Ever heard of Yorg? [Official Site] It's an open source racing game currently in development that's a little like Micro Machines and it's a little bit hilarious.
It was mentioned in our comments some time ago, but like a lot of things it gets totally buried while I work on other stuff. I decided to finally check it out properly, since they had a new release back in December last year. That update added in a new track, a new car, the ability to play through a season, a better driving model which includes drifting, performance improvements and more.
I tried it for a while and honestly, I couldn't stop laughing at the handling as well as the nutty camera angles you get out of it. The amount of times I've sent my car flying—I've lost count, it really is quite amusing. I think they've got a great start here and it could really turn into something awesome if they keep on developing it.
I decided to capture a little footage of how amusing it can be, take a look:

Direct Link
They're currently gearing up for a new release, which looks like it might include a new track that's covered in snow:
Given how amusing the handling is, I can't wait to see what effects snow and ice will have on it, hopefully they will make it rather slippy. On top of that, they're also working on multiplayer, which has been a common request. Could be a lot of fun with multiplayer, given how hilarious it is to actually play.
Interested in helping development? They're on GitHub.
Want to just download it? It's up on itch.io and Game Jolt.
Whatever, it's free and looks fun. They can call the drivers lolipop wranglers for all it matters to me. Good find Liam!
Is it an English language faux pas when they say "pilots" in their video, or is that the generally used term for race car drivers everywhere but in the U.S.?I think it's a mistake. Or maybe it's because the cars spend so much time in the air?
PS: Which video?
S i played some, and won all races so far in career mod. At the last map, crash to desktop.
I think the handling in not "fun" but "bad", and the game is pretty boring.
PS: Which video?
Ah, sorry. Yes. It's [this video](https://youtu.be/Hr8iXhzgRCI) from their [official website](http://www.ya2.it/pages/yorg.html#yorg).
Last edited by Nanobang on 16 Mar 2018 at 1:05 pm UTC
Is it an English language faux pas when they say "pilots" in their video, or is that the generally used term for race car drivers everywhere but in the U.S.?Sorry, English is not my mothertongue and I write wrong things very often. :S: I am going to fix it in game's descriptions out there. As for the video, we'll change that for 0.9's video. Is "drivers" your suggested word? Thank you very much for reporting this error!
From itchio, i think the archive is very messed up. Can't launch, and can't find the file to lauch.I am very sorry, I didn't know how itch.io manages builds for their client. I am going to fix that asap, thank you for pointing that out!
looking forward to the multiplayer with splitscreen if someone find a way to implement it.Actually, couch multiplayer is scheduled for 0.10 (since a player asked for that in another community), but the next release (0.9) will feature "only" online multiplayer. This is because players demanded online multiplayer before the couch one, so I started from that. Anyway, I'll work on that after the next release. ;)
Is it an English language faux pas when they say "pilots" in their video, or is that the generally used term for race car drivers everywhere but in the U.S.?
Sorry, English is not my mothertongue and I write wrong things very often. :S: I am going to fix it in game's descriptions out there. As for the video, we'll change that for 0.9's video. Is "drivers" your suggested word? Thank you very much for reporting this error!
Lol, No need to apologize, your English looks very good. And I really was wondering if "pilot" was used elsewhere in the world instead of "driver." Yes, "driver" would be the right term in this case.
In English say we "drive" cars, but we say we "pilot" boats & airplanes. Any time you have any questions about English and its usage, feel free to contact me here.
Last edited by Nanobang on 17 Mar 2018 at 5:21 pm UTC
From itchio, i think the archive is very messed up. Can't launch, and can't find the file to lauch.Hi! I think that I've solved the itch.io issue, thank you once more for reporting that!
Lol, No need to apologize, your English looks very good. And I really was wondering if "pilot" was used elsewhere in the world instead of "driver." Yes, "driver" would be the right term in this case.Actually, we translate "driver" to a word which sounds very similar to "pilot" (we say "pilota" ) in this context.
In English say we "drive" cars, but we say we "pilot" boats & airplanes.
Any time you have any questions about English and its usage, feel free to contact me here.Actually, I've always questions about English :S: but I'm going to look for your help if I'll have specific issues, thanks ;) . If you will spot other errors, your suggestions would be very welcome, thanks! :)
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