Since the weekends are generally our quiet time, as I take them to spend a little time with family I'm asking a question: What have you been playing and what do you think?
I've been spending more time than I was expecting in Rust. It's strange really, as it's a game I previously didn't get along with at all and now I'm quite hooked on it.
Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I actually think Rust is one of the nicest looking games on Linux. Sure, there's a good bunch that are better, but there's been many moments in Rust where I have to completely stop and just take in the view. That's in-between all the moments of absolute panic when someone fires shots at me and I have no idea where they are.
I want to share this image I took recently too, from a little meet up we did on our server:
We ended up having some sort of in-game concert and it was rather amusing. What makes it even more interesting, is that community member woox2k managed to hook up some scripts (available on GitHub) to play custom music files in game with the guitars and it was incredible.
If you want to join us on our Rust server, details of our game servers are here.
Anyway, less of my ramblings, over to you! Tell us what you've been playing in the comments.

I'm gradually exploring Velen ("No man's land" ).
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 Oct 2017 at 3:00 pm UTC
Might be an article in that. Maybe.
Last edited by PlayX on 8 Oct 2017 at 3:01 pm UTC
And damn is it good!
Honestly, best game I played in a very long time.
Extremely challenging, but so well and lovely executed.
Yet so different. It's basically one boss fight after another.
Unfortunately it's Windows and Xbox-only thus far.
I saw reports running it successfully on Wine.
But I'm pragmatically use Windows in this case (yeah, not a Wine fan).
It's a Unity game and devs said they'll look into bringing it to Mac and Linux.
Their exclusivity contracts only cover consoles.
So watch out should it be released on Linux.
Also played Cs:Go , Dota 2 and Bioshock Infinite.
Hell , Bioshock's performance was so poor.
Currently I'm addicted to Cuphead.
And damn is it good!
Honestly, best game I played in a very long time.
Extremely challenging, but so well and lovely executed.
Yet so different. It's basically one boss fight after another.
Unfortunately it's Windows and Xbox-only thus far.
I saw reports running it successfully on Wine.
But I'm pragmatically use Windows in this case (yeah, not a Wine fan).
It's a Unity game and devs said they'll look into bringing it to Mac and Linux.
Their exclusivity contracts only cover consoles.
So watch out should it be released on Linux.
This game catched my eye from the very first moment I saw the trailer. Hopefully it will come to linux soon. Looks great and everybody's speaking wonders of it.
Tried TW3 and still does not work for me. Will try later.
Anyway, myself: Helium Rain, after your recommendation actually. Very nice, very good-looking, but maybe still a bit empty. That said, I haven't really got into the factional combat side of it, so perhaps I'm judging it prematurely.
Planet Nomads. Another game I saw here and thought would be right up my alley. Which it is. I'm loving the regular weekly update schedule, too. It shows the devs are properly committed, and gives you a new reason to play every Thursday.
Speaking of weekly, I'm still plugging away at Grid: Autosport's weekly challenges. I've never quite made it to #1, but I'm still quite proud of the occasional top 1% using a controller with all the driver aids off.
And, unusually for me, that's about it. Mainly because for the last couple of weeks I've mostly been “playing” with the Godot engine, trying to learn the ropes by recreating the first level of Manic Miner (of all things). It's going... surprisingly well, given my long (long, loooong) history of abandoned projects. If rather slowly. But I already have a few ideas floating around my head for what to tackle next. Stuff I might actually release (don't hold your breath)...
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