Since the weekends are generally our quiet time, as I take them to spend a little time with family I'm asking a question: What have you been playing and what do you think?
I've been spending more time than I was expecting in Rust. It's strange really, as it's a game I previously didn't get along with at all and now I'm quite hooked on it.
Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I actually think Rust is one of the nicest looking games on Linux. Sure, there's a good bunch that are better, but there's been many moments in Rust where I have to completely stop and just take in the view. That's in-between all the moments of absolute panic when someone fires shots at me and I have no idea where they are.
I want to share this image I took recently too, from a little meet up we did on our server:
We ended up having some sort of in-game concert and it was rather amusing. What makes it even more interesting, is that community member woox2k managed to hook up some scripts (available on GitHub) to play custom music files in game with the guitars and it was incredible.
If you want to join us on our Rust server, details of our game servers are here.
Anyway, less of my ramblings, over to you! Tell us what you've been playing in the comments.
What do I think? Lots of pain, both to me and others. In the time I've spent on two bosses I could have played through an entire standard-length game, but I suppose that was to be expected and I should not complain. If I wasn't practically drowning in determination I would have given up a while ago already.
Other than that, the sadly non-Linux game Elite: Dangerous, which I started a mission to make 600k... then realized it's going to take me a mega crap ton of jumps to make it there from where I am... assuming I can ever get a course plotted, exploration time!
Hyper Light Drifter (local co-op)
Overlord 2
Dawn of War 3 campaign
Laser Squad in a Spectrum emulator
Edit: Also Dirt Rally - never gets old.
Last edited by FredO on 8 Oct 2017 at 6:53 pm UTC
Regions of Ruin
Streets of Rogue (got more than 50 hours now!)
Rusted Warfare RTS (recommended for TA fans)
Nowhere Prophet beta
Doom 4 (WINE)
September / October was like this so far :
Via WINE, Auto Age : Standoff. A 1980 cars battle arena multiplayer.
Linux, i've been playing Overgrowth Beta 6, done the Campaign and a few mods.
VEmpire, a card game with nice uncommon mechanics
Goken, a AJRPG cute
Dungeons of Chaos, a retro RPG with a team of 6, turn based combats
Solar Settlers, a great cerebral board game with cards, where you have to colonize planets
Voxel Turf, a unpolished but super fun Minecraft + SimCity + GTA
Golden Krone Hotel, a rogulike where you play as a human turning into a vampire
Undervault, a simple yet fun and original roguelike
Depth of Extinction, a nice XCOM underwater in alpha
Heliborne, kind of World of Tanks, with choppers
... and more are on the waiting line...
I've been playtesting Triple X Tycoon and Star Traders Frontier too, and the last one will soak my time i guess for the upcoming weeks...
Also RPG in a Box, an engine to build voxel RPG without coding, based on Godot engine.
I write articles or make videos, on my blog and YouTube channel, if you want to see more, and if you can understand french (
After Steam switched to 2.12 to be able to run, everything is broken. I have a Steam account that only has games that run in wine but after 2.12 out of 120 only 5 of them work.
This is one of the reasons I'll never buy a DRM'ed game to run in Wine (the other reason being I hate DRM and avoid it in general - DRM'ed games are close to worthless in my view). I also wait for a big discount before I consider buying games for running in Wine, as a way of balancing between supporting & encouraging Linux releases vs playing games that don't have (and are unlikely to ever get) native Linux support.
That being said the games i have been playing native are civ 6 and salt & sanctuary and the wine games i have been playing are Dark Souls 2 and Fallout New Vegas (but it is like pulling teeth to get them to work)
In my experience Fallout: New Vegas runs great in Wine, or at least the GOG version does (I even made a [wrapper]( for it).
Even after completely resetting Wine the same happens.
Answered in the dedicated thread.
In my experience Fallout: New Vegas runs great in Wine, or at least the GOG version does (I even made a [wrapper]( for it).
Heh. I was just about to recommend your wrapper!
Dreaming on Arma 3 official support.

Uhm which game is that ?
Also a little bit of Fallout 2 in wine.
Bought "Bear with me" after seeing it here so will give it a try.
Did play TF2 and Dota2 with friends while drunk. :)
Shadow of mordor, Stellaris and Slime Rancher with the kids.
Dungeons 3
Uhm which game is that ?
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