Running With Scissors let us know via Twitter tonight that they've officially added Linux support to POSTAL Redux, the revamp of the classic brutal shooter.

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I remember playing quite a lot of the original Postal in my youth, probably way before I should have been playing such a game. Loved it though, as brutal as it was. Good to see the upgraded version eventually make its way over.
The good news, is that it has cross-platform multiplayer! This update doesn't just add Linux support, it also cleans up a lot of lingering issues with the game like improved loading times, fixes stuttering and so on.
The classic dark and surreal twin-stick isometric shooter returns with a vengeance!
POSTAL Redux is a high definition remake of The Postal Dude's infamous first foray into the world. Prepare to experience his psychological journey with faithfully recreated high resolution visuals, remastered music, sounds, and dialog, and revamped and modernized gameplay. Crazed gunmen out for your blood await you around every corner. The only choice is clear: Get them before they get you. Fight back with a devastating arsenal as you make your way through a violence-stricken town.
It's time to relive the madness of GOING POSTAL!
You can grab it from Humble Store or Steam.
They also said on Twitter they are working on bringing the Linux version of Postal 2 to GOG, but no ETA on that.
We know being a Linux gamer is hard enough already, so this is something we're very happy to finally deliver.
That is not true at all , this message sounds like there are just bunch Tuxkart'ish games out there for Linux. Sure , we don't have all games but that statement is just silly.
I wondered what you were quoting, but found it in the Steam update news. I don't think it sound silly - it's just an acknowledgement that we don't get all games, like you say, so it's nice to have one more.We know being a Linux gamer is hard enough already, so this is something we're very happy to finally deliver.
That is not true at all , this message sounds like there are just bunch Tuxkart'ish games out there for Linux. Sure , we don't have all games but that statement is just silly.
Also, this is great...
The Linux port shares all the same content, plus cross-platform multiplayer and Steam Cloud saves with its older Windows brother.....although I can't imagine it has a huge online presence!
Ah... Postal. It warms my heart.
I really wish Postal 3 wasn't so terrible. It is more a "Postal wannabe" game, no wonder since it wasn't even developed by RWS:
RWS explained the situation by stating that Postal III "was licensed to a Russian publisher and developer who were supposed produce the game to our design, with a much bigger team and budget than we had for POSTAL 2. Even taking those facts into account, it didn't work out very well. It was a mistake and one we will not repeat". They also added that "after the disaster that was PIII due to the mistake of outsourcing it, we have decided to make the next game 100% in house."
A later interview with Running With Scissors employee Jon Merchant further clarified the situation, with him stating that "Akella had vastly more resources than we had for POSTAL 2, so it seemed reasonable at the time they could produce a game that was at least equal to the game we made inhouse. Things started out well but I think they got hit pretty hard by the economic problems of 2007-8, and it all started to go downhill from there. The final product was very far removed from our original design, and horribly broken." He also commented that "the game is a broken mess and should not be sold. We stopped selling the game ourselves some time ago when it became apparent that neither us or the community would get the SDK tools. We don't regard it as the third POSTAL game, just a dodgy spin off that should never have happened."
Vince Desi summarized the situation in a 2013 interview by saying that "some deals work, some don’t, PIII failed for many reasons. Worst of all we lost control of the project and that was the beginning of the poofest. Historically we had a great relationship with Akella, our Russian publisher, and for the record the folks there were good people and I consider them my friends regardless of the fiasco PIII ... Again, it is a testimony to POSTAL fans around the world who have shown their loyal support beyond all odds and hurdles that allows us to keep on going."
Ouch, what a troubled development that must have been.
But hey, RWS are working on a new, "secret" game.
Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 30 May 2018 at 1:42 pm UTC
And I agree with the sheep, number 3 was terrible.
They also said on Twitter they are working on bringing the Linux version of Postal 2 to GOG, but no ETA on that.
I wouldn't get too excited about that. Back in 2015 RWS said that Paradise Lost was coming to GOG too, and it hasn't quite happened yet.
Last edited by hummer010 on 30 May 2018 at 5:19 pm UTC
Progress finally seems to have been made, is what I am saying.
So just got an update for Postal 2 on; it is still Windows only though. Paradise Lost was also just added to today, but again, still Windows only for the moment. The changelog for Postal 2 mentions that the "Mac version will be updated as soon as possible" with no mention of Linux, although seeing as how Linux would be an entirely new platform for the game on that is not in of itself surprising.
Progress finally seems to have been made, is what I am saying.
A bit late I know but... I don't think we can trust these devs, can we?
Tonight I read many posts on Steam and GOG about it, and it seems they don't really want to release Postal Redux and/or Postal 2 Linux version on GOG.
After many years, I understand that some people don't want to buy it anymore. :(
We had planned on having Mac and Linux ports done for this release, but we ran into some really bizarre problems in trying to get them to run, that we haven't sorted out yet. So we had to push those plans back for a while. Unfortunately, I can't give you an ETA on when we might get them done. :(Source: [](
That does not read to me as being the same as saying that they don't want to do it, just that they ran into some unforeseen issues. Unless there are some other comments from the developers you can point me to?
That does not read to me as being the same as saying that they don't want to do it, just that they ran into some unforeseen issues. Unless there are some other comments from the developers you can point me to?
That's a feeling. It just takes so long IMO.
But as someone [said]( one year ago:
they mentioned on their podcast last week that Paradise Lost would be coming to GoG soon, it's just been on the backburner for a while cus Steam is where most of their playerbase is. so uh yeah, sooner or later i'm sure they'll do it.
I don't see explanations from them, that's why I ask it. The Linux/OS X versions works in Steam, but they have "bizarre problems" for a GOG release...
I hope I'm wrong.
I don't see explanations from them, that's why I ask it. The Linux/OS X versions works in Steam, but they have "bizarre problems" for a GOG release... I hope I'm wrong.Well, I am just speculating here, but I have seen other Linux and Mac versions kept off of because they did not meet their very stringent QA standards, such as was the case with Metro: Last Light Redux:
We encountered a number of technical issues while preparing our DRM-free Linux and Mac OS X versions and made the call to hold back the releases until we can be confident in the quality of our product. While we are trying to fix the problems, we cannot make any promises if and when the DRM-free versions will be ready.
Now obviously that particular issue has yet to be resolved, so we shall see if RWS is more determined or has more luck than Deep Silver did, assuming of course that they are experiencing similar issues.
It's a pity for the Metro 2033/Last Light Redux case... :(
Wait & see.
Did anyone ever actually win Postal 3? I sure didn't it was just horrible...So just got an update for Postal 2 on; it is still Windows only though. Paradise Lost was also just added to today, but again, still Windows only for the moment. The changelog for Postal 2 mentions that the "Mac version will be updated as soon as possible" with no mention of Linux, although seeing as how Linux would be an entirely new platform for the game on that is not in of itself surprising.
Progress finally seems to have been made, is what I am saying.
A bit late I know but... I don't think we can trust these devs, can we?
Tonight I read many posts on Steam and GOG about it, and it seems they don't really want to release Postal Redux and/or Postal 2 Linux version on GOG.
After many years, I understand that some people don't want to buy it anymore. :(
I trust Running With Sissors entirely, not really for "linux" reasons but just because they're awesome, I love those guys! They never gave up on Postal 2, it was buggy as hell when it first came out all those years ago but they never gave up, it's very very rare to see a company still release updates and new content for a game this old
That said, where's my Postal 3 RWS? (and I mean the real postal 3 xD)
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