This was originally going to be an article detailing all the improvements to Planet Nomads, sadly I've had to rewrite this due to the fact of the Linux version being mostly broken.
The Linux version has sadly seen a rather big lack of attention for some time now. On August 29th, I reported to the developer that the game was freezing on the loading screen. It's now October and the situation hasn't really changed at all, with seemingly no progress being made and a lack of feedback from the developer on the issue.
They haven't replied in the Steam post since September 3rd, although they did tell us on Twitter on September 18th "Dang! We are going to examine this. Thanks for the headsup!". I seem to be able to load it once, after that it either freezes while loading or quits to the desktop. A good 90% of the time I have to manually kill the process due to it freezing.
I'm sad about this, because the game has seen so many improvements across many updates since we last covered it, that excited me to talk about it again. Things like an actual tutorial to properly walk you through the basics, massively improved performance and so much more but this has been marred by the issues.
For now, I would urge you to give it a miss until they give the Linux version the attention it needs.
The database is probably not corrupted due to queries (sqlite is a very robust engine) but when the game crashes in the middle of a write. So the first crash is not due to sqlite but every one after that is since the first crash corrupts the database.An sqlite database can usually survive even a crash, as all transactions are basically atomic under the hood with automatic recovery from the journal. But of course there are other ways to corrupt the db if you really try, like messing with the file directly, or messing up directory access so that sqlite can't create its journal and then crashing.
And you can be on a filesystem or HDD where fsync() does not do what was intended.
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