Many of you I'm sure will be extremely happy about this, as today Feral Interactive confirmed Total War: WARHAMMER II is heading to Linux.
To celebrate, Feral have put this video out:

Direct Link
Released for Windows back in September of last year, we're getting it a little later than some may have wanted. However, silver lining as always that we don't need to deal with any big launch issues. Hopefully but now, it will be nicely polished.
“The race to control the Great Vortex adds a thrilling dimension to the campaign because every advance players make raises the stakes for their faction,” said David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral Interactive. “Not only must players contend with rivals for the Vortex’s power, but also with the dire consequences of success – each time they increase their control over the Vortex, the monstrous forces of Chaos are released into their lands…”
No word on the date it will release, other than "later this year". Another fine choice for a port I must say, with it being one of the most popular games on Steam right now. Most likely with Vulkan too, as I highly doubt Feral Interactive will do any OpenGL ports now, which means it's likely to perform well.
This does seem to be the game that was teased as "Proud seat of lucifer", as that teaser is no longer on the Feral port radar.
If Feral could bring us some nice RPGs and more open-world action stuff later on in the year, that would be sweet.
Edit: oh.. kinda sad this was the "Proud seat of lucifer" though ..I guess they decided to reveal it because of the steam summer sales (I remember them saying that as long as a port gets announced they get a share, so maybe that is the reason - BUT not sure if this is the case with this port).
Last edited by SadL on 18 Jun 2018 at 10:21 am UTC
Edit: oh.. kinda sad this was the "Proud seat of lucifer" though ..I guess they decided to reveal it because of the steam summer sales (I remember them saying that as long as a port gets announced they get a share, so maybe that is the reason - BUT not sure if this is the case with this port).
Same. Definitely was looking forward to this, but was also hoping that clue would be something else.
YES!!! I love you Feral!!!
EDIT: I don't know, why they have it on radar as "Proud seat of lucifer".
Last edited by Zlopez on 18 Jun 2018 at 10:54 am UTC
Total War: Warhammer II
Thrones of Britannia (A Total War Saga)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III
Total War: Shogun 2
Total War: Warhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution
Total War: Medieval II
Total War: Empire
No games on Linux my ass.
Could you please port Middle Earth Shadow of War ?
Anyone knows if this one will have crossplatform multiplayer with Windows users?
Probably NO, like the previous ports. So multi only between Linux / Mac.
Will this version come with with or without RedShell'n shit?
Total War ports from Feral Interactive doesn't contain that. Only Total War Attila on Linux have that , which was a port done in-house by Creative Assembly.
Also , GOG games are have that too.
Will this version come with with or without RedShell'n shit?
Total War ports from Feral Interactive doesn't contain that. Only Total War Attila on Linux have that , which was a port done in-house by Creative Assembly.
Also , GOG games are have that too.
Good to know. Are you basing that on first hand knowledge? (do you own the game fe).
I'm quite surprised Valve hasn't made any statement about this. They could for example check any releases for those files though I'd imagine it would raise questions about other titles that use something else. Sayyy.. valves own crashreporter. Guess policing porn means more LUL.
I have Medieval 2 and Shogun 2 installed right now and there is no Redshell. Also some user from Reddit ( whom have all Feral Total War ports , except Thrones of Brittania ) confirmed that Feral Ports don't have this.
The only games that I want to see on Linux with the word "Warhammer" in the title are Space Marine and Vermintide.
So what was the connection between the radar's clue and this game?
I guess they are tieing it to choas and the skull throne of khorne but for whatever reason proud seat has dissappeared from fereal radar so personally annoying as although its a triple a game its one that was announced as coming to linux months ago before going silent. I was kind of hoping for an out of the blue game like hellblade or maybe even the two criminal origins games since they are ip owned by sega who have proven to be linux friendly.
Last edited by fabry92 on 18 Jun 2018 at 5:26 pm UTC
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