RUINER, the slick action game from Reikon Games had another small update recently, which solves some of the last issues.
The actual update, wasn't fully announced by itself. Instead, they added an edit to their last announcement which reads:
The final update has just arrived. Cutscene quality improved immensely, crashes on menus obliterated, performance boosted. Enjoy your smooth ride, Penguin Puppies!
I have to admit, I've been massively impressed with their commitment to making the Linux version of RUINER as good as possible. It may have been delayed, but it was absolutely worth the wait.

Direct Link
Hopefully it did well enough for them to consider Linux with their next game, certainly will be interesting to see what Reikon Games do after this. If you're after a copy, you can grab it in the current Humble Monthly which has three days left, otherwise head to Steam or GOG.
What track is playing in the tunnel sequence by the way (one in tunel-full.bik?). I don't think it's included in the OST.
Last edited by Shmerl on 1 May 2018 at 1:05 pm UTC
I wonder if they added the missing graphic effects in the Linux version.
Were they missing? I didn't really notice. But I didn't compare either.
Last edited by Shmerl on 1 May 2018 at 1:10 pm UTC
I wonder if they added the missing graphic effects in the Linux version.
Were they missing? I didn't really notice. But I didn't compare either.
Some soft glow effect makes the lights look better. I sent a comparison pic to the devs on Steam. I tried searching it so I can link it here but I can't find the thread. I'm out atm, will re upload it when I get home.
I've been playing this update, and besides some garbled colors in the opening screen at 16:10 resolution, I didn't encounter any problems.I reported that 16:10 is not supported well. Do you also have a non-redrawing bar at the bottom of the screen? After some fullscreen effects I have red lines there that just sit below the screen forever (until I restart the game, that is). The height of the area seems to be the 120 px difference between 1080 and 1200.
Do you also have a non-redrawing bar at the bottom of the screen? After some fullscreen effects I have red lines there that just sit below the screen forever (until I restart the game, that is).
I didn't notice this issue. Feel free to add your comment here:
Last edited by Shmerl on 1 May 2018 at 3:12 pm UTC
So, for you the game viewport occupies the whole screen without black bars on top/bottom? 1920x1200 is not a very popular resolutions and when these issues happen it's hard to find confirmations.
I'll take a closer look later today and will post a screenshot.
You can download the game using lgogdownloader this way:
$ lgogdownloader --game ruiner --download-file ruiner/en3installer2 --threads 1 --exclude patches
Enjoy! :)
So, for you the game viewport occupies the whole screen without black bars on top/bottom? 1920x1200 is not a very popular resolutions and when these issues happen it's hard to find confirmations.
I just checked - and indeed it has black bars on top and bottom during gameplay. Levels are usually so dark that I simply didn't notice it until you mentioned it :) But when loading, those red squares appear in the bottom right corner correctly. I'd consider it a bug.
Last edited by Shmerl on 2 May 2018 at 12:10 am UTC
On my Desktop PC the performance is overall great (Core i7 6770, GTX 1070, nVidia 390), but on my Notebook with similar specs (Core i7 6770, GTX 1070, nVidia 390) I have FPS below 60 (~50) and in the dialogue scenes even below (~20). Couldn't figure out yet why... maybe I'll give Feral's gamemode tool a try.
A question for the Steam buyers with more than one gaming device... does the steam cloud save work for you?
For me it only saves a file named "TrophyDataFile" in the cloud, but not the "RuinerSaveSlot.sav" file. In the remoteCache.vdf file in the ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/<YOUR USER ID>/464060/ folder (the folder which is sync'ed with the steam cloud) I only see the TrophyDataFile listed (without .sav suffix, so I guess this is even not the same file as in the local save directory: .config/Epic/Ruiner/Saved/SaveGames/<some id>/).
I've reported my issue on the [Steam forums](, at the moment I'm using a symlink of the local save directory to my own cloud storage for synchronization.
But this is just a minor issue. The game itself works great, it has an awesome pace, especially with its great soundtrack. For an indie title I would say this is easily a AA production and totally worth being bought full-price.
I haven't completed the game yet, but the devs [mentioned]( a tiny Linux easter-egg... did anyone find it already?
What track is playing in the tunnel sequence by the way (one in tunel-full.bik?). I don't think it's included in the OST.How many tracks does the Soundtrack from Steam/GoG have? If there are 15 tracks only, it looks like there is a different "version" of the OST on Spotify, with 24 tracks.
How many tracks does the Soundtrack from Steam/GoG have? If there are 15 tracks only, it looks like there is a different "version" of the OST on Spotify, with 24 tracks.
I'm not using Spotify (not DRM-free), so that's annoying that GOG soundtrack is limited to 15 tracks only. Why can't they release all tracks in all stores?
I'll ping developers about releasing it on Bandcamp.
Last edited by Shmerl on 2 May 2018 at 12:16 pm UTC
Yesterday I also finished the game on easy. And haven't found the egg either. Well, they mentioned it's the tiniest easter egg, so... yeah, it won't be found easily :)I haven't completed the game yet, but the devs [mentioned]( a tiny Linux easter-egg... did anyone find it already?
Been wondering this myself too, on my 2nd playthrough but not seen any linux based easter egg as of yet!
Looks like there are two ending cutscenes, depending on if you choose nod or shrug on the final question. When I chose shrug, I had the issue, that the dialog from "her" was showing up again, as an overlay of the end credit scene.
Also, did you have subtitles on the cutscene before the arena fight? For me no subtitles were shown at all, which was very strange to me, so I checked on youtube. I was also surprised by the end coming so soon after the final nod/shrug question.
Now I'm on my second playthrough on normal. Let's see how long it takes me now ;) An exceptional game, that I like to play through more than once.
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