DXVK [GitHub] 0.72 just got released and this version brings along some handy extra configuration options as well as some specific game fixes.
Reminder: DXVK is a project that allows you to get Vulkan-based D3D11 and D3D10 for playing Windows games on Linux using Wine. It's part of Valve's Steam Play. If you missed it, we had an interview with the developer recently.
As for specific games, it fixes issues with Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Origins, Batman Arkham Knight, Dragon Quest XI and an issue that affected both Tomb Raider (2013) and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. What's interesting, is that they've had to spoof users having a specific GPU vendor for some titles, otherwise they don't work. Batman: Arkham Knight, for example is being set as being on an AMD GPU, which fixes a crash in the "Detective Mode" if you have an NVIDIA GPU.
For the config options, you now have access to:
- "d3d11.maxTessFactor" to limit the maximum tessellation factor
- "d3d11.samplerAnisotropy" to enforce or disable anisotropic filtering
- "dxgi.numBackBuffers" to override the number of swap chain back buffers
- "dxgi.syncInterval" to enforce or disable Vsync
On top of that, the developer said this about the release:
Additionally, the number of swap chain back buffers requested by the game is now honored by default, i.e. games that request a triple-buffered swap chain without VSync will now use a triple-buffered Vulkans swap chain.
More info on those and more on their Wiki.
That's not in Proton yet, right?No.
Note disabling NVAPI dlls still results in performance issues and such...
Last edited by TheRiddick on 14 Sep 2018 at 10:11 pm UTC
it seems that shadow of the tomb raider works very well with Proton. Oh man! I really feel sad for Feral now the have zero incentive for a real port.
Let's see the performance of the game running with Proton...
But yeah, thanks to Proton, from now and then, Feral must work simultaneously with Nixxes (the developers of the Windows port) and not a year later..
Still have to add in 3rd party codex to get the video to work though zzz.
Last edited by RossBC on 14 Sep 2018 at 11:49 pm UTC
Let's see the performance of the game running with Proton...~86% of Windows D3D11 on my system, with some stutter here and there (but I've seen worse). Certainly playable.
If Feral ever port this, they should really use the D3D12 renderer as a starting point, it's so much faster than D3D11 in this game. And I'd agree that it should happen sooner rather than later, although it's probably not really their fault that there's no Linux port announced yet.
Last edited by YoRHa-2B on 15 Sep 2018 at 8:45 am UTC
Let's see the performance of the game running with Proton...~86% of Windows D3D11 on my system, with some stutter here and there (but I've seen worse). Certainly playable.
If Feral ever port this, they should really use the D3D12 renderer as a starting point, it's so much faster than D3D11 in this game. And I'd agree that it should happen sooner rather than later, although it's probably not really their fault that there's no Linux port announced yet.
Is this game a good candidate to work with the VKD3D layer? Do you know what's the status of the project?
it seems that shadow of the tomb raider works very well with Proton. Oh man! I really feel sad for Feral now the have zero incentive for a real port.
Don't worry for Feral, soon they will have a lot of work porting games to windows :D
Is this game a good candidate to work with the VKD3D layer? Do you know what's the status of the project?I wouldn't expect it to work yet, but once it does, it will run better than it currently does with DXVK.
Last edited by YoRHa-2B on 15 Sep 2018 at 11:34 am UTC
Wait, Batman: Arkham Knight works on Linux with DXVK? It didn't when I tried and [is rated "Borked" at SPCR](https://spcr.netlify.com/app/208650).
It won't start on Proton since the launcher requires .Net 452. Once it starts by either modifying your Proton prefix* or by using normal wine it should work now with DXVK 0.72 just fine out-of-the-box on NVidia and AMD/RADV.
See https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/558
* Haven't tries this yet but should somehow be possible ..
Last edited by jens on 15 Sep 2018 at 12:25 pm UTC
Let's see the performance of the game running with Proton...~86% of Windows D3D11 on my system, with some stutter here and there (but I've seen worse). Certainly playable.
Very impressive.
Not considering the Nvidia z-fighting issue, is the game visually identical between Linux and Windows? I mean, if you max out/enable all settings, does it look the same on Linux as on Windows without any distortions or glitches?
Last edited by jens on 15 Sep 2018 at 11:57 am UTC
Yes, it renders correctly on RADV.
Thanks for the confirmation, even more impressive. Fortunately I have to wait a bit until the NVidia z-thingie fix lands in Fedora, assuming that this fixes the black spots. ;) But once that has happened, and with the knowlegde that I buy for Linux, I don't think I can withstand the temptation to buy this game when no word or hint from Feral has been heard about a port from their side. I realize of course that Feral isn't probably the one holding a port back so no blame there.
Last edited by jens on 15 Sep 2018 at 3:49 pm UTC
it seems that shadow of the tomb raider works very well with Proton. Oh man! I really feel sad for Feral now the have zero incentive for a real port.Well, performance wise, not paying attention to the graphical glitches, according to this video:
performance are about 25%...35% lower than on windows, which means on linux it runs between 1/4 and 1/3 less of the original speed.
This is not what i'd call working well, and feral has been bashed for way less performance drop on their ports.
Now, considering the latest tomb rider from feral suffers of an average of **just** 10% performance drop, i can't see them stopping to port it just because of that.
Is your experience with proton different, maybe?
I think Proton and DXVK are nice projects over the original plain wine, and they sure brings more speed and friendlyness to the final user; but i can't consider buying a game made for windows, knowing it will run at 3/4 of the original speed.
I could change my mind if/when it will run at least at 85..90%, not less.
What happens if i buy a game today on windows, play with proton and next month a linux native port is made? who will take the money?
With the latest Vulkan driver from Nvidia there is a huge boost of performance across the board. Most games seem to run between 80 and 90% of the windows performance, i.e. about the same as a good Linux port. Shadow's seems to be at 15-20%. This is more or less the performance hit of the ROTR port compared to Windows.
I thought games are more compatible with Proton rather than Wine+DXVK. But it turns out the opposite is true. I just tried Batman: AK with Wine Staging 3.15 and DXVK 0.72, and it works! The performance isn't too good though, about 30-50 fps with drops. I had 60-80 on Windows with max graphics settings, twice better. Well, at least I don't have to deal with Windows anymore to play my favourite games, GTA V and B:AK. Thank you YoRHa-2B for this.
Performance is actually pretty good on my machine, even with using the latest official short term driver (396.54), though I don't know what I would get on Windows. Using 396.54.05 (https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver) should further improve performance. Please also make sure that you CPU governor is set to "Performance".
What happens if i buy a game today on windows, play with proton and next month a linux native port is made? who will take the money?
My understanding was that Feral gets their share as soon as they have officially announced a port, not before. I also guess that this applies only when buying on Linux and not playing on Windows in the first two weeks.
Would love to know too how this would work with Steam Play now.
Last edited by jens on 15 Sep 2018 at 2:25 pm UTC
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