For those of you with a fancy HTC Vive, you might want to check out The Talos Principle VR [Steam] which launched with Linux support.
The great news, is that it has a 25% discount if you own the "flat version".

Direct Link
About the game:
The Talos Principle VR is a virtual reality version of Croteam's critically acclaimed first-person puzzle game in the tradition of philosophical science fiction.
As if awakening from a deep sleep, you find yourself in a strange, contradictory world of ancient ruins and advanced technology. Tasked by your creator with solving a series of increasingly complex puzzles, you must decide whether to have faith, or to ask the difficult questions: Who are you? What is your purpose? And what are you going to do about it?
Let us know what it's like in the comments, if you decide to pick it up. I don't own a VR headset so I can't do any VR testing. Still, it's fantastic to see more interesting VR titles arrive with Linux support.
The normal version is fantastic and Croteam have been really great with Linux support, so I hope it does well for them.
Who's tried ?
I'm curious how it runs.
Devolver/Croteam's doing great job on Linux.
Last edited by Lolo01 on 19 Oct 2017 at 3:50 pm UTC
I'd like to try it in VR (I can think of some levels in particular that would be fun just to walk around in); I just don't think I'd want to pay for it.
I already had the original, and tried the vr flag a few months ago. If I remember correctly, since it was just an iniatial attemmpt back then on vr, it looked a bit odd. Or it could have been me as I was just starting VR then.
Then I played through the whole original game in 2d mode. It was good on its own. Could have done without all the reading....
Anyways, last night I had tried it out quick to do just 3 sigils. It worked well. Be aware, I'm on Windows for my VR stuff.
It had a couple walking modes, both were comfortable. You interact with your hands that are the robot hands. Grabbing a Jammer, then when placing it, using your look direction for your target.
Now since I had already played through the original game, it was kind of an extra cost (original was CDN$ 8.24 for me), but I will probably re-play it anyways.
I had earlier also bought the Road to Gehnna, which I have YET to play, so I will do that all in VR.
Valve should be making noise about this one, it’s a room-scale 60+ hour game running natively in Linux on launch day! This is the dream here, hopefully more development teams follow their example.
So, so ?
Who's tried ?
I'm curious how it runs.
Devolver/Croteam's doing great job on Linux.
I tried, runs like Serious Sam First / Second Encounter VR, gonna probably stream it this weekend.
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