If you thought you were going to be bored this weekend, think again. ARMA 3 and Day of Infamy are both having a free weekend so you can try before you buy and many games are on sale.
To pre-empt questions about ARMA 3: It doesn't advertise it, but it has an "experimental" Linux version on Steam ported by Virtual Programming and it's not bad. Just download, install, play.
Both games are on sale as well, so if you decide you like either of them, you can pick them up cheap!
A little tip about Day of Infamy too, it has issues where it won't show you as in-game once it's loaded, which breaks the party and Steam invite system. To get around it, for now you can open your install folder and set the "crash_handler" as not executable. I've reached out to the developer again to let them know of the issue.
Also, to celebrate "Alien Day" you can find Alien Isolation on Humble Store with 75% off until Monday. Steam also has it, but their sale ends sooner.
Humble also still have the current Humble Monthly with 7 days left, which will grant you instant access to RUINER, Kerbal Space Program and Moon Hunters. Additionally, you get access to a ton of DRM free games in the Humble Trove. Probably one of the best monthly bundles for Linux gamers in a while and you can cancel any time.
For those interested in more hot FPS action, our old favourite Ballistic Overkill is also on sale with 50% off on Humble Store.
It's likely I will be jumping into Day of Infamy tonight on the GamingOnLinux Friday livestream, so be sure to follow us on Twitch or download it for the free weekend to join in on the fun!
[F1 2015 is free for a limited time](https://store.steampowered.com/app/286570/F1_2015/).
This was free from Humble 5 weeks ago but some may have missed out. Codemasters have given away some of their games in the past, shortly before removing them from sale, which then stayed in the the Steam library of anyone who already had them.
I don't think porting this worked out too well for Feral. I hope F1 2017 is doing better for them.
[85% off Guns of Icarus Alliance](https://steamcommunity.com/games/608800/announcements/detail/1661142811553900500).
You can also email the receipt and get 3 extra copies in return.
[Artifex Bundi bundle at indiegala](https://www.indiegala.com/indiegala-artifex-mundi-9-steam-bundle).
Three hidden object games for $1 or 10 for $3.49
What do they play like on linux? Last time I tried Day of Infamy I had all sorts of strange graphical glitches i.e. eyes missing, bush textures missing also.
I play on very low settings, but it looks good to me at least.
I finally commited and bought Ballistic Overkill, and DAMN it's fun! I love the speed of it, esp. playing as the ninja, feels like rocketjumping around in quake 1 :D
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