A feature that was often requested by Linux gamers, was a way for us to show developers there's a demand for a port. Valve has delivered something interesting to help. Although it does have a small caveat, it's only if you pick one platform in your Steam settings.
Writing about it on Twitter, Valve developer Pierre-Loup linked to this post on Steam that explains it:
We have made changes to the wishlist aiming to improve developers' visibility of any interest in their title coming from Steam users playing on platforms they're not currently targeting.
If a user only has one platform filter selected in their Steam store preferences, adding a game to their wishlist will result in it being specially reported to the developer in a new platform-specific breakdown of the wishlist report:
Currently, Steam has this feature some of you might be familiar with (set it here):
Now they're actually making some more use of it, so developers will end up seeing something like this:
A simple change overall, but one that could end up proving quite interesting for developers. I don't imagine this suddenly moving mountains (being realistic here), but we've long needed something official like this to help things along a bit more.
More changes like this, to help developers decide can only be a good thing for Linux/SteamOS gaming.
Although I could imagine that they don't care to count people who already own the games from other platforms, since those won't need to repurchase the game and won't help make ports profitable.
Time to wishlist some games I really want but aren't available on good ol' linux
- Nier Automata
- Trails in the Sky
- Rise of Tomb Raider (maybe, haven't even finished normal Tomb Raider yet)
- Street Fighter V (wasn't this supposed to be a thing?)
The main big drawback is that every time there's a sale, I'll get emailed about games I don't really want to get until there is a port.
So I would have to explicitly search for the game in the store and the put it on my wishlist?
Sounds a bit too complicated to me.
I like to have no filter, to see all games available advertised on the store front page. How should I else know about it, if not seen somewhere else.
I think it would be a better idea, to use either the platform you are on, when wishlisting. Or being able to explicitly set it through a checkbox...
Well, that's going to feed the Windows fanboys old saying "there are only x number of people using linux in the world" :D
Would the only things that change be that (i) games that have no Linux port just wouldn't show in the store, when I'm logged in, and that (ii) I'd help show demand for Linux ports?
Last edited by s8as8a on 7 Dec 2017 at 7:33 am UTC
But I can't start adding games to the wishlist without knowing there's at least some talk about it coming to Linux. My list would be insanely long then...
for Linux released" on 25. Feb. 2014! :D
I'm in the same group as some others: I'm using the wishlist as... *drums* *silence*
whishlist! I gave it e. g. to my wife so she could use it for a Chistmas present. Meh.
Last edited by Eike on 7 Dec 2017 at 12:46 pm UTC
Even if I was in the habit of wishlisting games not available or at least confirmed for Linux, I'd still ignore most of them. And while I've had the filtering option set since it became available, many of you do not (which is fine), and thus do not count as Linux wishlisters.
But I can't start adding games to the wishlist without knowing there's at least some talk about it coming to Linux. My list would be insanely long then...
It could be that there won't be a talk about coming to Linux without a previous wishlist with enough interests on it... We are creating a vicious circle that might end up on a spiral of death and destruction xD
and still thanks to Steam employees.
I like the idea of this existing, but I feel like rolling it into the wishlist is a bad idea.
My wishlist is already messy and neigh unusable with 200+ games on it and no way to keep it organized. Now I'm supposed to wishlist Windows-only stuff, making it even more laborious?
I mean, the wishlist entries don't even show the platform. So I have to double-check that before buying lest I accidentally buy a game I can't play.
Or get excited upon seeing a game on my wishlist while looking through it and getting disappointed a few seconds later.
Before this is in any way usable, I need a way to organize my wishlist. Creating sublists, filter options, fine control over sales notifications, ...
A single flat list is just an unwieldy mess when there's more than a dozen items on it.
Sorry for being so negative. I'm just not happy with the wishlist in general and I feel this exasperates my issues with it.
Especially since I feel I now *have* to do it to get my want for ports registered :/
Another point I only thought about later: this also means is that people might gift me a Windows-only game (I have been gifted games from my wishlist by some lovely people). Which would be unfortunate.
TL;DR: I don't think this particular implementation is all that great, sadly.
I only wishlist games that are on Linux, since my less-techy friends and family often buy me birthday/Christmas gifts from it (it's either that or socks!).Your less-techy friends and relations use your Steam wishlist? Jeez. :'( Wish I had a single friend or family member who was techy enough to realize I have one, let alone buy my something from it. :(
(Ok, my little brothers might be, but as minors sans credit card… :))
My wishlist is already messy and neigh unusable with 200+ games on it and no way to keep it organized.
I've got the opposite: My list is well-tended and I'd be happy to buy or get gifted any single game on it. (I only "follow" the other games I might also be interested in.) I fear those times are over now...
And then I only seldom find time to play them.
Heck, there's even some games I bought full-price on release day that I still need to play.
Wow, that was the first news in the "Steam for Linux" group since "Portal 2 Beta
for Linux released" on 25. Feb. 2014! :D
I'm in the same group as some others: I'm using the wishlist as... *drums* *silence*
whishlist! I gave it e. g. to my wife so she could use it for a Chistmas present. Meh.
Yeah... Maybe they should had a category in the wishlist to classify games. Something like "Interrested in but not available on my OS".
Edit: Still I think it's a good starting point. Better than nothing, imo.
Last edited by Mohandevir on 7 Dec 2017 at 1:45 pm UTC
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