Always happy to see more varied city builders come to Linux. Atmocity sounds unique, if a bit odd. The developer says you will be able to build without gravity restricting you.
From what I've seen, you can create some truly ridiculously and completely impossibly designed cities. It will have a campaign mode to play through as well as a free-play mode to build whatever you want. I mean, just look at this:
That's just a simple example of what you will apparently be able to do. In addition to not worrying about gravity, you will have to watch resources. You will need to produce the usual building materials, food and other such goods that a completely warped city might require.
I have to admit, as odd as it sounds it actually looks like it could be quite fun:

Direct Link
That's trailer is a couple months old now, but it seems to be the latest available on their official YouTube channel.
When asked about Linux support, the developer said to us that "The current plan is to support Linux. Support at EA-release is the goal, if not, at least shortly after. I'm hoping for beta-testers once I post the beta signup to ensure this goal can be met, :)".
- More than 100 different building types, ranging from lower class to upper class residences, from production facilities to universities.
- Campaign mode with 25 levels of differing difficulty and city sizes.
- A retro mode for those with a fear of heights. Build more conventional cities on the ground.
Find out more on the official site and Steam.
Hat tip to Tiedemann.
And yes, it looks like a weird game to begin with. Who wants to live in a zero gravity environment, anyway?
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