Another week, another sale giving you a chance to pick up some Linux games you've been missing out on. Humble is currently running a sci-fi week sale!
Here's what they have for Linux going cheap:
- The Talos Principle - 80% off - Steam key only.
- Valley - 75% off - Steam key only.
- Stellaris - 60% off - Steam key only.
- The Signal From Tölva - 50% off - Humble says it offers a DRM free build and a Steam key.
- EVERSPACE - 40% off - Keys for both GOG and Steam. Linux version not yet on GOG, but should be coming with the full release as it's currently in beta for Linux on Steam. I'm a huge fan of this game.
- Avorion - 25% off
There's more, but those are my main picks of what's really worth a look. The sale ends in around 6 days, plenty of time to decide if you want to pick up anything.
Humble do have some other deals ongoing as well, like the Humble Strategy Bundle which is worth it for Tooth and Tail, this ends in 7 days. There's also the Humble Book Bundle: Game Studies by MIT Press for some interesting reading that's open for another 6 days.
One you absolutely don't want to miss, is the current Humble Monthly which has RUINER which recently gained a Linux version and Kerbal Space Program. It allows you to cancel any time, so you can simply do it for this bundle and be done with it, the choice is yours.
Is it confirmed that Everspace will come to GOG? I could do with the current sale in there too.Last I heard them say was they were waiting to update it first. A GOG release is indeed planned.
A recommendation of my own to share:
I know it has been around for a long time - [FTL: Faster Than Light]( is at 75% discount in the Sci-Fi sale (78% with the Monthly Subscription).
Absolutely love this game, played over 200 hours of it. Recently they made some game updates (e.g. being able to resize the play window if you use windowed-mode) which has made a perfect game even better.
One advantage of buying it on Humble - You get the Windows, Mac and Linux Steam key and the DRM-free downloads and the Chrome/Firefox browser game links.
If it had come out back for the first Xbox, everyone would have been completely stunned. We are so spoiled now I am amazed it hasn't gotten more press.
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