Starting on Tuesday, September 25th Valve will be actively moderating all game forums on Steam unless a developer opts to not have Valve do so.
So from then onwards if someone reports a post on a Steam forum, let's say for Streets of Rogue, it will then go into a queue for Valve's own moderation team to look over. They will then remove it if it violates their community guidelines.
It does make sense, since Valve already moderates other user posted content across Steam like screenshots, artwork, guides, user profiles, community groups and so on. They said they previously didn't want to step on the toes of developers, who ran their community their way. However, they said they've been hearing from developers that they need help. Valve's Tom Giardino mentioned on Twitter "Many of the changes are direct implementations of suggestions from devs at indie meetups, GDC, AAA studio visits, passionate twitter rants, etc. So, thanks for speaking up in all of those places and keep it coming.".
To go along with this, Valve has been actively expanding their moderation team to cope with the increased workload. Thankfully, they won't be relying on some special algorithms to determine what posts can stay and what goes in the bin.
I can certainly understand why developers want a hand with moderating their Steam communities for each game, as a lot of the time they really do up becoming a complete pit of arguments, trolls and all sorts of rubbish.
What do you think to Valve increasing their presence in the forums for each game? I think it's a welcome move. See the announcement here.
Then again, even the image search on google looks quite different when accessed in Germany for some reason... (No interactive interface with keyboard support).
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
Last edited by lucifertdark on 22 Sep 2018 at 1:31 pm UTC
This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.Funny how this has never been a problem for me. I guess I don't go out of my way to offend people. You can capitalize words all you want, but what you said is baseless FUD.
BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Funny how this has never been a problem for me. I guess I don't go out of my way to offend people. You can capitalize words all you want, but what you said is baseless FUD.I wish it was baseless, you'll see it for yourself before long.
Oh & being offended is a way of life for these people.
Last edited by lucifertdark on 22 Sep 2018 at 2:32 pm UTC
Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.
Oh, no, not personal responsibility! Whatever shall we do?!?
rational people
EDIT: Aww, GOL cut out my emoji use here :P
Last edited by DrMcCoy on 22 Sep 2018 at 2:40 pm UTC
No, Portal 2 is not censored in Germany. At all.
The first Portal game was lightly censored for a while, with blood generated when turrets hit you painted gray instead of red, but even that has been removed years ago.
No, that was at the end of last year. I think censorship was removed from all games of the Orangebox. This included TF2 and HL2. Be that as it may, Left4Dead2 is still heavily trimmed until today, so it's no fun at all.
Also it's paradoxical that Portal2 was uncut all the time, while the first part was only available in a reduced-violence version for years. I played Portal for the first time in 2016 or 2017. And the blood was definitely not red. And yes, I bled a lot. :D
Stop telling lies.I don't think this is about lies. Censorship takes place in Germany. And with dozens of affected titles, you can lose track of it.
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
All these stories make me glad I never tried to socialize there.
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
Talking about toxicity. What happened with Meraco?I wonder as well. Maybe his contract as ended. That guy were just trolling 1000s if not tens of 1000s topics begging about a Linux version on a daily basis. That too much work to be done on spare time.
I am still surprised how he managed to be present on almost every game I check for a Linux version be it a AAA or a niche game that will never sold more than a few 1000s units.
Whatever his motivation, he has waaaaaay too much time on his hands.
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
I can only assume they aren't old enough to remember things like Securom or the sony rootkit scandal.
But hell, it's hardly surprising to me anymore.. Some people even defended the use of paid character slots in that Metal Gear Survive game, it seems these goliath companies can't do anything wrong anymore
Ahh damn , you're right.
I forgot two things.
1.Kids exist on the internet
2.Fanboys of franchises exist and will defend them tooth and nail. Even to the point of parroting nonsensical corporate buzzwords about piracy/copy protection.
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
I can only assume they aren't old enough to remember things like Securom or the sony rootkit scandal.
But hell, it's hardly surprising to me anymore.. Some people even defended the use of paid character slots in that Metal Gear Survive game, it seems these goliath companies can't do anything wrong anymore
Ahh damn , you're right.
I forgot two things.
1.Kids exist on the internet
2.Fanboys of franchises exist and will defend them tooth and nail. Even to the point of parroting nonsensical corporate buzzwords about piracy/copy protection.
I found that when you try critizing abusive F2P mechanics, there will also always be users defending them with non-senical reasoning. "It is intentional, to slow down the pace to a fun degree". Which, if the game could be played at a slightly faster pace without straight-out becoming a whale, would even make sense. Specific case: [A harry Potter game.](
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
I can only assume they aren't old enough to remember things like Securom or the sony rootkit scandal.
But hell, it's hardly surprising to me anymore.. Some people even defended the use of paid character slots in that Metal Gear Survive game, it seems these goliath companies can't do anything wrong anymore
Ahh damn , you're right.
I forgot two things.
1.Kids exist on the internet
2.Fanboys of franchises exist and will defend them tooth and nail. Even to the point of parroting nonsensical corporate buzzwords about piracy/copy protection.
I found that when you try critizing abusive F2P mechanics, there will also always be users defending them with non-senical reasoning. "It is intentional, to slow down the pace to a fun degree". Which, if the game could be played at a slightly faster pace without straight-out becoming a whale, would even make sense. Specific case: [A harry Potter game.](
I think i have seen the game in question.
I believe it was particularly bad. Similar to Dungeon Keeper by EA ( or any mobile game that offers gems or any other kind of premium currency)
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
I can only assume they aren't old enough to remember things like Securom or the sony rootkit scandal.
But hell, it's hardly surprising to me anymore.. Some people even defended the use of paid character slots in that Metal Gear Survive game, it seems these goliath companies can't do anything wrong anymore
Ahh damn , you're right.
I forgot two things.
1.Kids exist on the internet
2.Fanboys of franchises exist and will defend them tooth and nail. Even to the point of parroting nonsensical corporate buzzwords about piracy/copy protection.
I found that when you try critizing abusive F2P mechanics, there will also always be users defending them with non-senical reasoning. "It is intentional, to slow down the pace to a fun degree". Which, if the game could be played at a slightly faster pace without straight-out becoming a whale, would even make sense. Specific case: [A harry Potter game.](
I think i have seen the game in question.
I believe it was particularly bad. Similar to Dungeon Keeper by EA ( or any mobile game that offers gems or any other kind of premium currency)
It is actually pretty good, if you play it as a light-weight mobile adventure game rather than expecting PC-game level complexity from it. Judging from me playing Deponia on iOS, that just wouldn't translate well to mobile anyway. However, being a good game underneath makes the energy-system hurt even more. If it was outright bad, I wouldn't care.
The DungeonKeeper game was actually quite fun too (though I didn't play it at release, when it got a lot of backlash, so the F2P stuff may have been toned down). The part that hurt here was craving for a new full Dungeon Keeper game, and instead being given a mobile interpretation that has only the most superficial aspects in common with the originals. A big part of the dungeon-keeper experience was for me leading your troops in first-person into the final conquest by possessing your troops. All current-generation DK-alikes lack this part, which makes a new Dungeon Keeper game lacking it too basically adding insult to injury.
Had the DK mobile game been released in parallel to Dungeon Keeper 3, it would probably have been widely considered a nice mobile tie-in.
This is why I never post anything on Steam. You cannot have any dissent view against the game or it will become like what you'd experience right now. BUT, if you have "licking the butt" attitude, you're basicly got a permanent "free pass". I'd seen this poop getting worse every day based on my observation.BINGO! the rot is already there & it's only going to get worse. They need to get rational people in instead of those who think receiving a partition award is a good thing. Just wait till they start going through all older posts to find something to ban you for that you said 5+ years ago.Have they never heard of an ignore button? or a block button? other places if someone is giving you grief you can block their silly ass. This moderating of speech is only going to get worse & one day YOU, yes all of YOU reading this will be on the wrong end of it, because some Social Just-us Wheenie Participation Trophy Winner didn't like the way you said something & reported you to the moderator & they agreed with them.
What's next? banned from the forums then banned from playing the games you've paid for?
I'm going through a years community ban because of some of those types of people hating my guts for disliking denuvo and expressing that on steam forums
All I did was share a screenshot of one of them admitting they've pirated things before to me in a private steam chat, along with another screenshot of them following me to my friends profile to throw abuse at me.
The person was also literally on a Volunteer Moderators steam profile, posting in their comments claiming I was posting their personal information, when all I was posting was that user admitting to piracy, and him and his friends constantly harassing me and baiting me (along with anyone else who dares question denuvo software)
People should be allowed to criticize a game (or a software that game uses) without being harassed, but a lot of folk simply can't handle a game they like being criticized, personally some of my FAVOURITE games are the ones I will criticize the most
Take a look at that, right? To you, does that post break any rules? It literally didn't break a single rule, yet this person banned me because of a certain person who kept spamming up these volunteer moderators profiles trying to get me in trouble. When I messaged that volunteer moderator back he basically told me to go F myself
Yet the one who reported me, the user has made remarks about people who dislike denuvo being part of the alt-right and being nazis, yet that sort of behavior is somehow allowed. That same user used the recent florida mass shooting to troll some anti-denuvo folk as well, and all the volunteer moderators did was remove the post for the user to allow him to continue trolling
"Any of you trolls have insider information on the Florida shooting" - apparently isn't breaking the rules
I'm sure it's just a coincidence though that he has posts ALL OVER various different volunteer moderators profiles, apparentely brown nosing is acceptable, saying it how it is.. isn't.
I've seen another volunteer moderator admit to changing his profile picture to anime literally just to bait people.
My friend knows someone who got perma-banned from Life is Strange forums for calling the story mediocre.
So in all honesty I don't think official Valve employees can do any worse in censoring things they don't like, voltuneer moderators already do that from my experience. Valves volunteer moderators should be scrapped altogether for people on an actual pay-role to mod the forums.
Sorry for the long post, but I doubt the steam forums will ever be a nice place to have mature discussions about PC gaming, that's why places like GOL are so much better.
Tbh I probably have made some toxic posts myself on steam forums a few years ago, maybe even some on the Sonic Maniaforums, in-fact when that volunteer moderator banned me for that post, I asked him why since the post clearly didn't break any rules and all he kept doing was mentioning previous offenses made years ago on entirely different forums.
I initially only wanted to express that I wanted denuvo removed from my copy of Sonic Mania that I paid for, seeing as how it had already been cracked. It ended up turning into a HUGE shit-show, one that still carries on to this day over a year later. The real trolls in that forum never got banned imo.
But I've always tried to just say it how it is, and as you can see for yourself that user who had it in for me, constantly reporting me.. He used some recent shooting in america to troll people, which is pretty messed up.. yet the moderators don't do anything. I have many screenshots of that same user being VERY active on these moderators profiles, reporting other people.
I know 100% for a fact that if you want to get people banned while also breaking rules yourself, brown-nose the volunteer moderators by posting on their steam profiles. Seemed to work for those guys :-\
Another sad things is the developers/game companies inaction regarding on this. We don't know either they agree or disagree on this kind of moderation, but generally if you (the devs) staying quiet, you're agree or enabling this to happens. So, It's like they give the community (especially moderators) blessing to keep on going making poops.
p/s: I'm looking on that game's Steam community hub. They agreed to Denuvo? What?!
Yeah, this kind of community behaviour.... probably?
Not only are those trolls trying to advocate Denuvo like it's the best thing ever, they're also trying to discredit GOG and telling people not to buy from there
But yeah, I'm certaintely not going to be returning to steam forums when my community ban gets lifted, I can't really even if I wanted to seeing as how those volunteer mods could ban me for literally anything, even if I don't break any rules
Do those people get paid to support Denuvo or something ?
Like I really don't get why anyone would so adamantly defend DRM of all things.
Console fanboys I can get , when they think "mine is better than yours" , but this just defies all logic.
I can only assume they aren't old enough to remember things like Securom or the sony rootkit scandal.
But hell, it's hardly surprising to me anymore.. Some people even defended the use of paid character slots in that Metal Gear Survive game, it seems these goliath companies can't do anything wrong anymore
Ahh damn , you're right.
I forgot two things.
1.Kids exist on the internet
2.Fanboys of franchises exist and will defend them tooth and nail. Even to the point of parroting nonsensical corporate buzzwords about piracy/copy protection.
I found that when you try critizing abusive F2P mechanics, there will also always be users defending them with non-senical reasoning. "It is intentional, to slow down the pace to a fun degree". Which, if the game could be played at a slightly faster pace without straight-out becoming a whale, would even make sense. Specific case: [A harry Potter game.](
I think i have seen the game in question.
I believe it was particularly bad. Similar to Dungeon Keeper by EA ( or any mobile game that offers gems or any other kind of premium currency)
It is actually pretty good, if you play it as a light-weight mobile adventure game rather than expecting PC-game level complexity from it. Judging from me playing Deponia on iOS, that just wouldn't translate well to mobile anyway. However, being a good game underneath makes the energy-system hurt even more. If it was outright bad, I wouldn't care.
The DungeonKeeper game was actually quite fun too (though I didn't play it at release, when it got a lot of backlash, so the F2P stuff may have been toned down). The part that hurt here was craving for a new full Dungeon Keeper game, and instead being given a mobile interpretation that has only the most superficial aspects in common with the originals. A big part of the dungeon-keeper experience was for me leading your troops in first-person into the final conquest by possessing your troops. All current-generation DK-alikes lack this part, which makes a new Dungeon Keeper game lacking it too basically adding insult to injury.
Had the DK mobile game been released in parallel to Dungeon Keeper 3, it would probably have been widely considered a nice mobile tie-in.
Isn't War for the Overworld basically a carbon copy clone of Dungeon Keeper.
Unless I remember incorrectly it should still have the possession mechanic.
Isn't War for the Overworld basically a carbon copy clone of Dungeon Keeper.
Unless I remember incorrectly it should still have the possession mechanic.
True. I forgot about that one.
Looks like this troll is STILL bashing while also promoting DenuvoI don't imagine for a second that they can not be paid troll. Russia is not the only actor that pay troll to advance its interest. Hiring a few troll in India is rather cheap. Meraco might troll Monday to Friday on opening hours somewhere in the world. I wonder how much hour he does a week.
Also meraco is still going round, saying there's no need for native linux ports anymore because of proton
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