Set during World War II, Victory At Sea Pacific from Evil Twin Artworks is an interesting naval strategy game that released recently with Linux support.

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- Search and destroy enemy fleets across the entire Pacific Ocean
- Effortlessly switch between commanding the entire Pacific theatre and controlling the fate of individual vessels and planes
- Upgrade Ports and build shipyards
- Harass shipping and starve ports of vital supplies
- Organise large scale amphibious assaults on major ports
- Control unique vessels such as the huge I-400 submarine aircraft carrier
- Build highly skilled crews ready for combat
- Pausable gameplay allows you to order fleets and then continue the action
It does have a few bugs, which I hope they sort out now that it's released for everyone. One annoying one I saw is that the pathfinding can be a little flaky, I've seen ships do a little dance backwards and forwards a few times when trying to move them around, which is a bit annoying.
There was one thing I really wasn't keen on, which is the map being a different part of the game to the actual combat. You can't just switch between one fleet and the map and back again which doesn't help with the immersion. On top of that, you're also limited to the campaign mode. The previous game allowed you to have custom battles, so it feels like a step backwards there.
It's a pretty reasonable strategy game overall, with some really fun combat and watching enemy ships sink to the bottom of the ocean certainly is satisfying. I just think it needed a bit more time in the oven.
Find it on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
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