Do you like survival games, how about one that has both a single-player story and a general survive mode? The Long Dark [Steam, Official Site] might be what you need and it continues to get better.
Disclosure: Copy personally purchased.
Here's the update trailer:

Direct Link
Here's what's new:
- Added the Moose to all Survival Mode regions.
- Added the Broken Ribs Affliction.
- Added the Moose-Hide Cloak gear item.
- Added the Moose-Hide Satchel gear item.
- Milton is now playable in Survival Mode, as "Mountain Town", including a full Loot and Wildlife pass.
- New Save System for WINTERMUTE.
- New Experience Modes for WINTERMUTE: Green Survivor, Capable Survivor, Hardened Survivor
- New Custom Experience Toolbox for Survival Mode.
- New Worn Clothing Weight Modifier.
- Added Aurorified Lighting to all regions; these appear when the Aurora is active at night.
For Linux users, they note that you might need to manually install SDL 2. If you have issues, that should be your first step. Also, if you don’t see a mouse pointer in certain places, go into the Controls menu and make sure “Lock mouse to screen” is set to unlocked
Naturally, there’s many ways to die in The Long Dark, requiring careful study of what options you have available for treatment. It pays to keep a close eye on your status, by hitting TAB. Don’t “do a Liam” and walk over your campfire at the start, burns are a real pain to deal with.
Not being able to jump is a bit of a weird design decision, to me at least. I know there’s a number of first-person games that don’t allow you to, but in The Long Dark it really does feel odd. Every minor thing stuck in the ground requires navigating around.
I didn't have the best time with The Long Dark the last time I tried it, I was infuriated by it to be honest. Here's a little story for you…
A few days in, I managed to get hypothermia, which meant I had blurred vision, constant panting and heartbeat sound effects for quite while. The only way to get rid of it was to either sleep (I was still in the middle of nowhere, so no bed) or stay warm for 12 hours. Considering I had no idea where I was, this was quite troublesome and annoying. To top that off, the icing on the cake was that my character was exhausted. It became literally impossible to walk my character seemed to just start crawling along the floor by himself, while I was trying to warm him up. Every few seconds I just kept having to move him back to the damn fire. There's dying in games, then there's just dragging it out to become annoying.
They've had numerous patches like this since then, so it might just be time to give it another go. Hilariously, Samsai challenged me to see how long we could each survive a while ago. I think I lasted a day total (a different attempt to the one above), as I came up against a bunch of wolves, so I managed to hide in some sort of train carriage, only to be a bit stuck and my story ended there rather abruptly.
If I've learnt anything from my time playing it—leave me behind in an apocalypse, I'm quite useless.
RIP Survivor #287.

Don’t “do a Liam” and walk over your campfire at the start, burns are a real pain to deal with.:D
Sorry, I could not resist.

Hah! I spent a couple of minutes searching youtube for a clip of that exact scene. I was going to make a comment about car crashes involving trees in Sweden and see if anyone got it, but ultimately decided against it. Glad to see there's another Dwarfer on GoL in any case. :D
Last edited by seamoose on 9 Dec 2017 at 6:05 am UTC
I don't know how the game balance is, but I much rather meet a wolf than a moose when I am out in nature in real life.I've encountered several moose while out on the farm or when going to bee sites, and as long as you are sensible and do not get too close and show them all due respect, you should be okay. Now, if you are unlucky enough to hit one them with a car it is another matter... my aunt had to ditch and roll her vehicle to avoid a collision a few months back. Then you have a problem.
I don't know how the game balance is, but I much rather meet a wolf than a moose when I am out in nature in real life.
Why is this? Aren't mooses vegetarian and should be less interested in attacking you?
Why is this? Aren't mooses vegetarian and should be less interested in attacking you?Unlike wolves, they're almost as likely to run at you than away from you (cows with calves, bulls in a rut, or just mad bastards, take your pick). And they're huge! They might not try to eat you, but they sure as hell can kick or otherwise pummel your to death.
If I remember correctly, even disregarding moose-related traffic accidents, they cause more deaths and injuries in North America and northern Europe than bears and wolves combined. Of course, there are a lot more of them around, and "more" isn't saying much when the actual numbers are low.
To say something on the actual topic: If survival games didn't stress me out so much, The Long Dark would probably be among the top three on my list.
And on the topic of episodes , when Samsai played it earlier this year it only had episode 1. I can wait .
Kentuky Route Zero STILL isn't done as far as i know.
If I've learnt anything from my time playing it—leave me behind in an apocalypse, I'm quite useless.
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