Ubuntu 18.04 is now officially released, so to mark this occasion we’ve teamed up with DRM free game store GOG for a sale and to throw some free games your way.
As you know, GOG have supported Linux for some time now, going way back to August 2014 where they made a bit of a splash with 50 games. Since then, they’ve continued to expand their catalogue of DRM free games. Not just modern games though, as they’re also nicely packaging some retro classics with the likes of DOSBox to make it simple for Linux gamers.
From now, GOG will be officially supporting Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, as they will no longer be actively testing 14.04. They told me they’ve confirmed around 90% of their Linux games as fully working on the latest Ubuntu 18.04 release. They also officially support Ubuntu-based distributions like Mint and elementary OS. Personally, I think it’s fantastic GOG go through such lengths with their Linux support.
GOG have even given us one of those shiny partner pages, where we have listed a few choice Linux games to take a look at. With so many good Linux games available, it was a tough job to narrow it down to only a few. Feel free to link it to friends considering using Linux for gaming as a quick and easy list for some good choices. You can also see all Linux games currently on sale on GOG right here.
They’ve also given us 50 copies of Hacknet to give away! (Update: It's over now!)
Want to win a copy? Simply say "I love DRM free games!" somewhere in your comment to be entered. Competition closes 7PM UTC tomorrow, winners will be sent a PM directly here with a key if they win sometime after that.
As for what's new in Ubuntu 18.04, our good friends over at OMGUbuntu did a rather slick video you should check out. Will Cooke from Canonical also put up an overview with some tips to get you going. The biggest change, is the main Ubuntu version being moved from their own Unity desktop back to GNOME. For me personally, the move from Unity to GNOME Shell wasn't as big a shock as I expected, I've grown to quite like it honestly. Having a more customizable desktop certainly is handy, quite a fan of the one-click install for most GNOME plugins!
Naturally, there's many other Ubuntu-based distributions to look out for with different desktops like Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie and so on with each of them having their own 18.04 release.
I love DRM free games! (Also i love Linux and GOG. ;) )
I love GNU/Linux!
I love GOG and GamingOnLinux!
More than that I love the communities that keep those projects alive and running!!!
Tnx guys! :-)
Already have Hacknet on Steam, but it's always good to have a DRM free copy of the game.
I do enjoy DRM free games as much as the next penguin, but I won't be taking part in the giveaway. Good luck everyone. ^_^
Hurrah for GOG, GOL and all devs that making games working on Linux!
Ubuntu just keeps rolling along, 18.04 seems pretty decent however I'm a little disappointed they didn’t include the community theme although understandable as its not ready.
Thank you
I love DRM free games! of course, but I use to buy them also. Unfortunately GOG games on Linux tend to be 32 bits only. Please fix that! Most modern machines are 64bits and Ubuntu doesn't be fool proof in give support for mixed architectures. With over 100 games bought in GOG, I still don't play on Linux because the poor support for 64bits.
Whether a Linux game is 32-bit or 64-bit is a bit beyond us since it's on the developer to build a game specifically for 64-bit architecture. Also, GameMaker for Linux doesn't come in 64-bits (that I know of) so that's an even taller order :)
And a big thank you to Canonical and GoG for the keys and to GoL of course.
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