News doing the rounds at the moment, is that Valve seem to be tightening their rules concerning games with sexual content.
Here's developer Lupiesoft as an example, who made Mutiny!!, a visual novel with puzzle mini-games, ship combat and it even supports Linux:
We've just received some troubling news today that @steam_games has decided to pull down our titled "Mutiny!!" within 2 weeks for 'reports of pornographic content'. Now those of you who know @Lupiesoft know that we don't put that on Steam, or advertise that content on Steam.
— Lupiesoft (@Lupiesoft) May 18, 2018
The developer continued on from this tweet, to mention that their publisher even met with Valve previously and apparently they didn't have a problem then.
Here's another example from developer HuniePot, who made HuniePop which also supports Linux:
— HunieDev (@HuniePotDev) May 17, 2018
I've received an e-mail from Valve stating that HuniePop violates the rules & guidelines for pornographic content on Steam and will be removed from the store unless the game is updated to remove said content.
Honestly, I don't really get what Valve's doing. There must be some ridiculous business-type decision behind it. Perhaps they think such games are putting off some bigger publishers, as if somehow they think it makes Steam look less attractive? I do always find this odd, that content of a sexual nature is so often frowned upon, when games where you brutally murder people for 90% of the gameplay are often promoted by Valve.
Worth point out, that is a rather open store, as I understand it developers themselves set the amount they wish to give to itch out of their sales (even if it's nothing) and they even have an open source client which is due a big upgrade soon. As much as I personally like Steam (it is my favourite store), I do wish more games were available on Competition is healthy, the bigger players need it to keep them on the straight and narrow and we all know this.
sex breeds violencePut that on a t-shirt. :D
The culture is lost and there is a legitimate movement to make pedophilia legal. The slow incremental approach of taking over the culture through Hollywood, music, Art and yes even video games is real. As I said we are living in dark times we can either choose to have cognitive dissonance or we can choose to expose it. I've made my choice. Sorry but it has to be said...."All it takes for evil to take over is for good men to do nothing"...or something like that.
Last edited by Warpig on 19 May 2018 at 10:21 am UTC
Last edited by Warpig on 19 May 2018 at 10:31 am UTC
The culture is lost and there is a legitimate movement to make pedophilia legal.So, girl violated Terms of Use, lie to Jeff, and now she is the victim and he gets jailtime? How this is the justice?
...There are millions of people waking up to this dark reality just like me all around the globe...
Oh come on, the world is not a dark place as you see it. Sure, horrible things happen. Even to people dear to us. Even to ourselves. But that is no indication of some epidemic of crime or global conspiracy. There are a lot of good decent people in the world. The opposite is an exception, not the rule.
This is a result of the metoo movement. This isn't coming from a cabal puritanical guys, as guessed by some of the comments, but a reaction to outspoken women agitators. I am fine with the censorship, but let's make sure we put the responsibility for the changes where it belongs.No it is not, it is totally comming from puranical guy.
MIM was first formed by Father Morton A. Hill, Rabbi Julius Neumann, and Rev. Robert Wiltenburg (a Lutheran pastor) as a neighborhood organization under the name Operation Yorkville.[6] They were soon joined by Rev. Constantine Volaitis of the Greek Orthodox Church.Not what I would call feminists nor women agitators. So yeah, let's put responsability where it belongs
So yeah, let's put responsability where it belongs
Following the link that YOU provided brought me to their article specifically citing a response to the Metoo movement, as the reason for Valve's announcement. But why argue about it, anyway?
My understanding is that here in Canada, simple drawings of underage characters 'designed for sexual gratification' can get you in serious trouble, potentially jail time.
There was one case of a guy coming into Canada who had some anime titty porn on his laptop. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure they nabbed him on some vague export law that
If possessing drawings of underage characters designed for sexual gratification is illegal in Canada, I personally know dozens of people who have managed to dodge prison for years despite not using Tor or a VPN. If there is such a law,
EDIT: Okay, I did a bit more research. I think it's based on a broad interpretation of the Canadian Criminal Code, Part V, Section 163(7) and Section 163.1(1). From what little enforcement I've seen, I bet they use it for stacking charges after they've already nabbed people on other offences. I hate my country sometimes.
Last edited by Ryblade on 19 May 2018 at 12:47 pm UTC
From [](
440 1st Street NW, Suite 840
Washington, DC 20001
I just don't want my library to partially disappear, or anyone's, for that matter.
If images of a sexual nature really *did* cause some sort of harm as these advocates claim, we'd be living in a far darker world where no one would be free to safely walk the streets at night *or* day. (Apologies to anyone who lives in a rotten place where this may be true.) Ironically, it'd probably be a place where they couldn't protest sexual images in the first place.
There are no victims in these pictures, just imaginary depictions, same as in books (which deserve to get waved away because they're more *art* than *entertainment*. /s)
You cannot de-moronize this kind of people and antagonizing them usually reinforce their determination.
It's not about changing their minds. It's about changing the minds of everyone watching. If you've seen Thank You for Smoking, think back on Naylor's "debate" with his son over vanilla vs. chocolate ice cream.
Put them on the defensive by having their offices photographed and filmed with a bunch of people outside holding signs calling them book burners and such. These people are lobbyists, they cause trouble and they wait for people to notice and respond. I'm suggesting we try beating them at their own game.
It wouldn't be hard to call them racists, either. The games they've targeted are made in the Japanese anime art style. Western-style games such as GTAV and TW3 seem to have flown right over their radar, despite being a million times more popular and profitable.
These days, secular-based shaming is more effective than religious-based shaming. They will lose if we fight them hard enough. Racist groups have been known to have their tax exemptions threatened in the United States. Even the Mormons had to cave and allow black ministers at the 11th hour, and those guys are loaded with money.
If we force them to acknowledge sexual themes in Western games and they stick to their principles, they'll have Rockstar to answer to. You know, the same company that made $500,000,000 in microtransactions alone? I'd love to see these bitches go up against THOSE lawyers.
Last edited by Ryblade on 19 May 2018 at 2:22 pm UTC
I can't wait to see what the "videogame code authority" will look like.
So, are we entering the silver age of videogames?What do you mean? First of all, this isn't anything new, and we're talking about a single storefront making changes to their rules. This comment thread is full of hyperbole and overreaction. There's no indication that all sexual content and nudity in games is under threat. In fact the trend has been in the opposite direction.
I can't wait to see what the "videogame code authority" will look like.
I use video games as an escape from the dark realities for which we are living. I love playing video games and what drove to the linux platform was the openness of the platform and the intelligent community that gladly helps one another. I didn't mean to spoil everyone's good time but I believe Valve is getting ahead of a wave of bad news for pedophiles. There are millions of people waking up to this dark reality just like me all around the globe. As I said given the extensive research I've done on the topic it makes total sense to me why valve is cleaning up its act. Peace.
Can't you please also include Satanists, Freemasons and Bilderbergers into your theory somehow? It could also use a healthy does of chemtrails, anti-GMO/anti-Vaccine statements and how we should all use colloidal silver from Info Wars in order to survive the coming holocaust.
More seriously, now I don't know your age so sorry if I assume to much here but it sounds like you are too young to remember when the exact same wild panics where spread in the 80:ties about Satanists sexually abusing and killing infants all over the world with connections up to the highest level of government.
Here in Sweden we had a professor in sociology at the department for genus research "Eva Lundgren" who claimed that "There exists a large number of satanical groups in Sweden that murder children in the woods and bury them. In some cases the men rip the foetuses out of the womb in order to kill them. Half of all women have been exposed to male violence".
And this in a country (wich you who are not Swedish might not know) where we have extremely good account of every pregnancy, child birth and death. Yes you can hide away in a small cabin for 9+ months but it would require quite some hard work to escape the authorities.
But it should come as no surprise, really, everybody knows Valve has no human whatsoever operating Steam, or in the PR department, or anywhere really.
I don't know if [this Reddit post]( has been brought to attention already, if so I'm sorry, but it's a very relevant post....
But it should come as no surprise, really, everybody knows Valve has no human whatsoever operating Steam, or in the PR department, or anywhere really.
Had not seen that.
Thanks for posting it.
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