Wine Staging 2.17 is another exciting release, which includes more Direct3D11 features which fixes issues with The Witcher 3, Overwatch and more.
As a reminder, Wine Staging is the testing area for future Wine development released, which will eventually be made into stable Wine releases.
Their release highlights:
- Support for interpolation modifiers in pixel shaders.
- Support for generating mipmap levels based on shader resource views.
- Various smaller improvements and bug fixes.
I've seen many reports of newer titles working reasonably well, but they did suffer issues in previous releases. The Direct3D11 features included in Wine Staging 2.17 will fix rendering glitches in: The Witcher 3, Overwatch, Prey (2017) and likely many other titles. They're things a number of newer titles use, so this is a big step.
Also, they improved 64bit exception handling and it also features improved XML output for msxml.
Fantastic to see Wine development progress forwards so quickly now. Well done to the Wine team!
So, I am very pumped about the progress wine staging has been making towards getting Witcher 3 into a playable shape.
We have a dedicated thread here about [TW3 in Wine](
The black surface bug is a long known issue. You can see them listed [here](
To everyone: if you found some bug like missing textures or distortions on Skellige monsters and such, please report it. Not everyone progressed that far in the game. Without reporting them, developers won't know it's there necessarily. So don't expect it to automagically get fixed in such case.
Last edited by Shmerl on 24 Sep 2017 at 2:09 am UTC
Maybe they silently removed it due to it being hacked. I don't see it mentioned on the steam age anymore either. But from the Wine support request it was pretty clear that they had no idea how to make that work in wine because Denuvo thinks it's been tampered with when running on wine.
Nier: Autotomato still has Denuvo on it, and it still works in Wine. Denuvo works in Wine now:
- Denuvo v1: Mad Max
- Denuvo v2: ABZU, Just Cause 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Denuvo v3: Titanfall 2
- Denuvo v4: Nier: Autotomato, Prey (2017)
- Denuvo v4.5: Sonic Mania, Life is Strange: Before the Storm (although it's Unity so Denuvo didn't really work in the first place)
edit: fixed because the GoL editor decided to randomly submit it when I was in the middle of typing this comment.
Last edited by zekesonxx on 25 Sep 2017 at 9:54 pm UTC
That is very interesting and significant news.Maybe they silently removed it due to it being hacked. I don't see it mentioned on the steam age anymore either. But from the Wine support request it was pretty clear that they had no idea how to make that work in wine because Denuvo thinks it's been tampered with when running on wine.
Nier: Autotomato still has Denuvo on it, and it still works in Wine. Denuvo works in Wine now:
- Denuvo v1: Mad Max
- Denuvo v2: ABZU, Just Cause 3
- Denuvo v2: ABZU, Just Cause 3
most of the Denuvo stuff gets cracked under 1-4 weeks now ,
it seems like a waste of money they could be paying programmers
to support vulkan / opengl / openal / sdl2 / dedicated servers / server browser / coop
instead of more forms of drm that impact legit customers
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So you could download dx9c games and run the games in wine session
Similar to the dosbox wrapper games under windows steam
I would love to see wine integrated in Linux steam
So you could download dx9c games and run the games in wine session
Similar to the dosbox wrapper games under windows steam
That would be a neat feature but unlikely due to licensing, your best bet would be to run lutris which pretty much does what you are talking about.
I would love to see wine integrated in Linux steam
So you could download dx9c games and run the games in wine session
Similar to the dosbox wrapper games under windows steam
That would be a neat feature but unlikely due to licensing, your best bet would be to run lutris which pretty much does what you are talking about.
Ive given Lutris a go
fails to install anything and just hangs
Not really having much luck with Lutris or SAMBA or DNLA streaming
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