Lag is always an issue in games, but some games it's much worse than others. The developers behind the FPS games Tannenberg and Verdun have made some steps to improve this.
Showing off an example of how they've tweaked the networking, they showed off two simple examples. The first below on the old networking code:
Here you can clearly see how the player twitchs forwards. The next is from their newer code that's now live:
The difference is clear, player movement and positioning is a massive amount smoother, which should result in a much better gameplay experience when playing with people who don't have the best connection. Thanks to these changes, the chances of being shot from behind cover are greatly reduced.
In addition they also fixed an issue with third-person models to be at a different height to the first-person view, which stops players sometimes appearing to be stuck in the ground. They also improved long-range shot accuracy and their melee system also saw improvements for better locking on, better stabs from above and so on.
Testing Tannenberg out once again today, it's changed quite a bit since I lasted tested. Not only are the input bugs fixed, but it also now works correctly with the latest NVIDIA driver (previously it crashed). Performance seems to have come along nicely too, I was often sitting at 60FPS on Ultra with Depth of Field enabled too so that was quite nice. Some drops when it's loading in a new area, but mostly acceptable now.
Still love the way Tannenberg spawns you in when you're in the Maneuver game mode, with you picking a section of the map and then the camera zooms right into the world directly into your character—very cool:

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I still don't get why they needed to entirely separated games for different fronts, but whatever.
Both Verdun and Tannenberg are currently on sale on the Humble Store. I actually quite like Tannenberg myself. Alternatively, find them on Steam.
So the crashing is fixed for you? Sadly, it's still crashing for me on my AMD card. :/No issues at all on NVIDIA.
I take these two games are related somehow? Same developer?Same developer, same engine, same war but two different fronts.
Interesting.. so they are like companion games?Yes, both usually updated around the same time when it makes sense unless it's something very specific to one of them.
For those of you using updated NVIDIA drivers having problems, put "-force-glcore42 -force-clamped" in your launch options (without the quotes). That worked to prevent crashing while loading for me.
Holy crap, thanks dude! =D That fixed it for my AMD card as well. I was just able to play for nearly 2 hours and didnt have a single crash! =D
Holy crap, thanks dude! =D That fixed it for my AMD card as well. I was just able to play for nearly 2 hours and didnt have a single crash! =DYou're welcome! I'm not sure why this hasn't been more broadly trumpted around their online community. I found this almost by accident in reference to problems with the same engine in a different title. I love Tannenberg so the more players we can get online and playing the better!
Holy crap, thanks dude! =D That fixed it for my AMD card as well. I was just able to play for nearly 2 hours and didnt have a single crash! =DYou're welcome! I'm not sure why this hasn't been more broadly trumpted around their online community. I found this almost by accident in reference to problems with the same engine in a different title. I love Tannenberg so the more players we can get online and playing the better!
Indeed. :) As much as I enjoy fast past shooters like Ballistic Overkill, sometimes I want to play something a bit more tactical. Tannenburg is amazing for that. :) On a side note, while that definitely fixed the crashing issues I was having, I am now constantly getting disconnected from the server. It's annoying, because it usually happens in the middle of an epic 20+ kill streak, and when I rejoin, it resets my stats for the round. It might be because I'm using LTE hotspot from my phone, but no other games have issues with that, so I'm not convinced that's it. Oh well. At least I can play at all now, which is better than I've been able to do for the last few months. :) Thanks again for posting the fix!
On an aside, I feel Tannenberg is really underrated in general and in Linux gaming as well. It has tremendous atmosphere and has really driven home for me the terror of trench warfare. It's now much easier for me to understand why there were such standoffs and lack of progress on the battlefield. There have also been some terrifying moments where I'm alone or nearly alone in a trench and I can hear enemy troops approaching or see them through the metal slats and I'll have, like, 2 of 6 bullets loaded. Do I take the time to reload (takes a while) and risk complete vulnerability? Do I try to take out the closest two advancing soldiers and run back and reload, knowingly sacrificing part of my trench? Do I wait for them all to enter the trench and try to stab them as they come through, having the element of surprise? Any game that makes me *feel* those choices is very solid in my book. And then there's the feeling of advancing on a trench thinking you've got it, and then 4 guys you didn't know were there stand up and there you are, really vulnerable running down a hayfield... Awesome...
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