For those of you who just can't get enough of building your own dungeon, War for the Overworld had a huge free content patch and a big DLC release too.
First up, let's have a quick look at the DLC named "The Under Games". This DLC adds in an all-new 7-level campaign, where you can pick from 4 playable Underlords that each have their own style. They each go through the campaign differently too, so it sounds pretty good. There's also 2 new game modes, 3 new Underlords, terrain features and shrines and so on. Have a peek in the trailer:

Direct Link
As for the big 2.0 patch, they didn't skimp on the details there either. The patch remastered the entire original campaign, giving it a new life with new cinematic cutscenes, new terrain themes, rebalanced levels, and improved tutorials. It also comes with an expanded map editor, a much better AI, new animations and absolutely loads more went into it.
You can grab War for the Overworld on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
If you're just after the DLC, it's also on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
Both Dungeon Keeper are still among my favourite games.
Unfortunately Dungeons (1 & 2) were not my cup of tea.
Let's see how WftO does. :)
BTW, there wasn't a single crappy Bullfrog game, was there?
I'd play the sh*t out of a well-made spiritual Magic Carpet 2 successor.
Nothing was running in the background, and the system is a Ryzen 1700 with 16GB ram and a GTX660. I haven't had any issue in any other game I've tried (brand new system).
Also, the game didn't shut down properly when exiting, but stayed as a zombie process that I had to kill.
I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from getting this game, it looks very fun, just stating that it didn't run on my system.
I actually bought it this afternoon but had to ask for a refund: I got ~12fps in the menu with a laggy mouse on lowest graphics settings (and everything up to ultra). To be honest, I didn't try different drivers to see if it helped, I just looked on the support forum to see if anyone else had had the same issue, and then asked for a refund.
Nothing was running in the background, and the system is a Ryzen 1700 with 16GB ram and a GTX660. I haven't had any issue in any other game I've tried (brand new system).
Just installed it for the very first time.
I cannot even start the game, because it's several minutes until the screen that I suppose will be the menu appears. Then the mouse and the whole system is practically stuck.
Okay, my bad. I should've read the system requirements.
It's only a Thinkpad with Haswell graphics (never got the Optimus setup to work properly on Linux).
Maybe I should not estimate the requirements by the screenshots.
I'll give it a try on Windows before asking for a refund.
One thing is that I play it in windowed mode and sometimes the main menu doesn't appear, but it is enough to resize (and back) the window a bit for it to appear. The game itself is running good and with decent frame rates.
Last edited by tuxintuxedo on 22 Apr 2018 at 9:30 pm UTC
Last edited by throgh on 23 Apr 2018 at 5:17 am UTC
I'm still on the fence for this game, it has been on sale like a few hundred times already, I like strategy/building games but I'm not sure what do you exactly do in this.
It's like a dungeon-management game basically.
Your cursors is a hand.
You can pick up creatures , cast spells , carve out areas to dig or slap creatures to make them work harder.
You carve out areas and build rooms.
These rooms have functions like providing sleeping chambers, providing food or entertainment for your creatures.
Other rooms attract creatures and provide functions - Library attracts mages and provides researching magic spells.
You have to protect your dungeon heart at all costs and complete the objective while being assaulted by enemy heroes.
You can't control creatures directly so you have to rely on a call to arms spell.
You can also build traps against adventurers that come to your dungeon.Anything from doors that block paths to traps that do damage.
The whole fun is in building an efficient dungeon and horde of creatures to defeat foes and complete objectives.
Hope this helps somewhat :)
As for game - i like it very much and update is awesome - finally they "fixed" main campaign which is waaay too hectic in original form.
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