Here's a bit of a surprise that I didn't know was coming. Dead In Vinland, a survival management sim now has a Linux beta version. I have to say, it looks really good. Mixing in elements from lots of genres together to make a rather interesting brew.
DEAD IN VINLAND is a survival/management game, mixed with RPG and adventure elements, about a Viking family trying their best to survive on a mysterious island.
Exiled on a faraway and unknown land, lead Eirik and his family on their quest to survive.
Manage their physical and mental health, explore the island, organize your camp and deal with other human beings. Some will help you, and some will be less... friendly.
Unveil the esoteric mysteries of Vinland. They could save your life… or lead you to your demise.
See some gameplay below:
Direct Link
It has exploration, turn-based combat, resource gathering, various difficulty modes to tailor the experience to you, RPG elements as you deal with character needs and skills and so on. It doesn't seem to fit into any specific genre, there's a lot to it. Might have to give this a go myself!
In their announcement post here they note that if you own a copy, you can switch to the beta branch on Steam to access a Linux build. Simply right click on the game, go to Properties and then to the Beta tab. Once there, find "Public Linux Test Branch" from the drop-down menu.
To pick up a copy, you can find it on Humble Store and Steam. It should hopefully come to GOG to when the Linux build is officially released.
Hat tip to qptain.
That sounds good, is this something they confirmed somewhere?
"It should hopefully come to GOG to when the Linux build is officially released."No, it's more what usually happens as Steam makes it easy for developers to have test builds up.
That sounds good, is this something they confirmed somewhere?
"It should hopefully come to GOG to when the Linux build is officially released."No, it's more what usually happens as Steam makes it easy for developers to have test builds up.
That sounds good, is this something they confirmed somewhere?
Okay, I was thinking the same. But then again there are plenty of games with Linux versions on Steam but not GOG. Let's hope that this is will not be one of those.
Last edited by Shmerl on 19 Dec 2018 at 1:20 am UTC
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