GOG are having a little sale yet again, so let's have a look and see what good deals they have going for Linux gamers. It's crazy how often GOG and other stores have sales on, there's opportunities every single month to get good games at a discounted price.
Disclosure: GOG links are affiliate links, using our links helps us keep the lights on.
Here's my top picks for games you should take a look at:
- Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition - 66% off
- Tyranny - Archon Edition - 60% off
- Torment: Tides of Numenera - 40% off
- The Lion’s Song (new to GOG) - 30% off
- Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth (fantastic story) - 25% off
There's a good few more on sale, so do pop over to GOG if you're in the market for a new game. It's not a huge sale, but they've picked some really fantastic titles for you to grab. A good selection of RPGs, some adventure games and more.
Also, while it's not on Linux directly, Theme Hospital is 75% off which you can then use with the open source CorsixTH game engine.
Ps. Don't forget to regularly check our Sales Page, which tracks multiple stores!
just picked up divinity
I still haven´t gotten around to playing that game. I really wanted to wait for "Divinity II" to be confirmed for linux porting, before I started playing the original.
It´s supposed to be really good though.
It´s supposed to be really good though.
Its not. It mediocre game that thinks too much about itself. It is trying to be funny in a smug way, it has poor story, world building and dialogues. It is also quite linear game in similar way like Gothic (all enemies are preset and as even small level difference is quite significant for combat, a lot of areas are basically locked down).
The only + on this game is its combat system, which is great, dynamic and use a lot of skill combos by utilizing environment: oil can be lit on fire, pool of water or wet enemies can be frozen or are more conductive for lightning. Poison or poisonous gas is also explosive. Since you have a wide array of skill or items that can place all these things, you have quite a big freedom how to combat enemies and funnel AI into chokepoint using fire surface (or extinguish enemy fire with rain spell) and so on.
So it depends on why you play RPGs, if for their combat, you will like it. If for freedom, story and dialogues, its meh.
Also, this game tends to not explain any character building to you or all of its mechanics. Crafting is also a bit weird and some weapons or weapon combinations are inherently bad because you can't craft them and they are rare in loot or shops.
Last edited by Colombo on 9 Jan 2018 at 1:30 am UTC
*throws toys out*
Tyranny is 32bit only?
Not anymore. They released it in 64-bit which fixed (or rather helped to avoid) a long standing and common lack of LFS bug of their 32-bit release:
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 Jan 2018 at 9:17 pm UTC
Is there somewhere one can purchase motivation to play all of these cheap games that I've bought?
Can someone please tell me how I can get paid to play all of these games I've bought, so I can quit my job and dedicate my life to gaming? :P
I hope the second part (if it gets ported) doesn't have that?
Tyranny is 32bit only? In this day and age of 64bit CPU's which have been around since fucking forever (well, over a decade).The initial release was 32 bit only, but since then the developer provided a 64 bit binary as well :)
*throws toys out*
just picked up divinity
I still haven´t gotten around to playing that game. I really wanted to wait for "Divinity II" to be confirmed for linux porting, before I started playing the original.
It´s supposed to be really good though.
I thought it was. In fact, it was the game that opened me up to turn-based combat games. What little experience I had previously left me a bit ... bored? Certainly not very interested. But, it should be noted that I'm not much of a "story" guy, preferring to get my narrative in movies and novels. I know that for some, CRPGs are first and foremost seen as a storytelling genre, and I can see how DOS might leave them a little flat. But I was thoroughly entertained, and that's what I play video games for. :)
Last edited by Nanobang on 9 Jan 2018 at 1:03 pm UTC
[Sam & Max Save the World](https://www.gog.com/game/sam_max_save_the_world)
[Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space](https://www.gog.com/game/sam_max_beyond_time_and_space)
[Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse](https://www.gog.com/game/sam_max_the_devils_playhouse)
[Tales from the Borderlands](https://www.gog.com/game/tales_from_the_borderlands)
[The Witcher Enhanced Edition](https://www.gog.com/game/the_witcher)
Second: E983C939C
Just combine the two parts + redeem here: https://www.gog.com/redeem
Also here's a key for Hard West that needs to be used ASAP as it will expire today if it isn't used.
I tried it five minutes after you posted, but it seems someone was fast in redeeming and slow in saying thank you...
Anyway, thanks for the offer!
I stopped playing Divinity due to the §$"§$! Rock-paper-scissors system. :-(
I hope the second part (if it gets ported) doesn't have that?
Oh yes, i can understand you. This and "your answers makes your stats" is one of most annoying things in whole game.
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