Tale of Toast [Official Site, Steam] is another MMO that will release with Linux support, it will be free to play without any pay to win apparently.
It will have no classes, open world PvP combat with a zone system that sounds like it might be similar to Albion Online and they're focusing on "quality before quantity" when it comes to the quests that will be available.
Their most recent trailer is a bit on the old side, but it should still give you a reasonable idea of how it will look:

Direct Link
About the game:
Tale of Toast is an open world MMORPG with core gameplay inspired by what made old school MMORPGs endlessly fun and engaging. With its easy to pick up play style, open world player versus player with high stakes for those daring to partake, and its focus on simple yet tactical combat, social aspects, trade skills, procedurally generated dungeons and quality over quantity quests, it is sure to have something for everyone.
When it comes to micro-transactions, it will have them. However, they claim it will only be for things like cosmetic items and pets. They make it clear they do not want anyone to gain any kind of advantage over another by paying.
Currently, their release date is simply listed as "Coming Soon". It seems to be under rapid development, with patches being released quite regularly for when they have their server up for supporters to test it.
I'm quite keen on playing this one when it's released, more good MMOs on Linux will be awesome.
Sadly PvP does not interest me
Also the art aesthetic is odd ... like an anime and a chibi doll had a baby.
Free to play without any pay to win . . . say, how do these outfits make money exactly?Being a truly good game helps.
Just look at Path Of Exile - probably the best Hack&Slash game out there, way better than Diablo 3. It is a Windows game, but runs on Wine.
And they finance themselves only via cosmetic items in the shop. Bought some useless fluff just to support them as I felt bad for not doing so.
I'll definitely have to check it out as PvP also appeals to me (not so much killing others, but the threat of others killing me makes things feel more dynamic).
Last edited by ison111 on 15 Jan 2018 at 6:42 am UTC
But at least this game seems to have a lot more personality than the other MMOs we know coming our way so far. So this is definitely a progress.
Still waiting for "my" MMO though!
Last edited by Beamboom on 15 Jan 2018 at 9:45 am UTC
Still waiting for "my" MMO though!
I'll bite. What's "your" MMO ? :P
There's something about the combination of PVP and "children game" aesthetics that kind of irks me. It feels wrong.Personally, I like it. Everyone has different tastes and while I like realistic graphics, I also appreciate the more cartoony and friendly styles some go for.
Personally, I like it. Everyone has different tastes and while I like realistic graphics, I also appreciate the more cartoony and friendly styles some go for.
I don't mind the art style in itself, it's the combination with PVP (players killing each other) in a "kids game" that irks me. It looks like a children's game. It could be a childrens game, aesthetically. I can't really explain why, but instinctively it feels like there's something wrong in that picture.
It's probably just me though, but had it been PVE it's been a different matter.
I'll bite. What's "your" MMO ? :P
Haha it wasn't meant as a bait :D
But I'm waiting for a futuristic/sci-fi/cyberpunk themed action MMO with a rich, dark atmosphere, primarily PVE based. Think Shadowrun type universe. Good old Anarchy Online is another good reference. Or even Star Wars Galaxies.
Or, if it has to be a "old times" setting , then NOT fantasy but rather a gothic/steampunk type setting.
Exploration is a core feature, complex crafting, tons of options to create your character both in regards to looks and skills.
Oh man.. The mere thought made me drool.
Last edited by Beamboom on 15 Jan 2018 at 3:48 pm UTC
Personally, I like it. Everyone has different tastes and while I like realistic graphics, I also appreciate the more cartoony and friendly styles some go for.
I don't mind the art style in itself, it's the combination with PVP (players killing each other) in a "kids game" that irks me. It looks like a children's game. It could be a childrens game, aesthetically. I can't really explain why, but instinctively it feels like there's something wrong in that picture.
You're saying it's like people were going around ganking each other in Club Penguin.
Ah, the infamous hats. It impresses me that companies can stay afloat on that.Free to play without any pay to win . . . say, how do these outfits make money exactly?Being a truly good game helps.
Just look at Path Of Exile - probably the best Hack&Slash game out there, way better than Diablo 3. It is a Windows game, but runs on Wine.
And they finance themselves only via cosmetic items in the shop. Bought some useless fluff just to support them as I felt bad for not doing so.
I'll bite. What's "your" MMO ? :P
Haha it wasn't meant as a bait :D
But I'm waiting for a futuristic/sci-fi/cyberpunk themed action MMO with a rich, dark atmosphere, primarily PVE based. Think Shadowrun type universe. Good old Anarchy Online is another good reference. Or even Star Wars Galaxies.
Or, if it has to be a "old times" setting , then NOT fantasy but rather a gothic/steampunk type setting.
Exploration is a core feature, complex crafting, tons of options to create your character both in regards to looks and skills.
Oh man.. The mere thought made me drool.
Well , if you can get it running in Wine , Secret World Legends might be enjoyable to you.
The PVE campaign was fun , and the atmosphere and world were great fun.
I agree with this, but, personally, my money output is nowhere near $15/mo. I've probably spent about $15 total per F2P game that I spent so many hours that I felt I should really pay some money.Free to play without any pay to win . . . say, how do these outfits make money exactly?Being a truly good game helps.
Just look at Path Of Exile - probably the best Hack&Slash game out there, way better than Diablo 3. It is a Windows game, but runs on Wine.
And they finance themselves only via cosmetic items in the shop. Bought some useless fluff just to support them as I felt bad for not doing so.
Well , if you can get it running in Wine , Secret World Legends might be enjoyable to you.
The PVE campaign was fun , and the atmosphere and world were great fun.
Yeah I know of it, it did look really cool.
Oh man - don't get me started on what i WOULD have played, had I started running Windows binaries again. I'd then rather just dual boot into Windows, but yeah... Heck I'd even play Anarchy Online again, if I could.
However, I stay firm:
[center]No tux? No bux![/center]
But there's that vampire MMO planned that Liam has written about a couple of times. I really, really look forward to that one. At the very least it's something else than the cookie-cutter fantasy theme. If done right, I might love it just for being different.
Last edited by Beamboom on 16 Jan 2018 at 9:14 am UTC
They don't need every player to do that. F2P games are financed mostly by whales (people who spend absurd amounts of money on them) and people who maybe spend 5$ every now and then (or like me, kinda buy "one game worth" of stuff in their shops once). What exactly the distribution of those is for PoE, you gotta ask the devs.I agree with this, but, personally, my money output is nowhere near $15/mo. I've probably spent about $15 total per F2P game that I spent so many hours that I felt I should really pay some money.Free to play without any pay to win . . . say, how do these outfits make money exactly?Being a truly good game helps.
Just look at Path Of Exile - probably the best Hack&Slash game out there, way better than Diablo 3. It is a Windows game, but runs on Wine.
And they finance themselves only via cosmetic items in the shop. Bought some useless fluff just to support them as I felt bad for not doing so.
Most people probably play forever without paying anything.
Well , if you can get it running in Wine , Secret World Legends might be enjoyable to you.
The PVE campaign was fun , and the atmosphere and world were great fun.
Yeah I know of it, it did look really cool.
Oh man - don't get me started on what i WOULD have played, had I started running Windows binaries again. I'd then rather just dual boot into Windows, but yeah... Heck I'd even play Anarchy Online again, if I could.
However, I stay firm:
[center]No tux? No bux![/center]
But there's that vampire MMO planned that Liam has written about a couple of times. I really, really look forward to that one. At the very least it's something else than the cookie-cutter fantasy theme. If done right, I might love it just for being different.
I get that , it's your opinion and I respect it , but ... this is Free to Play.
Sure micro transactions help you progress and travel faster but they are not needed.
Still. Up to you.
I get that , it's your opinion and I respect it , but ... this is Free to Play. Sure micro transactions help you progress and travel faster but they are not needed.
Still. Up to you.
Wine is, for me at least, one giant stack of failed attempts. That's my Wine experience summarized. :D
But yeah, of course I could boot a windows drive. If I was really at loss of things to play I could possibly do so. But then I'd be all over Fallout 4 instead. Or GTA 5. Or The latest Dragon Age. Or Mass Effect. Or Player Unknown... Or... Yeah you get my point. :)
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