That's right, we're teaming up with GOG once more to give you a chance at getting a fantastic DRM free Linux game.
We have copies of both Surviving Mars & Iconoclasts to give away! We're big fans of both games, so it's awesome to be able to run this for you, our awesome readers!
How to enter
Competition open to all existing and new users.
- Reply to this article.
- Include which game you would like.
- Tell us an amusing Linux-related joke. Go on—give it your best shot!
Winners will be sent a PM (personal message) directly on our site with their key. This will end Sunday 17th at 8PM BST/7PM UTC.
Note: If you win, you will need to redeem your key by July 3rd.
GOG Sale
The GOG summer sale is also still going on, so if you don't fancy a copy of either or if you fancy picking up a cheap DRM free Linux game, see all their Linux games on sale right here.
We also have a curated list of games in the summer sale we think you might like, check them out here.
yet another shell joke:
[stop@hammertime ~]$ touch /this
touch: cannot touch '/this': Permission denied
(Also, Iconoclasts is great game if you like Metroidvanias)
surviving mars please
Spoiler, click me
$ sl
Surviving Mars, please :)
I wish I could survive on Mars with Elon Musk tech being all Open Source! he he he...
And here is my joke:
Linux is like a indian tent: No Gates, No Windows and Apache inside :D
I would like to have surviving Mars.
2 pals, a windows user and a linux admin are chatting after work (from the First BioResearch Institute) in their favorite bar, called Foo bar.
The linux admin says: I would tell you a DNS joke but be advised, it could take up to 24 hours for everyone to get it.
Last edited by fenevadkan on 14 Jun 2018 at 7:07 pm UTC
"killall -9 cat"
Now for my joke:
Why is a penguin superior to a monkey?
Penguins can't open windows.
OK, so it's not a very good joke.
Last edited by Mountain Man on 14 Jun 2018 at 7:20 pm UTC
As for the joke, let me look at my Wine collection and get back to you.
date +"%Y is the year of the `uname -o` desktop"
Last edited by ChloeWolfieGirl on 14 Jun 2018 at 7:17 pm UTC
Tux walks up to two lions at the zoo and tells them about all the wonders of open software and leaves.
one lion said to the other "was that a talking penguin?"
Q. What is a Unix or Linux sysadmin’s favourite hangout place?
A. Foo Bar
I've been using Vim for about 2 years now, mostly because I can't figure out how to exit it.

Here's wishing for Iconoclasts.
"If you bash a window, does it become a Linux desktop?"
"No, it's just GIMPed."
"I GNU it!"
What is the linux user's favorite place to hang out? Foo Bar.
When the Windows admin fills in for the Linux admin

How many Gentoo users does it take to change a lightbulb?
Sorry, they're all waiting for "emerge world" to finish.
I know a great joke. Windows.
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