How does it feel to be a god? You can find out as the indirect god sim 'Crest' released last month with Linux support.
Disclosure: Key provided by the developer to our Steam Curator.

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Based on African biomes, Crest is what they call an Afrofuturist game, one that seeks to reimagine how humanity arose on the African continent.
It's quite a strange game, as you don't directly interact with the people of the planet in any way. All you do is construct commandments out of basic words using your influence, a point system which you gain over time. When issuing a commandment, a population's faith in you will increase or decrease depending on how they feel about it, although in some cases it's a completely neutral feeling for them.
You start off with the most very basic of options for commandments and with some progression, you will unlock more words to use. It's interesting, as your people also have free will and do whatever they like at times too, so you don't actually need to tell them what to do—they don't always listen when you do either. What your people do with your commandments may also change over time, as they associate it with other things.
Since it's a sandbox experience, there's no real goal to work towards and no winning conditions. The game is very much one where you set your own goals.
It's quite a slow game, certainly one for those with plenty of patience and like a more casual experience. You can pick up Crest now from: Humble Store which supports us a little or Steam/ The Linux version has been flawless in my playtesting, although performance could be a little better.
How does it feel to be a god?
Rather lonely since monotheism monopolised the heavens, to be honest...
Based on reviews I am a bit hesitant.
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