This latest Steam Client Beta will likely be rather nice for some of you, as it fixes an issue I've seen repeatedly complained about.
The Linux-specific bug where Steam wouldn't create desktop shortcuts and application menu shortcuts has been fixed. While I don't use either, it's nice to see little nuisances like that fixed for those that do use them. That bug has been open on their GitHub since June, so people have been waiting a while on it.
They've also now implemented support for automatically downloading pre-compiled GPU shaders for Vulkan games and applications on Steam. This can help first-load times and stuttering, so hopefully this is another step that can help Linux game performance in future.
There's also a bunch of changes to Steam Input which includes: a section to easily see exported gamepad configurations from your friends, they've added support for "several dozen Xbox controllers" using data from users which should enable them to work better on Linux & Mac, support for more PS4 gamepads and more.
One bug I hope they sort sooner rather than later, is the broken Steam Screenshot tool. Sometimes it works, sometimes it completely fails. This bug has been around since at least April on their GitHub and it's really quite annoying.
The most annoying thing I find is that you cannot start a "user defined" steam app via command line. I use "roommates" and kicked the bin out, and a link to kodi in... so I am playing "roommates" thousands of hours a year.
By user defined, I mean the "Add program to library" click.
Doesn't "ADD A GAME..."->"Add a Non-Steam Game" do exactly what you want?
It adds the game but there's no command line to tell Steam client to run it. You need GUI.
Ah, I see. I misunderstood the issue then :)
Have the fixed the "remember password" bug yet?
It's been like six months and I've stopped checking.
Here's me again thinking it's on my side lol. Steam sometimes remember my credential, sometimes not and sometimes forgets my entire username, but I also recently had some problems with my filesystem corrupting files, so I thought it was due to that. Glad to know it might not be that, though.
Last edited by BOYSSSSS on 8 Nov 2017 at 9:51 pm UTC
Whenever steam forgets my credentials I just close it and open it again, most of the times it just logs in.
What he said.
Also, when it forgets them on the website (Firefox, Chrome, etc. - not the built in client browser), make sure you have this setting checked in the client:
Steam > Settings > Web Browser > Allow desktop Web browsers to automatically log into Steam sites
Then open the accounts details in the client (e.g. click on your balance next to your username in the upper right) and refresh the site in the desktop browser. It'll log you in without extra 2FA hassle.
Last edited by cprn on 8 Nov 2017 at 10:19 pm UTC
That's pretty much because the issue doesn't affect everyone, and seems to vary by DE; I encountered the issue while using Cinnamon(and judging by other comments, this will also occur with GNOME), but everything is fine in KDE Plasma. Regardless, I'm pretty sure this is something that Valve needs to fix.If it's a bug for GNOME and every GNOME related DE, that's pretty much the majority I think.
There's around 50/50 GNOME vs KDE, and the others DEs are mostly derived from GNOME/GTK.
Edit: you can look at the GoL statistics:
It isn't just Steam. I currently use two Qt based programs, Quassel and HipChat. Both have to be killed first before Gnome will strt the power off. I hadn't noticed that Steam does it to. But ueah, first click of power off / reset will kill both of them, second tolim reboots / shuts down the system.
Personally I always run Steam in Big Picture, therefore avoid all the fuzz with lack of scaling, but I have to run it in window mode - otherwise it stays on top and full screen games start in the background. I don't run any DE, though, just i3wm.
Ha, there is thebug for me whereit picksa seemingly random monitor, then I launch a game which goes to a different monitor, then when i exit the game, BPM is minimized with Gnome popping up a "Steam is Ready" notification up top.
Ha, there is thebug for me whereit picksa seemingly random monitor, then I launch a game which goes to a different monitor, then when i exit the game, BPM is minimized with Gnome popping up a "Steam is Ready" notification up top.
I don't know about the different monitor thing, as I only use one TV, but BPM being minimized in GNOME after exiting a game is a problem I had and I found a fix:
This [used to work]( but the latest update broke it. Now Steam requires an SDL function that's missing in my current Debian SDL lib and doesn't start at all with that preload. Probably the system libSDL needs to be updated to unstable 2.0.7 or something. Nevertheless, follow that issue report, Plagman from Valve is on it.Fix fullscreen video? It absolutely does not work here, I got the video in 720p in the corner of the screen and the rest is memory garbage.
Use your distribution SDL2 with the client to resolve the issue (LSI does this automatically.)
You can copy the file over, abuse LD_PRELOAD/LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do this manually. You'll need a very recent
SDL for this to work properly.
This [used to work]( but the latest update broke it. Now Steam requires an SDL function that's missing in my current Debian SDL lib and doesn't start at all with that preload. Probably the system libSDL needs to be updated to unstable 2.0.7 or something. Nevertheless, follow that issue report, Plagman from Valve is on it.Fix fullscreen video? It absolutely does not work here, I got the video in 720p in the corner of the screen and the rest is memory garbage.
Use your distribution SDL2 with the client to resolve the issue (LSI does this automatically.)
You can copy the file over, abuse LD_PRELOAD/LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do this manually. You'll need a very recent
SDL for this to work properly.
Yknow the link you're pointing to is me, right?
Since the new beta version Saints Row the Third doesn't work anymore :-(. Not on steamos as well as not on my gpd win (ubuntu 17.10).
I didn't even know. This fix the loading times issue?
Huh, your avatar is different so it hasn't clicked to me! On the bright side, updating libSDL to 2.0.7 really helped with the missing function and maybe with the startup crashes.This [used to work]( but the latest update broke it. Now Steam requires an SDL function that's missing in my current Debian SDL lib and doesn't start at all with that preload. Probably the system libSDL needs to be updated to unstable 2.0.7 or something. Nevertheless, follow that issue report, Plagman from Valve is on it.Fix fullscreen video? It absolutely does not work here, I got the video in 720p in the corner of the screen and the rest is memory garbage.
Use your distribution SDL2 with the client to resolve the issue (LSI does this automatically.)
You can copy the file over, abuse LD_PRELOAD/LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do this manually. You'll need a very recent
SDL for this to work properly.
Yknow the link you're pointing to is me, right?
now they need to fix the:
"add the fucking smoth scrooling" bug.
Smooth scrolling? Eww, what is this, 2005?
so are you saying that i'm the only one who dont have this feature on steam?
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