Remember the Ataribox? [Official Site] The Linux-powered retro console that will turn to crowdfunding sometime soon just had the reveal of their Joystick.
I'm quite excited by it, as it does sound like an interesting Linux-powered device. Considering they said before that you will be able to get full access to the underlying Linux OS, it could be a damn fine little unit.
Take a look at the pictures they shared recently (from their official Facebook):
The design looks perfect. Stylish and simple!
Also, something that was missing from Valve's Steam Machines, which the Ataribox will have is proper access to streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO and more. Which was also confirmed in another of their Facebook updates. I assume this means it will have proper applications set up to just tap and browse.
I'm pretty keen to hear more about what retro and "current" titles they're planning to have on it. It's sounding more and more interesting! I still have some worries about how it's going to turn out, but I'm staying positive until we see what happens with the crowdfunding that has yet to be started. If it turns out okay, I will be first in line for one for sure. As a Linux fan and a tech enthusiast, it ticks many boxes for me.
Finally, they have a survey up at the moment where you can tell them what you feel is important, like full access to the Linux OS inside.{{utm_source}}&utm_medium={{utm_medium}}
Testing is for chumps
I have high hopes for this console :)I want to be positive, but it seems that people claim that current Atari brand has nothing to do with the fathers of one of the greatest consoles in history.
Also, something that was missing from Valve's Steam Machines, which the Ataribox will have is proper access to streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO and more. Which was also confirmed in another of their Facebook updates. I assume this means it will have proper applications set up to just tap and browse.I hope they will invest money and will prepare native client instead some shitty browser based integration.
If they will provide shitty browser based integration, I will be first to wish them failure. Hope it won't happen.

It looks nice, evoking the old VCS stick in the same way the Box does the console, but I'm not convinced it'll be a good controller. The original one was terrible. (Seriously, even back in the day I hated it.) I'm sure there'll be support for other controllers, but they really should design a more traditional gamepad if it's going to be more than a retrogaming device.
Agreed, though this looks like a joystick I'd enjoy playing Lotus III on :D
I really hope it'll be Ryzen based, if it is, it'll be instant buy for me. If it's using older AMD, I see no point of getting the device...
What makes you think it's gonna be AMD64 architecture? More likely it will be ARM based.
I hope it's just one of the available options, tho.
I really hope it'll be Ryzen based, if it is, it'll be instant buy for me. If it's using older AMD, I see no point of getting the device...
What makes you think it's gonna be AMD64 architecture? More likely it will be ARM based.
Unless it changed, from the start they specified it will be a custom, amd based, PC games compatible device:
Unless it changed, from the start they specified it will be a custom, amd based, PC games compatible device:
Ah, interesting. Couldn't find any usable information on the Ataribox website.
From the bottom center screenshot on the home page, it looks like it will also support third-party controllers. Is that an xbox controller?

It look like a Xbox One Controller clone to me, like the ones Razer make. I swear I have seen that one before, but after 5 minutes looking on Google I couldn't find it.
They don't need Ryzen power. They need to build it cheap.
The first Ryzen 15W APU just entered the market. Something cheap and low power like that could fit the Ataribox needs.
They don't need Ryzen power. They need to build it cheap.
I don't think a 2c/4t ryzen based APU would cost much more than an old and slow APU like used in the PS4/X1.
And since the OS is supposed to be customisable, we could install and use classic software like Gimp, just like we could back with the Atari ST. Some extra power wouldn't be useless in this case.
While I like retro games I certainly don't see it being a unique feature these days, perhaps they can bundle it better? but at the end of the day I would be happy if they built a console that could play half-life2 / portal2 at 4k with reasonable FPS... But we know AMD and Valve titles don't really mix well with performance atm.
Also where are all the other many buttons for the controller? or is it just for retro games only (probably)? If so then its nice design but will be limited to just Atari 2600 games etc...
For example:
Last edited by TheRiddick on 27 Nov 2017 at 7:19 pm UTC
* Crowdfunding - it means that there is no real company behind it
* Access to "Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO" - normally it require "big" arrangements that could be done only by big companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. So how it is possible that crowdfunded toy will have access to it? Probably it will be another Android clone with Android Market (so with Netflix, Hulu, etc.).
* Joystick buttons - looks like "home" and "back" from Android...
2) My guess is they will just optimize some sort of interface to access these web features, very much doubt it will be a ALL IN ONE browser because we all know the big boys don't like competing with each other.
3) My guess its for just retro OLD games that didn't require more then 1 button? I feel that's a missed opportunity to support games that had 6 action buttons. Then again it would be cumbersome, so perhaps just plugandplay controller support is good enough.
Last edited by TheRiddick on 27 Nov 2017 at 7:59 pm UTC
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