Since the weekends are generally our quiet time, as I take them to spend a little time with family I'm asking a question: What have you been playing and what do you think?
I've been spending more time than I was expecting in Rust. It's strange really, as it's a game I previously didn't get along with at all and now I'm quite hooked on it.
Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I actually think Rust is one of the nicest looking games on Linux. Sure, there's a good bunch that are better, but there's been many moments in Rust where I have to completely stop and just take in the view. That's in-between all the moments of absolute panic when someone fires shots at me and I have no idea where they are.
I want to share this image I took recently too, from a little meet up we did on our server:
We ended up having some sort of in-game concert and it was rather amusing. What makes it even more interesting, is that community member woox2k managed to hook up some scripts (available on GitHub) to play custom music files in game with the guitars and it was incredible.
If you want to join us on our Rust server, details of our game servers are here.
Anyway, less of my ramblings, over to you! Tell us what you've been playing in the comments.
Late to this thread, but Im currently working through my backlog of games promising I wont buy anymore until I at least make a dint!
On the go are:
Divinity Original Sin (Native Linux)
Elite Dangerous PS4
Backlog includes but not limited too:
Wasteland 2 (Linux)
Pillars of Eternity (Linux)
Victor Vran (Linux)
Xcom 2 (Linux)
Witcher 3 (WINE)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
and more!
We play quite similar games :)
I also stopped buying for now. The only thing I would make an exception right now would be Everspace, which has no Linux version on GOG at this time. BUT a dev actually replied there:
Freespace 2 has a native source port, any particular reason you're running it under Wine?
Great question. Basically, in two attempts on Linux, I wasn't able to get it to work. I would end up in dependency-lacking hell, seeking out ancient versions or their replacements online. A lot of online help is no longer applicable, broken, or missing. Finally, on the third attempt, I finally had the main game working, but then for some reason the open launcher wouldn't work, the opposite of my past attempts, where the launcher would work, but the game wouldn't. So I couldn't d/l or manage any mods, which really is the whole point in 2017.
Using it via Wine, everything worked on the first try, no problems, both launcher and game. And my understanding was that the Diaspora free-standing mod's installer was currently broken on Linux (but you could compile from scratch) but still worked via Wine. My choice there was obvious.
The other bonus was I installed on this via CrossOver Wine, which has a fantastic archiving and backup feature, making it easy to bring from machine to machine to restore, without having to "reinstall."
A lot of the people who made this work in the Linux world have seemingly long since moved on from those communities and either aren't available or just don't remember how and why things worked and are no longer helpful. Same for the mod people, where things seemed to have peaked about 2013 or so. I would hazard to say the FS2 community is really no longer active and approaching historic status at this point?
That said, while still fun, I think FS2 has finally been eclipsed by recent titles as this genre gets some new life. I would much rather play Astrokill, Overland, or Everspace on Linux, or the new Eve Valkarye non-VR space shooter on PC.
Last edited by iiari on 9 Oct 2017 at 5:53 pm UTC
Speedball 2 (Amiga)The only game I've ever broken a sweat playing. Sheer, absolute, videogaming perfection. The remake didn't do it justice.
The Rocket League before Rocket League. Addictive as all get out. You're completely convinced you can master it until you can't.
Can't get into Rocket League, though. I'm sure it's just me, not the game.
When I first saw Rocket League all I could think of was Ballblazer on the Atari 8bit / 5200.Heheh! Me too, although I played it on the C64. And, um... I prefer it. (I know; like I said, I'm sure it's just me.)
Mount&Blade Warband, since they fixed some bugs in Mesa/LLVM...They did what? I thought they'd given up. Have they fixed the memory leak yet? I have a 300-day save that's completely unplayable because of that. I'd love to get back into that game.
(I)t generates fun stories and twists that only Paradox games manage.That's what I liked about Crusader Kings II. You start off thinking it's a deep strategy game, and slowly come to realise it's actually a procedural story generator. :)
Last edited by Dunc on 9 Oct 2017 at 9:06 pm UTC
Hollow Knight: Very beautiful game and great to play, but SteamWorld Dig 2 interupted my playthrough, so I hope I won't have a tough time getting back into it (don't think I will, but it's not as chill as SWD2)
Dirt Rally: This will probably be on my list for a long, long time.
Freespace 2 has a native source port, any particular reason you're running it under Wine?
Great question. Basically, in two attempts on Linux, I wasn't able to get it to work. I would end up in dependency-lacking hell, seeking out ancient versions or their replacements online. A lot of online help is no longer applicable, broken, or missing. Finally, on the third attempt, I finally had the main game working, but then for some reason the open launcher wouldn't work, the opposite of my past attempts, where the launcher would work, but the game wouldn't. So I couldn't d/l or manage any mods, which really is the whole point in 2017.
Using it via Wine, everything worked on the first try, no problems, both launcher and game. And my understanding was that the Diaspora free-standing mod's installer was currently broken on Linux (but you could compile from scratch) but still worked via Wine. My choice there was obvious.
The other bonus was I installed on this via CrossOver Wine, which has a fantastic archiving and backup feature, making it easy to bring from machine to machine to restore, without having to "reinstall."
A lot of the people who made this work in the Linux world have seemingly long since moved on from those communities and either aren't available or just don't remember how and why things worked and are no longer helpful. Same for the mod people, where things seemed to have peaked about 2013 or so. I would hazard to say the FS2 community is really no longer active and approaching historic status at this point?
That said, while still fun, I think FS2 has finally been eclipsed by recent titles as this genre gets some new life. I would much rather play Astrokill, Overland, or Everspace on Linux, or the new Eve Valkarye non-VR space shooter on PC.
Hmm, what Distro? Looks like the launcher and all the goodies are packaged for Debian Sid.
$ apt search freespace
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
freespace2/unstable 3.7.2+repack-1+b1 amd64
open implementation of the Freespace 2 game engine
freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher/unstable 0.11.0+dfsg-1 amd64
launcher for the Freespace 2 Source Code Project
game-data-packager/unstable,unstable 53 all
Installer for game data files
Speedball 2 (Amiga)The only game I've ever broken a sweat playing. Sheer, absolute, videogaming perfection. The remake didn't do it justice.
The Rocket League before Rocket League. Addictive as all get out. You're completely convinced you can master it until you can't.
Can't get into Rocket League, though. I'm sure it's just me, not the game.
When I first saw Rocket League all I could think of was Ballblazer on the Atari 8bit / 5200.Heheh! Me too, although I played it on the C64. And, um... I prefer it. (I know; like I said, I'm sure it's just me.)
Mount&Blade Warband, since they fixed some bugs in Mesa/LLVM...They did what? I thought they'd given up. Have they fixed the memory leak yet? I have a 300-day save that's completely unplayable because of that. I'd love to get back into that game.
(I)t generates fun stories and twists that only Paradox games manage.That's what I liked about Crusader Kings II. You start off thinking it's a deep strategy game, and slowly come to realise it's actually a procedural story generator. :)
I'm the same way. I tried Rocket League briefly and thought "I'd rather play Ballblazer." I agree with Speedball, epic game! I need to play it more! Pretty much anything by Bitmap Brothers is absolute gold.
I love Mount and Blade, and wish I had the time to learn Crusader Kings II!
Speedball 2 (Amiga)The only game I've ever broken a sweat playing. Sheer, absolute, videogaming perfection. The remake didn't do it justice.
The Rocket League before Rocket League. Addictive as all get out. You're completely convinced you can master it until you can't.
Can't get into Rocket League, though. I'm sure it's just me, not the game.
When I first saw Rocket League all I could think of was Ballblazer on the Atari 8bit / 5200.Heheh! Me too, although I played it on the C64. And, um... I prefer it. (I know; like I said, I'm sure it's just me.)
Mount&Blade Warband, since they fixed some bugs in Mesa/LLVM...They did what? I thought they'd given up. Have they fixed the memory leak yet? I have a 300-day save that's completely unplayable because of that. I'd love to get back into that game.
(I)t generates fun stories and twists that only Paradox games manage.That's what I liked about Crusader Kings II. You start off thinking it's a deep strategy game, and slowly come to realise it's actually a procedural story generator. :)
I'm the same way. I tried Rocket League briefly and thought "I'd rather play Ballblazer." I agree with Speedball, epic game! I need to play it more! Pretty much anything by Bitmap Brothers is absolute gold.
I love Mount and Blade, and wish I had the time to learn Crusader Kings II!
Same on CK2
I did watch some youtube vids - it descended into hilarity when the tutorial had the father/son share a mistress who managed to get pregnant.
Still , you can always bring up a console and summon crutches from the ether.
Outside of stuff i play for my YouTube Videos I'm playing a lot of 'Rento Fortune' its a Monopoly clone but has very reliable online multiplayer that takes just a click or two to get going. It is just monopoly but its been GREAT fun and a good backdrop to chatting with friends.
once we are all done with Rento, we have been playing 'Chaos Reborn.' for those that have not encountered it, its a strange strategy game with wizards. It plays like a card game but the cards summon creatures that you move like chess pieces. It has a lot of depth to it and never fails to entertain :)
As much as it seems like those two have taken up most of my time the last few weeks, when I do play something alone I have been on 'Dungeon Rushers.' its about clearing dungeons and taking loot. It's mostly a classical 16 bit style JRPG combat style (ny dudes on one side, theirs on the other, take turns firing skills off) mixed with a silly story and simple exploration of dungeons (done in the style of a counter on a board.) It sounds dull, i know! but its oddly engaging.
Outside of stuff i play for my YouTube Videos...Love your YouTube work! There are lots of titles I never would have encountered if not for your reviews, and I hope you do indeed continue Wine Wednesdays in some fashion, as they were a favorite.
Thanks for the Amiga documentary review the other day also, BTW. I was one of the few and proud in the US who grew up with the Amiga, and wow was it ahead of its time. I just listed the Speedball and Speedball 2 series in my pantheon of Perfect Games above. If you've never tried it, it's worth firing up the FSUAE emulator and giving them a try. Starglider I and II on the Amiga and Atari were high points of my gaming youth as well...
Hmm, what Distro? [for FS2 open launcher install] Looks like the launcher and all the goodies are packaged for Debian Sid
I used the direct download file from the project website, always on Ubuntu derivatives (Gallium OS, Mint, Gnome). I'm glad it's out there and theoretically install-able by someone, but I've already climbed that mountain and have a working version via Wine and I'm not sure I'm willing to start from scratch again, although I have a tinkering laptop I can try it with again (although not until December after some work stuff is done).
Thanks for looking into it!
Arma 3.
Tried TW3 and still does not work for me. Will try later.
Playing mulitplayer? the Servers from EMP now offering Exile
I'm playing Dying Light and I think I'm addicted :D What keeps me constantly going back is the immersive gameplay and the huge world(3 maps!) with the easter eggs. DL is one of the best games on linux and it has linux support from the first day! Its developers will also release 10 free DLCs in the next year so, it seems like they really care about their players.
Would love to try that. Sadly, Valve thinks that this 40 years old German shouldn't be allowed to buy the game or even see it on Steam.
Divinity Original Sin 2 and Guild Wars 2 every now and then. I haven't played that much in Sin 2, prob just an hour or so, so far.
Divinity Original Sin 2?? Are you playing this on Wine?
Now I'm playing Tyranny and quite enjoying it while I wait for Pillars of Eternity 2.
Would love to try that. Sadly, Valve thinks that this 40 years old German shouldn't be allowed to buy the game or even see it on Steam.
I think it's possible to redeem a key if someone from abroad buys it?
(The someone would not be me, I'm in the same situation...)
Last edited by Eike on 10 Oct 2017 at 9:03 am UTC
Mount&Blade Warband, since they fixed some bugs in Mesa/LLVM which kept me from continueing my mission to become queen of the land. The time is ripe.
Did you fix the module issue? I had it working fine once I applied fixes with missing pkgs but that was on 16.04 after that everyone including myself seems to be having problems
Would you be so nice as to elaborate? I haven't bought ARK (yet), as the ugly water was kind of a show stopper to me. Is the water fixed by a developer's patch, or does one have to fix stuff manually?The fix was of a guy that started replacing assets from the center into the island. It fixes all maps that use island assets, like ragnarok.
It really looks good again. And playing with assets might be a way to figure out what's going on.
If you haven't bought ark yet, you might have to hold off a bit longer yet, or only buy it during discount. It still is not $60 worth, although the game itself is great. Otoh: you can buy it, but be prepared that it still is not 100% good. If you do not have nvidia, certainly for now do not buy it.
To be clear: the only thing I want to prevent is you feeling cheated out of your money and become the next salty forum member ;-).
The game to me is great. The opaque water was bad, really bad, but I still continued, since I already loved the game. The water is water again with the for now hand fix, have to check to see if they fixed it upstream, which they promised.
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