GOG is currently doing a 'Chinese New Year Sale' which includes a free copy of King of Fighters 2002 for anyone to grab.
On top of that, they've also enabled a bunch of new games for GOG Connect, the service that allows you to get a free copy of certain games on GOG, if you own them on Steam. The titles showing up for me that support Linux are: AI War Collection, Orwell, Pirates! Gold Plus and HuniePop.
As for games on sale, GOG currently has quite a lot that support Linux, some really good choices too! They're also doing "Flash Deals", extremely time-limited sales you need to keep checking for. I won't link any of them, since they will come and go quite quickly. However, here's my choice picks for you:
- Invisible Inc. - 75% off
- Prison Architect - 75% off
- Broforce - 74% off
- Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition - 66% off
- Torment: Tides of Numenera - 50% off
- Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire - 40% off
- Paradigm - 33% off
If you've picked up anything good, feel free to have a chat about it in the comments. There's plenty more on sale, those are just a few of my favourites. You can see all sales for Linux directly on GOG right here. The sale ends February 20, 11 PM UTC.
As a reminder, you can see sales from many different stores any time on our Sales Page which updates regularly.
GOG links are affiliate links.
Crysis Warhead
Deadly Premonition
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs the Third Reich
Hitman: Codename 47 (the installer for this one has been updated - will have an updated wrapper out this Friday along with some general updates for all of the other wrappers)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman 3: Contracts
Jade Empire: Special Edition
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection
Mirror's Edge
The Saboteur
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (flash deal)
STALKER: Clear Sky
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
System Shock 2
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Last edited by adamhm on 13 February 2018 at 8:46 pm UTC

Quoting: adamhmOlder/classic games currently on sale on GOG that I've made Wine wrappers
Awesome work, dude!
My kid has been on my case about getting into the Hitman series. Hopefully all goes well tonight when I install it @ home so that I can share with them :)
Quoting: adamhmThe Saboteur
What annoys me there is the map bug, that apparently GOG somehow fixed on Windows, but it's still present in Wine.
Quoting: RafiLinuxMy kid has been on my case about getting into the Hitman series. Hopefully all goes well tonight when I install it @ home so that I can share with them :)
The wrapper for Hitman: Codename 47 won't work just yet as GOG changed the installer recently, but it'll be updated on Friday. If you need it sooner I can provide you with an early copy of the updated wrapper though :)
Quoting: adamhmOlder/classic games currently on sale on GOG that I've made Wine wrappers for:
Crysis Warhead
Deadly Premonition
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs the Third Reich
Hitman: Codename 47 (the installer for this one has been updated - will have an updated wrapper out this Friday along with some general updates for all of the other wrappers)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman 3: Contracts
Jade Empire: Special Edition
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection
Mirror's Edge
The Saboteur
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (flash deal)
STALKER: Clear Sky
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
System Shock 2
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Just a note:
I tried your Fallout New Vegas wrapper and it didn't work.
Quoting: LeopardJust a note:
I tried your Fallout New Vegas wrapper and it didn't work.
What happened when you tried to run it / what was the terminal output?
Quoting: adamhmQuoting: LeopardJust a note:
I tried your Fallout New Vegas wrapper and it didn't work.
What happened when you tried to run it / what was the terminal output?
There was nothing , it starts installing and then finished install. Terminal closed at light speed so i can't catch any messages from it.
Quoting: LeopardThere was nothing , it starts installing and then finished install. Terminal closed at light speed so i can't catch any messages from it.
Are you running it from inside a terminal? Or how is it closing then?
Last edited by Shmerl on 13 February 2018 at 9:59 pm UTC
Quoting: LeopardThere was nothing , it starts installing and then finished install. Terminal closed at light speed so i can't catch any messages from it.
When you need to run stuff in the terminal you should open a terminal window in the directory and start it from there, in this case with the command: ./falloutnv_wine.sh
(you don't need to type out the entire thing, just start typing it then press tab to autocomplete)
That way it won't close automatically when it exits. Or you can open a terminal window, then do Edit --> Profile Preferences --> Command --> "When command exits:" --> select "Hold the terminal open". Then it will no longer close when started by running a script directly from the file manager... but if you do this then when you open a terminal window normally it has to be closed manually, can't just do "exit" to dismiss it.
From what you describe, the issue is likely to be one of these:
- Trying to run it on a FAT/NTFS partition
- Missing the icoutils package
- Missing one or more of the installer files (they need to be in the same directory as the wrapper build script and resource archive)
Last edited by adamhm on 13 February 2018 at 10:16 pm UTC
Quoting: stretch611Hunie Pop is now available through GOG Connect.
As well as AI War Collection, Orwell, Pirates! Gold Plus, and some Windows and Mac only games.
Quoting: adamhmsnip
What's the difference between your method of wrapping and say for example a Lutris install ? Could the two be merged or am i missing something.
Wouldn't it be great if at least older GOG Linux titles shipped as flatpack with your script work having set the correct wine version, configs and other libs. That way games could be bought and run with one click without the need for as much external work and user input.
Quoting: meggermanWouldn't it be great if at least older GOG Linux titles shipped as flatpack with your script work having set the correct wine version, configs and other libs. That way games could be bought and run with one click without the need for as much external work and user input.
Running the script shouldn't be hard. And using latest Wine has its benefits too. But the main issue is that GOG can't distribute what they don't have a contract for. For many Windows only games, making an "official" Linux release means they have to make a new contract with the publisher which can be difficult when legacy publishers are concerned. They simply might not care to do that. You can blame copyright stupidity for that.
Last edited by Shmerl on 14 February 2018 at 12:08 am UTC
I'll post if I find a working setup. I really love to play this on Linux, since I played a lot of KoF 95/98 way back.
RIP my money
Quoting: ShmerlWhich reminds me, I should play Fallout New Vegas. I've bought it on one of the GOG sales but never played it before. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be the best of the Fallout games.
No, Fallout 2 is the best of Fallout games, ever! :D
Quoting: adamhmOlder/classic games currently on sale on GOG that I've made Wine wrappers for:
Crysis Warhead
Deadly Premonition
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs the Third Reich
Hitman: Codename 47 (the installer for this one has been updated - will have an updated wrapper out this Friday along with some general updates for all of the other wrappers)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman 3: Contracts
Jade Empire: Special Edition
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection
Mirror's Edge
The Saboteur
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (flash deal)
STALKER: Clear Sky
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
System Shock 2
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Actually, I was going to ask, is there any chance that we could make this somewhat official? I mean we all know you have those wrappers because you've posted on this forum, but nobody else.
I was just thinking, since the game developers often times use SDL to port games to Linux natively, maybe they'd agree to host those wine wrappers on Steam or on GOG.com? Have you tried contacting them, and making it so that games that work on Linux actually count towards the statistics?
Quoting: meggermanWhat's the difference between your method of wrapping and say for example a Lutris install ? Could the two be merged or am i missing something.
Wouldn't it be great if at least older GOG Linux titles shipped as flatpack with your script work having set the correct wine version, configs and other libs. That way games could be bought and run with one click without the need for as much external work and user input.
I've never used Lutris before so I can't really comment on how they differ, but my wrappers are largely standalone & I try to have them offer an experience that's as close to playing a native Linux game as possible.
Each game uses its own copy of Wine and Wine prefix/Wine settings, saves are kept in each game's own directory under ~/.local/share (or optionally in the wrapper's directory if you create a directory there named "userdata" ) so they don't pollute your home directory, I have the start scripts perform some initial setup & try to avoid letting the games make unwanted changes to your desktop resolution etc. and I also try to provide as much user choice/customisation & flexibility as possible to help with things like using mods & running related tools.
My wrappers already don't require much user input to use: just put all the files in one place and run the <game>_wine.sh script to assemble the wrapper; then just move the resulting wrapper directory to whereever you want it installed to (if it isn't there already) and run the start.sh script to play. Some dependencies may need to be installed if they're not already provided by your distro though.
Quoting: appetrosyanActually, I was going to ask, is there any chance that we could make this somewhat official? I mean we all know you have those wrappers because you've posted on this forum, but nobody else.
I was just thinking, since the game developers often times use SDL to port games to Linux natively, maybe they'd agree to host those wine wrappers on Steam or on GOG.com? Have you tried contacting them, and making it so that games that work on Linux actually count towards the statistics?
I've said before that GOG are welcome to use any of my wrappers as the basis for official releases; this goes for the respective publishers too. My wrappers and the additional tools I've created for some of them are all MIT licensed to make it easier for them to do this.
It's not necessarily a straightforward thing to do though. If GOG were to do it themselves they'd need the permission of the respective publishers. Also where certain native libraries & other components are required there may be licensing issues (and for obvious reasons this is especially the case if the required components are made by Microsoft). The same is true for third party enhancements I've used for some wrappers.
Anyway I released all of the planned updates today :) A day earlier than planned as there weren't any unexpected issues.
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