Croteam, developer of the Serious Sam series and The Talos Principle have stuck around for 25 years and so they're celebrating with a big sale.
They've supported Linux really well and they're easily one of my favourite developers. They got in really early with Linux support when the Steam client on Linux was still in its infancy, so they deserve our support.
Most of their games are on sale, including their VR versions. As a reminder, even though titles like Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter and Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter don't state they support Linux, buying them will give you access to Serious Sam Fusion to be able to play them in an updated game engine that supports Vulkan.
If you're missing some of their games, this is a perfect opportunity to grab them while they're really cheap.
Have a look at their special Steam page for the sale.
Love Croteam, and if it all goes well it looks like SCUM will come to Linux eventually.That's a pretty outdated statement though, nearly a year old and neither have replied to us about their plans so I wouldn't give it any hype yet.
Love Croteam, and if it all goes well it looks like SCUM will come to Linux eventually.That's a pretty outdated statement though, nearly a year old and neither have replied to us about their plans so I wouldn't give it any hype yet.
LevaOpaki [Developer] Jan 24 at 12:06 PM->
(...)Linux will be very likely supported very soon but not on EA release date.(...)
I think something's coming. This is only one, but in terms of time it is the last statement. There are more statements in the Steam forums that there will be a Linux version.
Ah nice, will wait and see on this one then :)Love Croteam, and if it all goes well it looks like SCUM will come to Linux eventually.That's a pretty outdated statement though, nearly a year old and neither have replied to us about their plans so I wouldn't give it any hype yet.
LevaOpaki [Developer] Jan 24 at 12:06 PM->
(...)Linux will be very likely supported very soon but not on EA release date.(...)
I think something's coming. This is only one, but in terms of time it is the last statement. There are more statements in the Steam forums that there will be a Linux version.
Would be pretty fun.
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
So you're a smart bunch, having chosen Linux and all. So let me pose a brain-teaser to you.
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
Depends what you like.
For me the first and second encounter hold more nostalgic value and I find them more colorful.
You could try BFE for something newer. I just felt the stink of modern warfare shooters on that one.
So you're a smart bunch, having chosen Linux and all. So let me pose a brain-teaser to you.Fusion
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
Fusion can't be bought directly. It's included with the games that are supported by it.
As for choice, what razing32 said. Depends on taste. Although, with these prices there's little reason to actually choose one. Other than a thought experiment. :D
So you're a smart bunch, having chosen Linux and all. So let me pose a brain-teaser to you.Fusion
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
Fusion can't be bought directly. It's included with the games that are supported by it.
As for choice, what razing32 said. Depends on taste. Although, with these prices there's little reason to actually choose one. Other than a thought experiment. :D
I have a budget that tends to approach zero, so I normally can't justify spending more than a few bucks on games here and there.
So you're a smart bunch, having chosen Linux and all. So let me pose a brain-teaser to you.Talos! (Yes, I know, that wasn't your question...)
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
And yeah, I know Talos is awesome. I just have a lack of good Mr. Shooty Mans in my game library that this would fill.
Huh. Looking at the sale page again, I see that out of the SS games, only 3 and Bogus Detour have the Linux logo.
That lack of Linux logo is a bit deceptive. A bunch of them have Linux through Fusion even though the SteamOS logo is not shown on those games.
So you're a smart bunch, having chosen Linux and all. So let me pose a brain-teaser to you.Fusion
If I were to buy only one Serious Sam game, which would it be?
Fusion can't be bought directly. It's included with the games that are supported by it.
As for choice, what razing32 said. Depends on taste. Although, with these prices there's little reason to actually choose one. Other than a thought experiment. :D
I have a budget that tends to approach zero, so I normally can't justify spending more than a few bucks on games here and there.
I'd buy the full bundle...
It is currently 87% off. Virtually all of it runs on Linux thanks to Fusion. I have bought it twice over myself. 87% off is a Serious Fewking Discount.
If not that, then SS 3: BFE is the most up to date FPS, until SS4 comes out (Spooge!).
Last edited by g000h on 15 Jun 2018 at 6:42 pm UTC
Huh. Looking at the sale page again, I see that out of the SS games, only 3 and Bogus Detour have the Linux logo. That limits the options a bit.TFE and TSE also have Linux versions. They don't have Linux logo on their respective pages since standalone versions are Windows only, but with them you get access to Serious Sam Fusion, which works on Linux natively and has built-in TFE and TSE campaigns (you can play them in Fusion if you own respective standalone games).
Oh, that makes things look a lot better. I had no idea.
That's mentioned in the article too btw :)Huh. Looking at the sale page again, I see that out of the SS games, only 3 and Bogus Detour have the Linux logo. That limits the options a bit.TFE and TSE also have Linux versions. They don't have Linux logo on their respective pages since standalone versions are Windows only, but with them you get access to Serious Sam Fusion, which works on Linux natively and has built-in TFE and TSE campaigns (you can play them in Fusion if you own respective standalone games).
Oh, that makes things look a lot better. I had no idea.
EDIT: Oh wow, that's misleading! The main menu says "Serious Sam 3" at the top with no way to change it. But if you hit new game and then either Campaign or Survival, that's where the previous games are. Somehow that doesn't seem well planned.
Last edited by Nezchan on 15 Jun 2018 at 10:58 pm UTC
I hope SS4 will support Vulkan from day one
I wouldn't be surprised if SS4 will be Vulkan only on Linux.
What I currently have is Serious Sam 3 BFE and Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Beta on Steam. I also have a Serious Sam 2 Windows CD (free from a graphics card purchase). What I want, is to get Serious Sam 1 and 2 running under Fusion on Linux Mint. I do not understand how you use fusion and what do I need to buy?
Last edited by Ray54 on 17 Jun 2018 at 9:21 am UTC
I find this sale incredibly confusing.For clarification: Fusion is, basically, a compilation of canonical Serious Sam titles (namely HD TFE, HD TSE, BFE and DLCs for them) running on the latest version of Serious Engine. This compilation is expected to be updated in the very long run - Croteam plan to use it as a testing polygon for all new features of their engine and add new canonical SS games as they release.
What I currently have is Serious Sam 3 BFE and Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Beta on Steam. I also have a Serious Sam 2 Windows CD (free from a graphics card purchase). What I want, is to get Serious Sam 1 and 2 running under Fusion on Linux Mint. I do not understand how you use fusion and what do I need to buy?
To play these games in Fusion, you need to own the respective standalone games on your Steam account. For example, if you want to play HD TSE in Fusion, you need to buy standalone HD TSE, and the same applies to other games. You can't buy Fusion versions directly.
And about SS2 - if you mean the game from 2005, then I've got bad news - it's Windows-only, and Croteam don't plan to add it to Fusion. The reason is - they don't consider this game canon, and also porting it to the newest engine would require too much work. However, they plan to make an alternative sequel for TSE that will be loosely based on original SS2... After they make SS4 and TTP2.
Thank you Flabb for your excellent advice, I now understand that Fusion is not a DLC, but a separately executable hub. Also that the Second Encounter is not the same as SS2. Can I assume that Serious Sam Classics: Revolution would give me HD TFE and HD TSE under fusion (even if other parts of Revolution may not work) or do I need to buy HD TFE and TSE separately?
My Steam library entry for Serious Sam Fusion now has 3 items: The First Encounter, flat support and BFE. However, when I start Fusion it automatically goes into BFE. I was expecting a menu in Fusion giving me an option of First Encounter or BFE (as I have no separate First Encounter game listed in Linux Steam)?Can I assume that Serious Sam Classics: Revolution would give me HD TFE and HD TSE under fusion (even if other parts of Revolution may not work) or do I need to buy HD TFE and TSE separately?No, Revolution is completely different project from another developer, it won't give access to any Fusion's content. To play SSHD in Fusion, you need to buy HD TFE and TSE on Steam.
I have re-installed Fusion, but this only seemed to add an option to allow me to use mods with BFE. I cannot install HD TFE directly under Linux as it is a Window's only game and installing under Wine does not help. So, has anyone else got TFE with BFE using Fusion working under Linux?
Last edited by Ray54 on 18 Jun 2018 at 9:51 am UTC
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