Since Steam has relaxed their content policy lately, Meltys Quest has not only become fully uncensored it also now has a Linux version so you can go about and do the naughty.
Meltys Quest is about the journey our protagonist, Princess Meltys takes to restore her kingdom. Meltys is a girl who has fooled around all her life, not giving a hoot about anything but herself. But one day the Grolido Monster Empire invades her country, destroys her home, and kidnaps her three sisters. With no castle and no one else to call for help, Meltys decides,
"Well, I'll like somehow fix everything!"
Please warmly watch over Meltys and guide her on this light-hearted, sometimes comical, and sometimes serious, but always erotic, quest to rescue her family and restore her kingdom.
The Linux version actually arrived back in September, although we missed it since it's not really the type of game I tend to follow. Only three days before this, the developer put up a patch that removed censoring with no external mods needed so you can see cartoon sex in all it's, uh, glory? It features, you guessed it—sex. A lot of sex too, so much sex I can't believe how many times the word sex will be in this article.
Far too many jokes have entered my head after seeing the above.
Have a look at the official "feature" list to see what I mean:
- Over 60 sex scenes with over 80 different wide screen CGs for a total of over 800 CGs!
- Over 20 costumes for Meltys to dress up in!
- Multiple endings!
- New Game Plus!
- Plot!
- Plots!
I'm not quite sure, but I think the game has sex and possibly a plot somewhere. Hilariously, I had a look over some of the user "reviews" and one of them certainly caught my attention with "too much gameplay between the sex".
Find it on Steam.
I'm only covering this as it was emailed in, it's really not my cup.
Ok, this has me wondering about another thing: I want to limit certain games for viewing by others on my game list...
There will always be people that judge you for certain games you own...
MAybe copy the contents out of the steam folder and try running it without steam.
Think you can make your profile private and hide the game but don;t quote me on that. I think Valve can hide/remove a game if you really do not want it .
There will always be people that judge you for certain games you own...You can always set your game list to private. Also I highly doubt anybody cares as much as you imagine they would.
This game makes HuniePop (even with the uncensored patch) look like an E for Everyone game in comparison.
It is. However, it's probably only E for Everyone in Europe.
Speaking of which, now that I think about it, since when did rpgmaker games have linux support? I'm pretty sure they didn't back when this game was made at least... hmm..
Latest one RPG Maker VX Ace has export to Linux.
I have it but have not gotten around to playing with it ,
There is also EasyRPG that tries to make an engine to play them and it can be compiled on Linux.
I don't think RPG Maker VX Ace has support for anything other than Windows, unless they recently(ish) added such functionality.
RPG Maker MV (which came out ~3 years ago) has support for exporting to multiple platforms (like Linux), though.
I like breasts as much as the next heterosexual guy (or homosexual girl), but why must they be bigger than the character's head?
I think every single organism on earth like breasts. Homosexual girl, homosexual boy, heterosexual girl, heterosexual boy, trans, bi.
Speaking of which, now that I think about it, since when did rpgmaker games have linux support? I'm pretty sure they didn't back when this game was made at least... hmm..
Latest one RPG Maker VX Ace has export to Linux.
I have it but have not gotten around to playing with it ,
There is also EasyRPG that tries to make an engine to play them and it can be compiled on Linux.
I don't think RPG Maker VX Ace has support for anything other than Windows, unless they recently(ish) added such functionality.
RPG Maker MV (which came out ~3 years ago) has support for exporting to multiple platforms (like Linux), though.
You're right
I mixed up the two.
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