't see it mentioned on the steam age anymore either. But from the Wine support request it was pretty clear that they had no idea how to make that work in wine because Denuvo thinks it's been tampered with when running on wine.
Last edited by Ehvis on 23 Sep 2017 at 4:40 pm UTC

Comically I'm sitting here thinking about how I appreciate the work the WINE devs do...which means soon for seemingly no reason after WINE has been a thing for so long MSFT will sue the project citing it as a way to circumvent needing a Windows license because it's become too functional as a Windows "clone."
Microsoft can stop us form using their libraries: if I recall correctly, in every EULA of their redistributable is stated that you can't use it outside Windows. That's why the WINE devs are reimplementing a lot of DLLs.
Also the Microsoft EULA is completely unenforceable legally speaking in any country in many countries.
Last edited by Whitewolfe80 on 23 Sep 2017 at 6:53 pm UTC
Finally, the attention this case would bring could be the most fatal mistake of all. MS can't afford to lose the "who cares about Linux lol" cultural status quo. If they themselves show that they care about Linux, let alone are this threatened by it, it would make a lot of people's heads turn and actually reconsider the situation. There is no more damning evidence of viability of Linux vs Windows than MS themselves testifying to that fact by moving into the offensive.. . . With the possible exception of MS themselves literally testifying on the witness stand in such a court case that Linux is important enough that Wine is dangerous and damaging to them, which they'd probably have to do in order to make a case for damages or whatever.
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