It's been a bit of a weird one, but EARTHLOCK [Official Site] (previously EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic) is going to get a Linux beta build tomorrow.
Direct Link
EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic gained a Linux alpha build back in 2016, but they went quiet on it and it seemed like it might be one that would fade into oblivion. Thankfully, that's not the case. The upgraded and extended edition now just called EARTHLOCK released for Windows and Mac today, with that the developer posted on the Steam forum "We will be uploading a Linux beta tomorrow" (source).
It's likely the beta will be Steam-only and once ready hopefully it will come to GOG too.
About the game:
Embark on a journey to save the beautiful world of Umbra, a harsh planet that stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago. What started as a mission to rescue Amon’s uncle from the clutches of an ancient cult, soon spirals into an adventure that was centuries in the making. You must bring together this group of unlikely heroes to stop the ruinous past from repeating itself.
The developers claim that looks are deceiving, with a cute style to it but it comes with a challenge. It's a game they say true fans of the JRPG genre will love. It sounds like a huge amount of effort went into expanding the game, given the mixed reviews the original had. They've added in crafting, more quests, new creatures and NPCs and loads more.
I'm pretty excited to see another adventure RPG on Linux, will be fun to see what this one is like.
Last edited by Beamboom on 9 Mar 2018 at 10:07 am UTC
Until now, their behavior about the promised and sold Linux version and their way of communicating with their customers was quite shoddy. I hate that developers treat Linux customers like some kind of "minor urgency".
If you can't deliver a Linux version, don't sell one. And I would say, if you consider buying this right now, don't. Wait until they actually have a working version.
It's likely the beta will be Steam-only and once ready hopefully it will come to GOG too.
Fingers crossed!
Given their history, I'll wait till the devs actually bring out a full release before dropping any dinero on this one.
thanks for the feedback. This week has been crazy much work so the team is resting this weekend. We will continue on the Linux version on Monday.
I'm pretty much speechless. They managed to fuck up the situation even more, and still maintain their policy of just omitting any explanation.
They just continue to suck. Most people can't even download it, one says it starts without the intro and is full of debug messages... and the only message on the forum is:Personally, I think you're being a bit of an arse. They're trying, it's more than thousands of other developers are doing and they replied to say they will be working on it.
thanks for the feedback. This week has been crazy much work so the team is resting this weekend. We will continue on the Linux version on Monday.
I'm pretty much speechless. They managed to fuck up the situation even more, and still maintain their policy of just omitting any explanation.
It's a BETA, you realise this is when to expect issues right?
Personally, I think you're being a bit of an arse. They're trying, it's more than thousands of other developers are doing and they replied to say they will be working on it.
If that is better than "thousands of other devs", then it is still shitty to me. I never understood to refer to a bigger pile of shit and then state that the smaller pile of shit is quite nice. Not for me. It's still shit.
Can you honestly say that the Linux support from this company was "good" in any way? The demo was released without even taking time to install a Linux distribution and start it one single time. The "alpha" was - as far as we know - pretty much the same: It worked for some, not for others. And now we have the "beta", and it is still the same: Works for some, for some it crashes, and most people can't even download it - like me.
Can you recommend buying the game in this state? If yes, you can maybe come up with good evidence that this time, they will not forget what they said and just shut communication for over a year again.
It's a BETA, you realise this is when to expect issues right?
I realize that the definition of "beta" can be quite stretched. If you make software, and your "beta" doesn't even start for half of your customers, I think you're doing something wrong big time.
There is a big loss of quality in game production lately. The Linux crowd gets the worst of that. I stay by my opinion that they are doing a shitty job all around regarding the already sold Linux version. And I stay by my opinion that it is not recommended to buy it right now - which people are sadly doing. Maybe they don't know the history of this one.
You think this is making me a "bit of an arse"? Maybe. But I don't think we should pamper any dev just because they mention the word "Linux" every 3 months.
Last edited by Doc Angelo on 10 Mar 2018 at 8:05 pm UTC
If some people can download it and some can't, that's likely an issue in their Steam configuration, which confuses a great many developers and people get it wrong all the time, even big developers screw that up. It's no reason to give them crap.
As for it not starting, again, this is what a test version is for. I think you're being too harsh and you still clearly don't understand what a test version is for.
I get we've had some poor support in the past, but it's no reason to instantly claim shit about everything. Personally, I think your attitude just needs to cool down a bit and be a bit more understanding.
To quote the developer:
Yes, please don’t buy the game before we are out of beta.
Last edited by Liam Dawe on 10 Mar 2018 at 8:15 pm UTC
To expect the same level of support for a finished version, is silly.
instantly claim shit about everything.
As I said, everybody should have their opinion. You have yours, and that's fine. I have mine, and you should be able to deal with it without coming up with these straw man arguments. I never said that I expect 100% in an alpha or beta, and I most certainly did not "instantly claim shit about everything".
Read through the old alpha thread on Steam. I tried to ask them multiple times about how they are going forward with the Linux version. And I was polite about it and recognized that a human being can only do so much. They ignored the attempts to communicate. As soon as I realize that this politeness and patience is being abused, I get a bit of an arse. Rightfully so, in my opinion.
As I said, I don't accept that the Linux crowd is being handled like third class customers, just because their platform is not the most popular one. If a dev is doing this, the dev will get shit from me. If the dev will postpone the version multiple times without giving an explanation, the dev will get shit from me.
I don't really understand why you think their behavior is OK. I don't think it is, and I think I've given enough explanation to back up my view. Maybe you should backup your assessment.
Last edited by Doc Angelo on 10 Mar 2018 at 8:37 pm UTC
To me, you were posting as if you didn't have the faintest idea what alpha and beta tests are all about. They can be dumped at any time, up until they're promoted to official supported status. If you pay for a game that isn't officially supported, again, you should prepare to be left behind if a developer is busy doing something else.
I'm not going to read through the old alpha thread in its entirety, I don't have to. I know they lacked communication then and I agree it wasn't great. However, they're attempting a new beta test with the "improved" new game and that's great.
I'm not interested in arguing over this, some of your points are valid, I just think a cooler attitude is needed. I said you're instantly claiming shit, because in this case I don't think you're giving them a fair chance when taking into account it's a) not actually supported yet and b) it's only been attempted by them in this case for what, one day? The horror.
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