Slay the Spire, a mix of a card-based strategy game with a roguelike has now added in the final content and my love of this game continues.
For those of you who are tough enough (or lucky enough) to last an entire run, there's now a special final act to go through past Act 3. I don't want to spoil any of the details though but it really sounds like it's worth giving it your best shot. They also added some more music tracks into the game to treat your ears, bug fixes and so on. The main thing is that the game now has a proper ending for each character.

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I haven't written anything about it for months now, since then it's gone through a lot of updates. It has gamepad support, although the Steam Controller is a bit messed up with it detecting the wrong buttons. They've added lots of new visual effects to various cards and attacks, which really helps the game feel a lot more alive. I'm quite a fan of how they've used effects in the game, as it makes what would be some bland sections like events come alive. They also recently revamped some of the audio and added in more ambient background tracks and so on. Since I last wrote about it in June, it feels like a massive difference.
There's so much to the game that I could probably go on and on and how it gets so much right. I honestly think it might actually be a contender for my top 5 favourite games and that's really saying something. The style is simply amazing, the creature design is fantastic and the enemies you face have some interesting abilities, being able to stock up on special relics to give you bonuses adds in an interesting gameplay element and so on.
Weirdly, fullscreen mode no longer works so I've been playing it in windowed mode. Other than that, I really do love it.
Pick it up from Humble Store and Steam, you won't be sorry it's absolutely worth picking up.
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