DXVK [GitHub] is such an incredible project to bring Direct3D 11 support to Wine using Vulkan and another exciting release is now out.
Released around three hours ago, version 0.51 has these fixes:
- Fixed illegal query usage and resulting visual issues in Shadow Warrior 2
- Fixed bug in the shader compiler causing visual issues in Far Cry 5 and Hitman (2016)
- Fixed bug causing poor performance in Dark Souls 3, Dishonored 2 and other games using Deferred Contexts
- Fixed crash in Overwatch caused by incorrect code alignment (#362)
- Fixed incorrectly reported VRAM size for 32-bit applications
Additionally, a new interesting feature that made it in is "Asynchronous pipeline compilation", currently only supported by the most recent git revisions of the AMD RADV driver. The developer said this about it:
Makes uses of VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION_BIT in an attempt to reduce pipeline compilation stutter, and compiles an optimized version of the pipeline on separate threads.
It's disabled by default, as it seems it may cause issues in certain games.
I've still yet to try out DXVK, mainly as I only usually play native Linux games, very rarely ever touch Wine. Absolutely amazed by the progress with this project though, helping to bridge the gap for new Linux gamers and dual-booters to ease the transition to Linux.
The developer behind DXVK probably has a ton of great job offers in his mailbox already I imagine. :P ^_^
im quite sure he is already hired, if not he is just insane :) working 24/7 on it. commits every day, active in the github issues and in discord. Can't be that he is doing this all just for fun :)
The developer behind DXVK probably has a ton of great job offers in his mailbox already I imagine. :P ^_^
im quite sure he is already hired, if not he is just insane :) working 24/7 on it. commits every day, active in the github issues and in discord. Can't be that he is doing this all just for fun :)
Wasn't there some speculation that they're employed by Valve, or AMD, or somesuch?
The developer behind DXVK probably has a ton of great job offers in his mailbox already I imagine. :P ^_^
im quite sure he is already hired, if not he is just insane :) working 24/7 on it. commits every day, active in the github issues and in discord. Can't be that he is doing this all just for fun :)
Wasn't there some speculation that they're employed by Valve, or AMD, or somesuch?
rumors yeah. and Valve hired... though its just rumors. Lets wait and see :)
The developer behind DXVK probably has a ton of great job offers in his mailbox already I imagine. :P ^_^
im quite sure he is already hired, if not he is just insane :) working 24/7 on it. commits every day, active in the github issues and in discord. Can't be that he is doing this all just for fun :)
Or he is just a hobbyist , with has lot of money to live without worrying about next day and doing it for fun really :P
Lol , i know it is nearly impossible but not entirely :P

- Fixed illegal query usage and resulting visual issues in Shadow Warrior 2
Is there a similar project for Direct3D 12 --> Vulkan?
yes, theres vk12 project
How to install this on Ubuntu machines in a few clicks?
Is there a similar project for Direct3D 12 --> Vulkan?
Yes, vkd3d: https://source.winehq.org/git/vkd3d.git/
I've still yet to try out DXVK, mainly as I only usually play native Linux games, very rarely ever touch Wine.I only got around to trying it out this evening, thanks to the AUR package (which was updated just half an hour later ^_^ ), and it turns out I only have one Windows-exclusive DX11 game: Fire in the Flood, which Humble gave away for free the other day (and I hadn't even played yet, so I'm not sure if it's any better with DXVK or not). The next most recent, graphically-intensive, game I have installed in WINE is Far Cry 2, and that's D3D9, from - yikes! - ten years ago.
Oh, well. At least I know it's there if I need it.
and that's D3D9, from - yikes! - ten years ago.
There are a lot of great games which are even older than that.
PS. You can't use tessellation with TR2013 atm due to some bug so turn that one feature off and all is fine.
Last edited by TheRiddick on 14 May 2018 at 2:54 am UTC
I run an up-to-date Arch with:
nvidia 396.24
dxvk 0.51
Is there any point in switching to playing it on WINE?Apart from the rainbows and unicorns you mean? :P
Not sure if other folks are having problems, but this appears to have broken The Witcher 3 for me. Lots of graphical corruption and texture problems.
I run an up-to-date Arch with:
nvidia 396.24
dxvk 0.51
I have the same setup except I compiled from master and use wine3.7 staging. Just loaded up blood and wine (to skip intros) and it appears to run fine, I have it at 4k with default settings, couldn't see any major issues.
Not sure if other folks are having problems, but this appears to have broken The Witcher 3 for me. Lots of graphical corruption and texture problems.
I run an up-to-date Arch with:
nvidia 396.24
dxvk 0.51
Probably due to Nvidia's new shader compiler. You can disable it with:
__GL_NextGenCompiler=0 wine <game exe>
But for most games you will get corruption unless the game specifically throws in support for it (warthunder does).
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