Valve have been quick to respond to feedback and issues with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive lately, especially with the Danger Zone Battle Royale mode. In the last week, it's had a few nice updates.
For those who were struggling to play it on AMD and Intel, Valve claim they have made a "significant performance improvement for users on AMD and Intel GPUs". Going by a few reports I've seen, it seems to be true. So if you did have issues, check again.
For Danger Zone specifically, they've made a lot of nice tweaks. There's a lot less waiting around, with the warm-up timer being reduced and the drop-in spawn-point selection timer has also been reduced. Together, they do make a lot of difference. The timers were a gripe of mine, so it's pleasing to see them adjusted. On top of that, matchmaking has also been improved to reduce waiting time even more.
If you were struggling to find loot, Valve improved that too. You can now find more Shotgun, SMG, and Pistol crates as you explore.
As mentioned in my thoughts post, the blast radius on the C4 is quite large. It created some hilarious moments, so now when arming it on a safe the game will warn you if you're still going to get hit by it.
Additionally, the winter special stuff is back. Chickens have their festive kit out, you can throw snowballs in certain modes and there's holiday borders back for the freeze-frame.
As a reminder, all of CS:GO is now free to play. Find it on Steam.
Note: If Danger Zone crashes for you when deploying, see if setting Shader Detail to Medium (Video Settings, scroll down a little under Advanced Video) helps. There's a bug report open for it, with it working fine for myself and others when setting it to Medium.
Atm, I need to ait+tab at workaround... It works like 90% times.
Did they fix the early random start game crash ?Did you see this at the bottom of the article
Atm, I need to ait+tab at workaround... It works like 90% times.
Note: If Danger Zone crashes for you when deploying, see if setting Shader Detail to Medium (Video Settings, scroll down a little under Advanced Video) helps. There's a bug report open for it, with it working fine for myself and others when setting it to Medium.
If cs go is now free to play where is money i paid for the game then??
Valve got it.
More seriously:
You get/got a “Prime” status and earn some extra skins, as far as I've read.
Is it my fault or game fault??
Without knowing your hardware it's hard to say.
I'm eager to see the performance uplift on Mesa, I'll report back tonight.
Last edited by drlamb on 18 Dec 2018 at 1:02 pm UTC
If cs go is now free to play where is money i paid for the game then??
You got to play the game for a while in return while other people, who didn't pay for it, didn't get to play it.
Is it my fault or game fault??
Without knowing your hardware it's hard to say.
I'm eager to see the performance uplift on Mesa, I'll report back tonight.
this is specs

It should run okay the game cuz i played it on windows 10 before.
Did you check that the game is running with your Nvidia GPU a not with the integrated?
The deployment bug is still there, but it happens rather infrequently for me. Maybe 1/20 or less of the games crash and usually it happens after several rounds. A little bit annoying but not a big problem. I tend to get this at certain insertion points, but it may be just random.
An other annoying little bug is when I finally find that weapon/item that I had been looking for, but I am unable to pick it up. It happens like 1/100th of the times or so, so very infrequently, but still a bit annoying. It may be a map specific problem related only to certain locations, I don't know.
I hope that they will add more maps for variation in the not too distant future, because it starts to get repetitive to run around the same island by now.
Last edited by Bard on 18 Dec 2018 at 4:39 pm UTC
I hope they fix it soon.
Hmm, is that background from :)Is it my fault or game fault??
Without knowing your hardware it's hard to say.
I'm eager to see the performance uplift on Mesa, I'll report back tonight.
this is specs

It should run okay the game cuz i played it on windows 10 before.
I can confirm that my game crashes went away after setting my shader quality to Medium. The game does NOT look new, which stinks.
I do still get random crashes though, I attempted to set the shader quality to medium and I *believe* it still crashed so more testing is needed.
Can you snowball someone to death?!?Yup.
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