Dicey Dungeons from Terry Cavanagh, Marlowe Dobbe, and Chipzel is a great roguelike that quickly becoming a favourite of mine and this latest release is excellent.
See Also: My thoughts from a previous version.
This release actually has a surprising amount of content! It adds two characters back into the game The Witch and The Robot, which had to be removed while they reworked the new engine. In addition, it also adds back the game Editor.
There's new audio too, with a new combat track and a boss fight theme. Plenty of new art has found its way in with new combat backgrounds, actual coloured art for a few characters that were only sketches before. Animations are coming too, but they weren't quite ready for this release. There's also new enemies as well, some also had a complete re-design. More details on the update here.
Since screenshots don't really show it well, this time I took a little video of my adventure. This time I chose The Witch, a rather interesting character that uses dice rolls to add new spells into play. Here's a quick look at my first time with this character:

Direct Link
Despite being ridiculously tired, I think that went okay. Definitely need some more practice with this character as it plays very differently to my usual choice. Hopefully that gives you more of an idea of what the game is like. It's still in development, so any of it could change, I think it's brilliant though.
You can pick up a copy from ich.io right now, absolutely recommend it. You can also try out some early builds here.
Last edited by scaine on 7 Sep 2018 at 2:54 pm UTC
Is there a way to get it through steam?
Not right now, but if you buy it on Itch, you can play it now and you'll be given a code for its eventual release on Steam.
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