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You like Visual Novels, Anime and Manga right? Good, as GOG just added 10 that support Linux to their store.

Here's what they've added today, which are all discounted too:

Seems like GOG are really trying to position themselves as the anti-Steam, given how this has happened so recently after Valve started sending messages to developers about their games being removed.

Really good to see GOG expand some more, especially nice to see them have Linux builds ready right away.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Kuromi May 23, 2018
Quoting: ZekThePenguinI would be much more excited about an actual Linux anime GAME. Tired of the many visual novels.

There is anime GAMES like Ys (not for linux, sadly) or Pier Solar pn GOG. And it better then nothing.
DarthJarjar May 23, 2018
Quoting: MimoI have a question, it may be a stupid one, but it's one I can't figure out: why do visual novels count as games?

Here's a tentative answer. Games exist on a sliding scale between narrative and game mechanics. Visual novels stand firmly on the narrative end of the scale.
On the other end, you have games like minesweeper, pong, draughts etc...
Most other games stand in-between.
As a tangent, you often have some awkward transition between one and the other. For instance when a gaming sequence is shoehorned into the story, or the story limit access of some game mechanics, or dissonance between the capacities of a character in the game and in the story...
Kuromi May 24, 2018
Have to say, that sale-wise it seems VNs doing pretty good. Peoples certainly buying them. I think that means expect more.
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