Move or Die [Steam] might be my favourite party game, it's absolutely nuts, it can be played with by yourself and with others locally and online. It just had a big content update too.
They've add an in-game store, which features all the characters, mutators, items and so on. Usually, you would unlock stuff at random as you played it, now you don't have to wait. You will still unlock stuff, but you can also buy items using "NOT-COINS" you earn from playing it, they're essentially poking fun at micro-transactions and I approve of this.
They also added 7 new characters, 7 new mutators, 4 new game modes and you can now enable mods in private online lobbies now too, for that extra bit of fun.
Check out the ridiculous trailer they made for the update:

Direct Link
You can see the full update notes here. It's also on sale on Steam with 65% off, well worth picking up! I don't think I can overstate how much I love this game.
Actually since the sale started I picked up a lot of games I've been wanting to play a while now.
Have they finally allowed unlocking stuff in local multiplayer? Since I'd never play it online but not unlocking shit turned me off from the local too.
Anyone? It's the only defect I found in this game really.
System is Arch linux.
Have they finally allowed unlocking stuff in local multiplayer? Since I'd never play it online but not unlocking shit turned me off from the local too.
Anyone? It's the only defect I found in this game really.
From what I've seen on steam forums you can only unlock stuff in online games.
One issue I found is that on my laptop it fails to recognize any controllers because it thinks my touchpad is a controller (an unknown one). This is a touchpad using the psmouse driver. This is not the only game with this issue, I had it with at least another one. I suspect they use some sort of heuristic to detect gamepads. If someone knows how to fix this, short of unloading the psmouse module, please let me know.
My issue with online games is the game lag. The host wins 90% of the time because of this. But if you try to create a game and be the host (and win :) ), you spend 10-15 minutes before enough people joins. Which means that I never play it on line.
It's... questionable that a party game punish you for playing it in actual parties and tries to push you toward online gaming instead. Apart from this minor annoyance though it's a great party game.
And I'm sorry for the laptop thing. My personal controller experience with the game is fine. I have 2 steam and 2 xbone BT controllers. It's not so easy to find linux games that behave correctly with xbone bt controllers.
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