Another classic game may be coming to Linux, with hints of Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive recently popping up.
On SteamDB today was this entry:
260739/name: Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive LINUX
260739/config/oslist: linux
To be clear, this isn't confirmation of it coming. Sometimes games pop up indicating Linux support on SteamDB, but don't actually come.
The strategy game was originally released back in 2001 and it gained a Steam release in 2013 a few months after THQ Nordic (formerly Nordic Games) swallowed up some of Atari's IP, like this one.
THQ Nordic have revived other games before, like Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Imperium Galactica II: Alliances which were updated with Linux support. So, it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Quite likely in fact, I would say.
Fans have previously asked for a HD remake, so it will be interesting to see what happens.
Game Features:
- More than 20 enemies with different profiles, from the lazy and cowardly bandit, to the fearsome mercenary.
- A team of 6 characters, each with their own very distinct characteristics, to manage in real time.
- 25 different levels provide nail-biting intrigue, with cinematic transition scenes and landscapes that will take your breath away. Amazing artificial intelligence!
- Each enemy is ranked on 10 different criteria, including intelligence, courage, marksmanship, resistance to alcohol, etc.
- An array of different settings: day-time, night-time, storms, dusk, villages, ghost towns, fortresses, gold mines, saloons, prisons, boats 6 training levels to allow the player to really get into the story
Very good game, that is!
Anybody knows if there's a chance for the Monkey Island 1 & 2 remasters?
I remember when I was a kid my parents used to buy me those cereal boxes which included a CD, this game was one of them, it was labeled as a "mini-game" rather than a demo. About a year later I got the full game which I've had a lot of fun with.
I'd be happy to pay for a remastered version with Linux support.
Last edited by Shmerl on 4 Jul 2018 at 6:49 pm UTC
I still need to play shadow tactics though. A real current gen equivalent.
Talking about classics...
Anybody knows if there's a chance for the Monkey Island 1 & 2 remasters?
That'd insane :D
Desperados in Linux? Great!
That being said, I'm still very surprised S-E has not mentioned anything at all about doing a remaster of the original Commandos. Nor even just a release to work in modern computers. Back in the day was a proper hit in the industry.
Anybody knows if there's a chance for the Monkey Island 1 & 2 remasters?
FWIW, those worked quite well in WINE (along with Telltale's Tales of Monkey Island) when I played them a few years ago.
Also, I think people like us are exactly the ones they're targeting with such ports. It's unlikely kids will play these old games under Linux.
Wow, that would be amazing! Actually I'd love to play this game again! I spent so many hours on that one as a child.The problem I have with this is most of us already own a copy so they're not going to make much money by porting it, unless we all start gifting copies to strangers. ;)
Also, I think people like us are exactly the ones they're targeting with such ports. It's unlikely kids will play these old games under Linux.
Loading from the title to the first mission is almost as fast as I can click the play button, the mouse is a little buggy though, have to look into what's causing that.
it's 32bit only, 1.6GB download, apart from the mouse problem it's running very well.
Last edited by lucifertdark on 5 Jul 2018 at 4:38 pm UTC
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