It seems Feral had a bit of a surprise in store for us, as XCOM 2: War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack has released today and the Linux version is out.
When it was announced, Feral Interactive said it would be available "shortly after the Windows release" and they certainly weren't kidding as it only released for Windows today too! Seriously good stuff from Feral, this is the way it should be with no waiting around. Really pleased they were able to do this for Linux gamers!
For an overview of what's new, see the overview video below:

Direct Link
For those who cannot view the video it includes: new gameplay modes, new maps, new weapons and armour, new customisation options, new soundtrack options and more. It's quite a packed DLC really when looking at everything that's included. I'm quite excited to try out the Legacy Ops linked missions as well as the new Skirmish mode! This DLC essentially sounds like it has everything I've ever wanted, great!
It's free to anyone who currently owns the War of the Chosen expansion and anyone who buys War of the Chosen up until "12:59pm Eastern Standard Time on 3rd December 2018" (16:59 UTC) will also get it for free which is fantastic.
If you don't own XCOM 2 you can find it on Humble Store, Steam and the Feral Store. If you don't own War of the Chosen it's also on Humble Store, Steam and the Feral store.
XCOM 2 is also currently having a few days on Steam where you can play it for free.
I may have some thoughts up another day, it's currently downloading.
On my setup, it crashes while showing the XCOM splash screen no matter what I do. The options dialog box is working. Even the Feral support is at loss. In their defense: I use a non-supported distribution (Arch).
Exception thrown:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1536436120)
free(): invalid next size (fast)
XCOM2: dumped to "<DUMP_FILE>"
XCOM2: crash reporter "<STEAM_PATH>/steam/steamapps/common/XCOM 2/bin/feral_linux_crash_reporter" launching
Game crashed, if possible email [[email protected]] with the crash file [<DUMP_FILE>] and details
Game removed: AppID XXXXXX "", ProcID XXXXX
Things I already tried:
- loading via steam-native & steam-runtime
- verify game file integrity
- run in window mode
- changing the resolution
- unchecking "always show this dialog box"
- using various LD_LIBRARY_PATH combinations, including from steam-runtime and [GOL](
Setup: RX 580 @ Mesa 18.2, Arch x64, Xfce4
Does anyone perhaps know the problem and have a possible solution? Thanks in advance!
I really wish I could get XCOM 2 up and running since I loved the XCOM:EW.
On my setup, it crashes while showing the XCOM splash screen no matter what I do. The options dialog box is working. Even the Feral support is at loss. In their defense: I use a non-supported distribution (Arch).
Exception thrown:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1536436120)
free(): invalid next size (fast)
XCOM2: dumped to "<DUMP_FILE>"
XCOM2: crash reporter "<STEAM_PATH>/steam/steamapps/common/XCOM 2/bin/feral_linux_crash_reporter" launching
Game crashed, if possible email [[email protected]] with the crash file [<DUMP_FILE>] and details
Game removed: AppID XXXXXX "", ProcID XXXXX
Things I already tried:
- loading via steam-native & steam-runtime
- verify game file integrity
- run in window mode
- changing the resolution
- unchecking "always show this dialog box"
- using various LD_LIBRARY_PATH combinations, including from steam-runtime and [GOL](
Setup: RX 580 @ Mesa 18.2, Arch x64, Xfce4
Does anyone perhaps know the problem and have a possible solution? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried to set launch options to:
LD_PRELOAD="" %command% --system-asound ?
If not click right mouse button on XCOM 2 in the library, select properities from context menu, in the dialog click "set launch options" and paste the line above.
Edit: where to use that command.
Last edited by nocri on 9 Oct 2018 at 7:01 pm UTC
I really wish I could get XCOM 2 up and running since I loved the XCOM:EW.
On my setup, it crashes while showing the XCOM splash screen no matter what I do. The options dialog box is working. Even the Feral support is at loss. In their defense: I use a non-supported distribution (Arch).
Exception thrown:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1536436120)
free(): invalid next size (fast)
XCOM2: dumped to "<DUMP_FILE>"
XCOM2: crash reporter "<STEAM_PATH>/steam/steamapps/common/XCOM 2/bin/feral_linux_crash_reporter" launching
Game crashed, if possible email [[email protected]] with the crash file [<DUMP_FILE>] and details
Game removed: AppID XXXXXX "", ProcID XXXXX
Things I already tried:
- loading via steam-native & steam-runtime
- verify game file integrity
- run in window mode
- changing the resolution
- unchecking "always show this dialog box"
- using various LD_LIBRARY_PATH combinations, including from steam-runtime and [GOL](
Setup: RX 580 @ Mesa 18.2, Arch x64, Xfce4
Does anyone perhaps know the problem and have a possible solution? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried to set launch options to:
LD_PRELOAD="" %command% --system-asound ?
If not click right mouse button on XCOM 2 in the library, select properities from context menu, in the dialog click "set launch options" and paste the line above.
Edit: where to use that command.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it! I've already tried various launch options including yours :-) Unfortunately it's still crashing.
I really wish I could get XCOM 2 up and running since I loved the XCOM:EW.
On my setup, it crashes while showing the XCOM splash screen no matter what I do. The options dialog box is working. Even the Feral support is at loss. In their defense: I use a non-supported distribution (Arch).
Exception thrown:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1536436120)
free(): invalid next size (fast)
XCOM2: dumped to "<DUMP_FILE>"
XCOM2: crash reporter "<STEAM_PATH>/steam/steamapps/common/XCOM 2/bin/feral_linux_crash_reporter" launching
Game crashed, if possible email [[email protected]] with the crash file [<DUMP_FILE>] and details
Game removed: AppID XXXXXX "", ProcID XXXXX
Things I already tried:
- loading via steam-native & steam-runtime
- verify game file integrity
- run in window mode
- changing the resolution
- unchecking "always show this dialog box"
- using various LD_LIBRARY_PATH combinations, including from steam-runtime and [GOL](
Setup: RX 580 @ Mesa 18.2, Arch x64, Xfce4
Does anyone perhaps know the problem and have a possible solution? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried to set launch options to:
LD_PRELOAD="" %command% --system-asound ?
If not click right mouse button on XCOM 2 in the library, select properities from context menu, in the dialog click "set launch options" and paste the line above.
Edit: where to use that command.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it! I've already tried various launch options including yours :-) Unfortunately it's still crashing.
You can try to strace it -- maybe it is relativly simple library problem.
Install strace "pacman -S strace"
and set command to:
strace %command% &> ./strace.log
and look at the final lines of the log for which library caused error.
How about you create a forum post and post the link here, not to derail the conversation completely? ;)
It would be nice to have the ldd output. have you tried bypassing the Feral launcher completely (maybe renaming executables, for instance). And creating a new user on your system to run it? (or maybe just setting $HOME to something else, and unsetting any env variable).
Although if it's a free() error, it might be a problem anywhere in the executable, so quite hard to debug, and related to your configuration, so even harder. I would try to launch it with software GL, if possible at all, to eliminate driver issues. A backtrace would be nice to have as well.
Seriously I don't know why some devs think it's acceptable to make us wait a year or two for a Linux version to appear, and then they complain if it doesn't sell well. That we're a smaller platform doesn't mean that we want to play outdated games any more than the Windows folks do. If you work with a porting house, is it really so much asked for to let them to port the game as soon as the Windows version is out? Feral doesn't need two years to port a game, and yet the few AAA ports we're getting usually launch with a substantial enough delay that I am sometimes wondering who's even still buying these games when they finally arrive on Linux. *looks at Rise of the Tomb Raider*
This "War of the Chosen" DLC is $45 ( £35 ) - For that same money, I could have 20 good games titles, from bundles.
Humble Overwhelmingly Positive Bundle 2 =
1. Wuppo
2. Simulacra
3. Subsurface Circular
4. Nuclear Throne
5. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
8. Opus Magnum
That's 8 titles for $15 (and potential to gain a $2 voucher, offsetting the cost).
Funnily enough, games are -cheaper- now than then were 20-25 years ago. As in absolutely cheaper, not just relatively. Also, back in the days, there were no "Steam sales" where you could pick up last year's games for half the price or less. If you don't insist on getting the newest game RIGHT NOW(TM), you are guaranteed to spend a lot less on games than back in the days.
I guess it comes down to a long hiatus between my original PC gaming (Doom, Ultima Underworld, Dune 2, Heretic, Quake, etc) and then I dabbled in some console (e.g. Dreamcast), and it is only recently (the last 4 or so years) that I've got back into PC gaming properly again.
For interest, I have just examined two older computer magazines, PC Format from 1994 and PC Zone from 2007, and had a look at the PC game prices listed in them.
1994 examples for our amusement:
Myst £29.99
Day of the Tentacle £19.99
Gabriel Knight £30.24
Rebel Assault £19.99
Theme Park £25.99
Dune 2 £22.99
Monkey Island 2 £21.99
Space Hulk £30.99
Factoring in inflation and cost of living since 1994, then your comment is accurate. I would still stick with my point that AAA titles are often ridiculously expensive, brand new.
Seriously I don't know why some devs think it's acceptable to make us wait a year or two for a Linux version to appear, and then they complain if it doesn't sell well. That we're a smaller platform doesn't mean that we want to play outdated games any more than the Windows folks do. If you work with a porting house, is it really so much asked for to let them to port the game as soon as the Windows version is out? Feral doesn't need two years to port a game, and yet the few AAA ports we're getting usually launch with a substantial enough delay that I am sometimes wondering who's even still buying these games when they finally arrive on Linux. *looks at Rise of the Tomb Raider*
Maybe it's an age thing but I have no incentive or excitement for having to have a game on release. Maybe there's peer pressure too when you're younger.
Personally I'm more than happy to wait that long for Rise of the Tomb Raider as it came with all the bug fixes and DLC ^_^ Seems ideal to me.
One thing that irritates me these days is the cost of "AAA" games. I'm not completely put off by a brand new AAA title costing $30 ( £20 ) , and then subsequent, brand new DLC costing half of that $15 ( £10 ). But for a game to cost $65+ ( £50+ ) new, and the DLC to cost $45 ( £35 ) new - Typical pricing. The world's gone mad!
This "War of the Chosen" DLC is $45 ( £35 ) - For that same money, I could have 20 good games titles, from bundles.
I'm not happy paying that much either. I will almost nearly always only buy on sale if it's that expensive to start with. The only one I did pay full price was the last Tomb Raider but as more of a "thank you" to Feral (direct from their site).
This is also directed at XCOM2 + War Of The Chosen. That's just too much for me. XCOM 2 is currently on sale on Steam, so I'll pick that up. Then it's a case of hoping War Of The Chosen is on sale before the deadline to get this expansion for free. If not I'll pick them both up at a later date when on sale.
Edit: WOTC is also on sale on Steam at 40% off but it's still too much for me right now at £20.99
Last edited by fabertawe on 10 Oct 2018 at 4:27 pm UTC
I really wish I could get XCOM 2 up and running since I loved the XCOM:EW.
On my setup, it crashes while showing the XCOM splash screen no matter what I do. The options dialog box is working. Even the Feral support is at loss. In their defense: I use a non-supported distribution (Arch).
Exception thrown:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1536436120)
free(): invalid next size (fast)
XCOM2: dumped to "<DUMP_FILE>"
XCOM2: crash reporter "<STEAM_PATH>/steam/steamapps/common/XCOM 2/bin/feral_linux_crash_reporter" launching
Game crashed, if possible email [[email protected]] with the crash file [<DUMP_FILE>] and details
Game removed: AppID XXXXXX "", ProcID XXXXX
Things I already tried:
- loading via steam-native & steam-runtime
- verify game file integrity
- run in window mode
- changing the resolution
- unchecking "always show this dialog box"
- using various LD_LIBRARY_PATH combinations, including from steam-runtime and [GOL](
Setup: RX 580 @ Mesa 18.2, Arch x64, Xfce4
Does anyone perhaps know the problem and have a possible solution? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried to set launch options to:
LD_PRELOAD="" %command% --system-asound ?
If not click right mouse button on XCOM 2 in the library, select properities from context menu, in the dialog click "set launch options" and paste the line above.
Edit: where to use that command.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it! I've already tried various launch options including yours :-) Unfortunately it's still crashing.
You can try to strace it -- maybe it is relativly simple library problem.
Install strace "pacman -S strace"
and set command to:
strace %command% &> ./strace.log
and look at the final lines of the log for which library caused error.
I wanted to say thanks to you and all other comments for your constructive suggestions. In the meantime I could fix my issue! ^_^
This is, what I've done to get XCOM2 running:
- Verify integrity of game files (again)
- Build and install latest Mesa 18.3 drivers from Git
- Install Feral Game Mode
- Run the game with following launch options:
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/ $HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" %command%
Best regards,
Last edited by ryad on 16 Oct 2018 at 7:24 pm UTC
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