Another one?! Yes! Feral Interactive have begun teasing us once again with a new upcoming Linux and Mac port.
On their famous port radar, one they jokingly claim has a mind of it's own, is this new clue for Linux and Mac:
For those interested, here's a higher resolution picture:
They only just recently released Total War: WARHAMMER II, with Life is Strange 2 and Total War: THREE KINGDOMS and Shadow of the Tomb Raider all confirmed to be coming.
I know some of you groan about the teasers, but they're a good bit of fun in my book. They've seemingly started announcing titles quite a bit sooner than before too which is great.
What do you think it will be this time? So many announcements lately, this is fantastic to see. If it's HITMAN 2 or something more open-world, I'm completely sold. Shutup and take my money.
Ps. Apologies to any copyright holders on the image, couldn't find where it's from. Do get in touch if you're unhappy with us including it here…
I first thought of Darksiders but after reading you Vampyr or Batman could well be options. And I wanted to buy Vampyr for a long time now :)
Edit: If it's Darksiders, please bring the whole collection Feral <3
Last edited by Arehandoro on 29 Nov 2018 at 9:07 am UTC
Skyrim would have been interesting 5 years ago.Feral, cancel your Skyrim port, cRaZy-bisCuiT is not interested in it.
Feral, cancel your Skyrim port, cRaZy-bisCuiT is not interested in it.
Me neither! That's about half of the Linux croud...!
Me neither! That's about half of the Linux croud...!Naah. More like two thirds. Y'all know that there's only three people gaming on Linux.
Thanks Feral!!!
Last edited by Anorelsan on 29 Nov 2018 at 12:44 pm UTC
Dora the Explorer: Pegasus Adventure
You guys obviously have not watched much Dora the Explorer, where the phrase "Where are we going?" is sung in every episode. There's one episode in particular that features a pegasus. Therefore they're obviously working on an original IP:
Dora the Explorer: Pegasus Adventure
I'd like an [original IP based on this](, though. It's the first thing that I'm reminded of, when I hear 'Pegasus'.
The game below actually takes place in GlasgowIt does? Cool! (Goes to look at screenshots.)
Hmph. That doesn't look like the Glasgow I've lived in for the last 40-odd years. The “train station” (sheesh) seems to be French for some reason, and the countryside looks like a weird mix of Yorkshire and Switzerland. With American roadsigns. On a quick image search, the only picture that seems even vaguely right is one of the background images from the title screen, and on closer examination I think it's actually supposed to be Manhattan. Or maybe not. At this point, I have no idea.
I know I'm kind of hijacking the thread here, but this kind of thing happens too often. Seriously, how hard is it to make a game's environment actually look at least broadly like the place you're setting it in? I mean, don't get me wrong: I know it is pretty hard, and you don't necessarily have to use actual real-life locations, but at least try to make them plausible. If you don't have the budget to visit the place, use StreetView or something to get a feel for the architecture. What's the point of setting it in a particular place if it doesn't look right? You might as well make one up.
Last edited by Dunc on 29 Nov 2018 at 6:20 pm UTC
- Darksiders III: Don't know a lot of this one, but seems to be plausible based on the rooftop mural thematic
- DIRT 2: Fits with the phrase but I'm not sure how it relates with the Pegasus and the son of Poseidon (by the way, nice finding silentprocyon!)
- Bioshock 1 or 2: doubt is this one as they have been already ported to OSX
- AC Odyssey: fits for the Pegasus and Greek character over it
- Skyrim: Quite probable if it wasn't for Fallout 76 disaster
- Hitman 2: Has sense due to old partnership of Feral but I'm not sure how it relates with the clue...
- Shadow of War: same as Hitman 2... or maybe a little better related if you say that the Pegasus looks like a Caragor
- Batman [a-zA-z]*: already have OSX port
- Cyberpunk 2077: Could be but it would be the first game to published on GoG if so. Probably this last thing makes it no plausible as Feral like to have their own store (something that won't be possible with GoG)
Maybe the clue it's not about the mural or the phrase but with the location... just saying.
Definitely A Hat in Time or one of the LEGO games this time.
They have already ported the Lego games to OSX so that's not it.
- Batman [a-zA-z]*: already have OSX port
[Batman: Arkham Knight]( is Windows only on Steam. Given that they pulled out of doing the port before it seems unlikely, unless they think they can make a better job of it now Vulkan/Metal is an option.
i hope its a fighting game[Them's Fightin' Herds]( maybe?

- Batman [a-zA-z]*: already have OSX port
[Batman: Arkham Knight]( is Windows only on Steam. Given that they pulled out of doing the port before it seems unlikely, unless they think they can make a better job of it now Vulkan/Metal is an option.
the problem wasnt the API. arkham knight was very buggy. they even took it down and re-released it
the PS4 asylum remastered version for PC also would be an option. 10 years after release
Last edited by mylka on 30 Nov 2018 at 7:50 pm UTC
Which is good, methinks. Let them focus on new games - and announce earlier, so people don't buy games that work ok in Proton, but wait for ports. Because of that Hitman 2 is unlikely, as it reportedly works well with Proton.
With Proton, it makes less and less sense to port old games. So probably no Skyrim, no Batman Arkham Knight or other old games anymore.
saddly only arkham origins works OOTB. knight ist totally borked. for the linux community it would make more sense to port batman, than hitman 2, becuase hitman 2 works OOTB
but i think they make more money with hitman 2. and it should be easy to port, because it is nearly the same game as hitman 1
Hitman: Absolution would be nice. its also totally borked
Last edited by mylka on 30 Nov 2018 at 10:20 pm UTC
saddly only arkham origins works OOTB. knight ist totally borked.Arkham Knight works in Wine Staging. I think it will run in Proton after its future updates.
saddly only arkham origins works OOTB. knight ist totally borked.Arkham Knight works in Wine Staging. I think it will run in Proton after its future updates.
that would be nice
saddly only arkham origins works OOTB. knight ist totally borked. for the linux community it would make more sense to port batman, than hitman 2, becuase hitman 2 works OOTB
but i think they make more money with hitman 2. and it should be easy to port, because it is nearly the same game as hitman 1
Hitman: Absolution would be nice. its also totally borked
True, but the key thing is money: Proton raises the bar. For games like Hitman 2 it's either 0 day release (or shortly afterwards) or the risk of missing the boat, if many Linux gamers bought the game thanks to good enough Proton performance.
Well, another thought: if there is a Linux native port in the works, would original publisher intentionally break Proton compatibility to keep feasibility of the port?
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