Feral Interactive are up to their usual funny business with a brand new Linux port teaser up on their radar.
This is now the second unannounced Linux game they're teasing (here's the other), so I can't wait to see what they have cooked up for us. The last teaser was put up a good few months ago now, so hopefully at least one of them will release soon. They're both in the outermost part of the radar, so they could still be a while away. We don't really know what "Quite Soon" actually means, it could end up being tomorrow, a week or more.
Anyway…here's the latest teaser from their port radar:
"It's just a shot away"
Begin the guessing games! What do you think this be? Exciting! I'm sure these won't be the only titles this year too, let's see if they can truly surprise us.
Last edited by Eike on 29 Jan 2018 at 4:50 pm UTC
Why is this even a question?
its just a shot away,is that from a song?
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
No idea what the hell the cookie (?) represents though.
Last edited by qptain Nemo on 29 Jan 2018 at 4:53 pm UTC
its just a shot away,is that from a song?
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
Yep , from that biscuit album.
But 'Just a shot away' is from The Rolling Stones track - Gimme Shelter (a great tune!)
its just a shot away,is that from a song?
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
Yep , from that biscuit album.
King - Tomb Kings maybe? I can but hope...
or new single player game for Vietnam
It looks like a Garibaldi biscuit to me ...
But 'Just a shot away' is from The Rolling Stones track - Gimme Shelter (a great tune!)
Yes; the image comes from the page of [a biscuit review podcast](https://www.acast.com/theinternationalworldwideglobalbiscuitreviewpodcast/garibaldi). Could this have anything to do with the historical personality Garibaldi? Is there a 'Total War: Italian Reunification'? (I know there's no Assassin's Creed about that period.

Last edited by walther von stolzing on 29 Jan 2018 at 5:04 pm UTC
Ok, so apparently "it's just a shot away" is a line from Rolling Stones's song Gimme Shelter. The lyrics contain the line "Oh, a storm is threat'ning"
Mmmm... Let's see what I can come up with that... The last quest for Act 1 in The Witcher 3 is "Calm before the Storm". "It's just a shot away" from when things starts to get interresting. LoL!
Dreamer! Nothing but a dreamer! :)
Just found that:
Last edited by Mohandevir on 29 Jan 2018 at 5:48 pm UTC
Ok, so apparently "it's just a shot away" is a line from Rolling Stones's song Gimme Shelter. The lyrics contain the line "Oh, a storm is threat'ning"
Mmmm... Let's see what I can come up with that... The last quest for Act 1 in The Witcher 3 is "Calm before the Storm". It's just a shot away from when things starts to "get interresting". LoL!
Dreamer! Nothing but a dreamer! :)
Just found that:
If it's Witcher 3, then I'd buy it again!
What's a famous image associated with whiskey -- Johnnie Walker.
What does 'walker' remind you of? Why, AT-AT Walkers, of course.
Mark my words. It's EA's Star Wars Battlefront something-or-other.
Why are we even discussing this? It's pretty obvious it's Half-Life 3.
You just cannot claim it's Half Life 3 whithout actual facts... Even if they are distorted just like in my demonstration. It's just plain fun to try and link any annoucements to one game, no matter how plausible it is. :)
Ok, so apparently "it's just a shot away" is a line from Rolling Stones's song Gimme Shelter. The lyrics contain the line "Oh, a storm is threat'ning" which could be taken as a hint to Life is Strange: Before the Storm. There are also references to fire which is a prominent symbolic element in that game. So here's hoping. Because it's a great game, one that I actually ended up liking more than the original.The "cookie" is a Garibaldi biscuit. Garibaldi also happens to be a location in Oregon which bears striking resemblance to Arcadia Bay (I believe the devs confirmed they took inspiration from Tillamook Bay, which is around that area).
No idea what the hell the cookie (?) represents though.
Last edited by saclautaa on 29 Jan 2018 at 6:56 pm UTC
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