What would happen if we discovered the existence of alien life? A question I've often asked and a question many games, films and books have covered in great detail. The Station [Steam] is a sci-fi mystery that sees you investigate The Espial, a space station sent to research a sentient alien civilization.

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I’ve played a fair amount of sci-fi games set onboard a space station, most recently Tacoma which was fantastic and Alien Isolation which made me need new pants. Much like Tacoma, you learn a lot about the crew and their interactions with each other through a special interface that records conversations, which can be played back. However, it has a much darker feel to it overall.
One thing I will say right away, is that it's a short game. I clocked almost exactly two hours to finish it the first time, which actually felt exactly right. I often have a problem with games feeling like they go on too long, but The Station told the exact story it wanted to. You could probably get another half an hour out of it, as I believe I missed one or two secrets. It's extremely hard not to spoil a game that's so short, so it makes it quite hard to review. From looking at the achievements list, there might even be something big I missed, but I suggest playing it before looking over them to not spoil anything.
The mission of The Espial was one of observation without interacting with this alien civilization. To do so, they had some sort of stealth capability. What would happen if there was a problem aboard this station, that resulted in the aliens discovering you orbiting their planet? That's what the story of The Station is centered around.
There’s a few jumpy sections, but nothing outrageous and they're evenly spread to not alarm you constantly. You’re never terrified, but you always feel on edge. There’s a certain thick atmosphere to it, without it actually being a horror game. Where are the crew? What happened? Is anyone even left on board, has it been boarded by aliens? You gradually learn more and the result did quite surprise me.
The puzzles you will be solving are clever and they do make you think a little, but they’re not actually difficult. I’ve been quite surprised by them in the way that they’re designed, how the multi-part puzzles have you looking for and using other items and sometimes combining them to finish a puzzle. This has allowed me to enjoy it a lot, not getting stumped by a puzzle, but having them just feel firmly part of the experience.
Overall, it has a fantastic atmosphere throughout the entire game, with some really great design work. The visuals are let down a little bit by the anti-aliasing, but other than that it excited me as a huge fan of space sci-fi stories.
The ending was really cleverly done—I didn't expect it at all. In fact, I would say I was actually a little shocked by it which goes to show how great the story-telling was that I didn't catch onto what exactly was going on. I'm still a little confused, with many questions, but hopefully some of which will be answered when I dive in again to explore just a little more. The fact that I want to dive back in, to double check what I think I know, goes to show that it's a thoughtful and interesting experience.
You can find The Station on Steam.
Unfortunatly, I have the opposite problem. I love long games and about 2 hours is at least 5-6 hours to little for me to buy. Sorry to say this, because the game does look interesting to me but at the current price I just can't justify a purchase.
Not when I soon expect to pay 45,99€ for PoE2 and also buy (as soon as available on steam) NWN:EE, The Last Night, Depth of Extinction and Surviving Mars. That's not even counting possible "surprise releases" of Rise of the Tomb Raider, LiS: Before the Storm or Ruiner.
That said, when it comes to lighter fare like Binding of Isaac, Fistful of Frags, or Rogue Legacy I manage to surpass 100 hours without realizing it :P
I just bought Tacoma on sale and need to play it, I loved Gone Home. Maybe I'll check this game out after ^_^
On the other hand, I can't justify paying more for a two hour game than I'd pay to see a movie, so this will go on my wishlist for now.
If I enjoy a game, it's worth whatever I paid for it.
Exactly, I can be perfectly happy with a $30/1 hour game and also utterly regret a $15/20 hour one.
...and also utterly regret a $15/20 hour one.
Ech, that brings Mad Max to mind. Probably had way more than 20 hours, but I wasn't sticking around to find out :P
That said, I do believe length is relevant, but out of context it's arbitrary. If I see 90+ hours of game advertised for a rouge-like that sounds fine; rogue likes never have a definite end so the longer the better*. But if it was a straight linear shooter I would be dreading it, as it probably demands larger chunks of time to get a proper 'session' in and frankly I can only stay invested in a plot so long.
*with exceptions like poor pacing and padding.
Last edited by HadBabits on 20 Feb 2018 at 11:54 pm UTC
The 10 years old Dead Space game looks better, is longer and it is free currently. Works fine with wine-staging, just disable the Origin client overlay and v-sync.
[The dead space game](https://www.ea.com/games/dead-space/dead-space)
So you have managed to not only hit the stereotype that Linux gamers won't pay money for a game but also proving that it's not needed to bring a game to Linux because they can just use Wine. Bravo. As far as comparing Dead Space to The Station they are apples and oranges. Dead Space is a survival horror game while the Station is a walking simulator. Dead Space retailed for $49.99 CAD at launch while The Station only cost me $17.49 CAD at launch. Dead Space 2 had a budget of $60 million so I am going to assume that Dead Space probably had a $10-15 million budget versus The Station which took in a Kickstarter of $15,370 which even if they had outside investment I doubt took it to the $10-15 million range. So in conclusion as for Dead Space being "better" than The Station I say "So what ?".
So in conclusion as for Dead Space being "better" than The Station I say "So what ?".
So it is not allowed to present a free game in the same genre. Conclusion, move to NK to restrict freedom of expression.
Having the freedom to express yourself doesn't mean freedom from criticism. How is a survival horror game in the same genre as a walking simulator ? In The Station there are no monsters to fight, no health bar, no upgrading equipment, no managing ammo, they are nothing alike. They both take place in space, that's as close as it gets.
Last edited by PublicNuisance on 21 Feb 2018 at 6:58 pm UTC
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