Factorio [GOG, Steam, Official Site] 0.16 is a huge release for this fantastic early access game and it comes with a lot of shiny new stuff.
Note: You will likely need to opt-in to the Beta on Steam for this release.
For those that haven't played it, Factorio is a sandbox building game about making a huge factory on an infinite world. It doesn't sound like much, but when you get going it's really hard to stop. It becomes more and more complex as you go further through the game and you can make some truly incredibly looking bases. You can play it by yourself or join up with others online!
First of all, in this update the map generation has been changed to include cliffs. Previously, Factorio maps were rather flat. Sure they had water, trees and aliens, but cliffs add a lot to the experience.
If you want to learn more about the changes involved in adding cliffs to Factorio, see this blog post. Also, the map generation was adjusted to have proper transitions from ground to water.
On top of that, they've also introduced the artillery wagon and artillery turret, which can automatically fire across a long distance to take out aliens and their nests. It can also be manually fired, if something is particularly bothering you.
There's plenty of smaller changes like your main inventory can now be filtered, mini-tutorials, plenty more high-resolution textures for items and terrains, players can now ride as passengers in cars/tanks in multiplayer, balancing changes and bug fixes. See the full changelog here on their official forum, there's a lot to take in and plenty I haven't covered.
It's a fantastic game that will rip away hours of your life, I fully recommend it.
Note: Our GOG link is an affiliate link.
To be fair, I did crumble and buy Oxygen Not Included in EA, and it's amazing. But I don't want to ruin this, Rimworld, or the many other titles I'm waiting to spend money on if they'd only just hurry up and release their product!
I wish they'd just release it. It was slated for early/mid 2017 and we're at the end of the year and they're still firing out EA updates.I see factorio's early access as something like continuous development, and not a measure of quality. In my opinion it has been release quality for years, beating many of the games that have been released, sold, and stopped being updated. If you like it today, then you will probably like it in two years also. Playing it now won't ruin it for you. If you don't like it today then you are likely to not like it in two years either. You might want to stay away from the experimental versions if you want a fully polished game though. It will take some time before 0.16.x is marked stable.
To be fair, I did crumble and buy Oxygen Not Included in EA, and it's amazing. But I don't want to ruin this, Rimworld, or the many other titles I'm waiting to spend money on if they'd only just hurry up and release their product!
Since then, they have updated some content, but mostly have improved graphics and optimized code. I have a fairly high end machine and I notice a difference. There are people on the forums noticing a 25-50% speed difference. All these speed increases while adding content and graphical overhead at the same time. Pretty remarkable.
This [blog post](https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=678) contains the latest development road map. It hasn't been updated since July, but it does say what to expect and also the historical overview of the last few major updates. As I mentioned, content changes have been made, but they really have been adding the spit and polish to the game. 0.14 was a big network release, 0.15 added nukes, but had a major map rewrite. 0.16 added artillery towers and artillery train cars, but the underlying map/resource generation was vastly improved as well as many code optimizations. 0.17 has a major gui rewrite planned and a new mod portal, but currently no addition content planned. As I said, the game is pretty much done, but they are improving things before release. Even though it is mostly improvements... I still stand by the fact that it is currently (and was a year ago) better than the majority of "released" games.
They also are very good at interacting with their customers... something that many devs find difficult to do. Every week they provide a snippet of what they are currently working on and ask for community feedback. They have done this 220 weeks in a row now without missing a single friday. Pretty impressive.
If you like builder type games... Pick this one up... It is worth far more than the $20 they are asking for. Do not let the Early Access moniker fool you; the game is worthy of release for some time, its good to see the developer continue to improve it.
And yes, I am addicted... Just over 1 year... 880 hours. (I wish I had a life /s )
EDIT: I have a simplistic [factorio review](http://steamcommunity.com/id/stretch611/recommended/427520) on steam.
Also, for those that are interested, the devs have not participated in and have [no plans to discount factorio](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-140) during any sales. There is no reason to wait for a sale, or [you will be disappointed](https://steamcommunity.com/app/427520/discussions/0/2592234299545022370/).
Last edited by stretch611 on 14 Dec 2017 at 9:32 pm UTC
I bought Factorio a year ago when it was shortly after 0.14 was released. It was release quality then, and as mentioned, better than most "released" games, even at that point.
Since then, they have updated some content, but mostly have improved graphics and optimized code. I have a fairly high end machine and I notice a difference. There are people on the forums noticing a 25-50% speed difference. All these speed increases while adding content and graphical overhead at the same time. Pretty remarkable
So what you're saying essentially is that they're the polar opposite of the ARK: Survival Evolved devs. ;)
Seriously though, Factorio has been a great game for a very long time! I beat it back on version 0.11 or earlier, before it was on Steam or had multiplayer, and it was an awesome game back then too! It just keeps getting better.
... I really hate buying EA games. ...I guess this is true for each meaning of EA games? :P
Oh, not consistently. There are times I don't like the EA brands and then there are games I like a lot. I'm not a total EA hater.... I really hate buying EA games. ...I guess this is true for each meaning of EA games? :P
Also, for those that are interested, the devs have not participated in and have [no plans to discount factorio](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-140) during any sales. There is no reason to wait for a sale, or [you will be disappointed](https://steamcommunity.com/app/427520/discussions/0/2592234299545022370/).
Thanks for the info, removed it from my wishlist. 20euro is a bit too much for me for such poorly looking game (also I dislike they stance on sales, so I am not supporting it).
Also, for those that are interested, the devs have not participated in and have [no plans to discount factorio](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-140) during any sales. There is no reason to wait for a sale, or [you will be disappointed](https://steamcommunity.com/app/427520/discussions/0/2592234299545022370/).
Thanks for the info, removed it from my wishlist. 20euro is a bit too much for me for such poorly looking game (also I dislike they stance on sales, so I am not supporting it).
It's a bit hard i think, but i didn't know about their state about sales. And i don't dislike their logic there, so it's still on my wishlist.
It's an unfinished game. People buying it are supporting them, I applaud their no sale approach right now so people who support them earlier arent paying more than those later.Also, for those that are interested, the devs have not participated in and have no plans to discount factorio during any sales. There is no reason to wait for a sale, or you will be disappointed.
Thanks for the info, removed it from my wishlist. 20euro is a bit too much for me for such poorly looking game (also I dislike they stance on sales, so I am not supporting it).
As for the way it looks, i think its great. If you turn your nose up in this way, youre likely missing out on a lot of good games.
Thanks for the info, removed it from my wishlist. 20euro is a bit too much for me for such poorly looking game (also I dislike they stance on sales, so I am not supporting it).
You can also argue that doing sales devalues the game. Especially if you see those AAA games go 50% off two months after release. Not a good way to reward those that paid full price for the product.
First of all, the game looks pretty wonderful. Once you are really automating things, it's like looking at your very own tiny little clockwork going in motion. And killing aliens.Also, for those that are interested, the devs have not participated in and have [no plans to discount factorio](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-140) during any sales. There is no reason to wait for a sale, or [you will be disappointed](https://steamcommunity.com/app/427520/discussions/0/2592234299545022370/).
Thanks for the info, removed it from my wishlist. 20euro is a bit too much for me for such poorly looking game (also I dislike they stance on sales, so I am not supporting it).
If you like strategy games that involve planning in a very big scale and the trailer doesn't blow your mind, something might be wrong. You may want to visit an ophthalmologist.
Second, the game offers way more value for money than 99% of 30+€ games. We're talking about hundreds of hours here, if the gameplay is for you. If that is not worth 20€ to you, you quite simply should be ashamed of yourself.
Third, I get the impression you are simply not a gamer but prefer to look at things mindlessly. I recommend going to the movies instead or an art gallery, though good luck getting far with your attitude on pricing. At least cinemas where I've lived do not really offer sales.
And finally, nobody likes beggars.
Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 16 Dec 2017 at 2:50 pm UTC
Many of the graphic changes over time has been laid out in their Friday Fun Facts (the weekly dev update.) So here are a few links of those changes (most links have before and after.)
- [Terrain and Cliffs](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-219)
- [Wire connections](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-210)
- [Power Poles](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-195)(not fully implemented)
- [Combinators](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-194)(used to program automation)
- [Nukes](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-187)(new in 0.15)
- [Refinery and Chemical plants](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-181)
- [Resources](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-179)
- [Railroads](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-163)
- [pipes](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-155)
- [Car and Steam Generator](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-64)
- [Trains](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-144)
Edit: Found this one too: [Terrain and Logo](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-69)
Last edited by stretch611 on 16 Dec 2017 at 7:00 pm UTC
As for the way it looks, i think its great. If you turn your nose up in this way, youre likely missing out on a lot of good games.
I don't mind the old school look (heck, I love Minecraft, played that for hundreds of hours, even wrote few mods), but 20euro for a gamble I'll love gameplay is too much for me. Just compare it to other games - Ark was recently for 23euro and it's a AAA-like game (has its issues, but is great looking, 3D, tons of content - long progression, many dinosaurs, lovely map, multiplayer); Overwatch is now for 20euro and it is an AAA game - piles of content, everything 3D, very polished, game being actively developed for over a year and still getting regularly new heroes, maps and events.
And to be frank I don't trust indie devs much, I don't have very good experience with them "supporting" their games - Darkest dungeon is utterly broken for me (can't even get to the game from menu) and support is ignoring me for a year now (they responded only the first time that they are handing it to devs). Recently I have bough Spacechem and again, broken. I wrote to a support, but judging from unanswered questions on Steam to similar issues to mine I am very skeptical.
Even though I break my rule at times, I really hate buying EA games.I hate buying E.A. games as well. However, I have made a few (very few) exceptions. This was one of them. I certainly don't regret it.
For any game, you need to read reviews and look into the quality of the dev. Don't just lump all devs together as being the same. However, if the game does not look appealing to you, don't buy it. Just because some of us think it is excellent doesn't mean you should buy it.
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