This might seem a bit like Déjà vu since I only wrote about Voxel Turf recently! It has another update today and this is quite an exciting one.
Voxel Turf is a block based city builder/action adventure game. Build cities or destroy them. Start businesses or rob them. Nurture your citizens or subjugate them. Build a real estate empire, or perhaps just drive around and blow stuff up. Its your choice! Voxel Turf allows you to be the force of benevolence or the agent of chaos in a city of your creation.
Today's update focuses on gunplay improvements along with the introduction of a dungeons feature. For the gunplay, there's a new recoil system so weapons have a bit of a kick to them, with weapon mods also affecting recoil. A pistol will have little recoil, while a bigger weapon will obviously have more.
You can also now discover dungeons throughout the map, giving you a little extra to do. You find these dungeons within big stone pillars, which have a lift hidden inside allowing you to access them. They're full of enemy NPCs for you to take down, as well as a "King" who has a lot of loot.
It even has a shiny video to show off the new stuff this time:

Direct Link
Absolutely love seeing the progress on it, really fun game. Works really well on Linux as well, which isn't surprising as the developer is actually a Linux user.
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