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Dating sims aren't something I'm usually into, however Monster Prom is actually funny and worth playing and it's now available on GOG.

I know we have a number of GOG fans here, so hopefully this will be interesting for you. As always, we try to treat all stores equally with release info.

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It doesn't take itself seriously, the writing is genuinely funny with some rather weird situations you will find yourself in and it works great on Linux.

There’s only 3 weeks left before prom and you haven’t got a date yet..and you’re a monster. But that’s okay ‘cause at your high-school everyone else is too! These are the stepping stones into the world of Monster Prom, a one-to-four player competitive dating sim that has you thinking: I never knew I was into that! 

Choose your own adventure and get all the way to your special monster’s heart before anyone else does, take personality quizzes to determine your stats, get into all kinds of funny and absurd situations to seduce your sweetheart and find out more about yourself than you or your friends ever knew. 

Play to your strengths to earn better rewards, discover and unlock items that boost your chances at your favourite fiend’s fondness and fight the good fight all in the name of the thing high-schoolers dream of: not going to the prom alone. 

You can see my previous thoughts on the game here, where I said it was a "ridiculous delight". I don't want to end up repeating myself, so yeah do check it out. It really is nothing like other such games!

Find it on GOG here.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Rooster Dec 13, 2018
To be honest, I was disappointed in this. It sounded like something that should by all means be my thing, but it just wasn't. After the 3th playthrough (one playthrough last max 1 hour) I noticed how little variety there really is. Also, everything seems to be quite random, meaning there is no certain way to go for each scenario.

A joke is funny the first time you hear it, but repeating it over and over just becomes tedious.
Alm888 Dec 13, 2018
Dating Sims are not Visual Novels.
Spoiler, click me
That's what I basically have to say as I am not into Dating Sims.
PublicNuisance Dec 13, 2018
I am not usually a fan of dating sim games but something about this looks enjoyable.
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